“IBS Nightmare” : Hi everyone, For as long as I... - IBS Network

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“IBS Nightmare”

CJ21 profile image
40 Replies

Hi everyone,

For as long as I can remember I’ve had troubles with my stomach, but recently for the past 6 months my “IBS” has been out of control.

I vomit nearly every day, I’m in pain constantly and have bursts of agonising shooting pains and burning sensations nearly every day and I’m just at my wits end! My blood tests are clear, every procedure I’ve had comes back clear!

I’m really in such an emotional place, I haven’t been able to work due to pain and vomiting and the fear of I might have an accident at work, not to mention the sleeess night I’m having!

Has anyone else gone through this or offer any advice? It just sometimes feels like such a lonely place!

Thank you.

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CJ21 profile image
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40 Replies
birdlover18 profile image

I’m so sorry you’re going through this ❤️ I was recently diagnosed with IBS. Although what I’m going through is not nearly what you’re dealing with, I do have severe nausea which I have on and off for days-weeks at a time which makes life so difficult, I can completely empathize with where you’re coming from— nausea alone ruins events and makes work challenging. Can’t imagine having to deal with actually throwing up. Since IBS, I get shooting pains as well, which are especially worsened by eating foods I used to love to eat everyday. I’m sure you’ve already tried or heard of homeopathic remedies, but in case you haven’t, peppermint oil helps with nausea and vomiting. One or two drops of 100%peppermint oil in a bottle of water 30 minutes before meals helps me. Best of luck to you!

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply tobirdlover18

Thank you so much! It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only one dealing with sickness as well but I’m sorry to hear you are going through it as well.

I’ve tried peppermint oil in the past and it does help a little thankfully! I’m eating soup every day and stock cubes in water just to try and keep something down!

Thank you for taking the time to reply, let me know if you need any help. Always here! ❤️

Kilgh profile image

Does "every procedure" include a gastric endoscopy to rule out an ulcer?

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toKilgh

Hey, I had an endoscopy a year or so a go but am booked in for another one soon!

I think stress is a factor although it’s never been this bad before if you know what I mean?

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toCJ21

One hundred percent! Exact same issue right now!

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toKilgh

It’s so frustrating that doctors just aren’t interested in helping us!

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toCJ21

Despite my clearing stating that this time round my anxiety is through the roof this time my GP didn't take it seriously, my Gastro didn't take it seriously. So I finally enlisted a Psychiatrist. He is taking it seriously.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toCJ21

My GP doesn't have more than 10 mins to devote to me and has no real understanding. There are no IBS specialists in this country (although one may be setting up but on the other side of the country from me) My Gastro treats me like I'm one of his healthier patients (and considering some of the very pathologically sick patients he has I might be in terms of I am not dying or having to face major surgery) and doesn't seem to think it a big deal. So I have to be my own advocate and have learned as much as possible about this condition and seek my own treatment plan.

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toKilgh

I just saw a specialist and he was quite understanding and wanted to help thankfully but everything is just so slow.

For instance last night I got around 2 hours sleep and today I feel awful I can barely get out of bed!

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toCJ21

Good to hear about the specialist at least. But, yes, you just want to get fixed NOW!

in reply toKilgh

Is that your kitty in the pic as he is handsome!

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply to

It is a pic of one of 3 feral kittens that my cat randomly adopted one day and I had to tame them up enough to capture them for a rescue group to finish the rehab and rehome. They took over my house for 2 weeks.

Kilgh profile image

You also might be like me at the moment. You may be letting your level of stress ramp up your symptoms. You might be in the dreaded IBS stress cycle. So don't be shy or ashamed to ask for some psychological care too. IBS and stress run on the same circuit. They can feed each other. So you need to work on both with either drug therapy or CBT or both.

Margie71 profile image

What you are going through sounds totally miserable. Can’t the Dr give you medication to try to help nausea and

vomiting such as Zofran?

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toMargie71


I’m on some anti sickness meds but it doesn’t really help, it only reduces the actual amount of vomit (sorry a bit gross).

Eternity78 profile image

does the shooting pain radiates to your back too ?? if yes , please ask to check your pancreas enzymes and some scans for your pancreas to rule out either acute or chronic Pancreatitis ..you might think you're dealing with ibs while in reality you're battling something else out there such as inflammation of pancreas " Pancreatitis " which doctors usually overlook and bring it down to " just IBS " Please Push your doctors for further investigation ..

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toEternity78

Thank you, yeah the pain radiates to my back a lot of the time but is mainly lower and down my sides but the pain does wrap around my back!

Thank you for the advice!

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toCJ21

Yes, that is a good point! If the pain goes into your back it really could be an organ issue.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toCJ21

Gallbladder worth a check too.

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toKilgh

Thank you for your advice. Really helpful! :)

Neil119 profile image

So sorry for you & others- I do colonic irrigation every day - now 5 years. So unhappy but we all must cary on for our loved ones 75 - NEIL

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toNeil119

It’s such a shame that this is what we are left with!

mjlitl13 profile image


Yes I went through 10 months of my own IBS nightmare but not with vomiting.

I had the belly pain, always felt like I had to go and many times diarrhea.

My doctors all said there was nothing physically wrong, that it was caused by stress and I needed to relax.

Since I suffer from anxiety and depression, I saw my shrink about it after trying meditation and others kinds of ways to relax, and she put me on a mood stabilizer.

It is called Abiiify and, within in days, my symptoms started to dissipate!

I also felt less depressed, had more energy and motivation. FINALLY!

Have any of your doctors suggested your symptoms could be psychological?

Look into it if you haven't already.

It's been almost a year since my symptoms disappeared and, although VERY occasionally I get a bout of IBS, for the most part, I am doing MUCH better.

Good luck and please come back and let us know how you're doing.



CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply tomjlitl13


I have suggested that it could be stress or anxiety causing it but they don’t seem interested by anything I have to say unfortunately.

I think my symptoms have gotten worse because I am more stressed and I guess depressed because of the symptoms I’m experiencing.

Thank you for your help!

PennyIBSetc profile image

I know the same treatments do not work for everyone and that sometimes an IBS diagnosis masks something else but do ask your doctor about a low Fodmap diet. It isn't easy but I have to say it has changed my life. This is not to say that I don't have any problems but when I do they are so much less frequent and last for a much shorter time. I have also been able to work out how to use foods to offset the extremes of diarrhea and constipation. I am not surprised you are feeling emotional. IBS is exhausting, unpleasant and very unlikely to give rise to sympathy except from those closest to you. You are doing well simply by trying to find help (well that's what I tell myself :-))

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toPennyIBSetc

Thank you!

That really helps, I’m just so fed up of sitting on my sofa all day with a bowl hoping not to be sick! All the best to you! 😊

Audy profile image

Please do try Ginger Powder as it keeps my stomach under control and if you take it in a cup of tea its hot and gets to work right away,take about half a teaspoon to start with every time you have a hot drink then if by two days its working up it to a teaspoon see how you go.?

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toAudy

Thank you! I’ve not tried to ginger powder but it sounds like a good idea!

Thank you for taking the time!

Fruitandnutcase profile image

Gosh, I was like that a couple of weeks ago. I had a really awful bout if IBS - C. Really painful, felt like someone had grabbed my innards and was wringing them out like an old dishcloth. Incredible painful. Felt sick as a dog and SO tired and ill all I wanted was either to be soaking in a hot bath or lying in bed. I felt as if I could barely walk, my gut hurt, my hips hurt, the tops of my legs hurt and my lower back hurt.

I cut out coffee and tea - even decaf, I stuck to water - well I say I pretty much cut out food, it was more that I just couldn’t eat because my gut felt so bad.

I started taking Buscopan regularly throughout the day then doubled up not quite to 2 tablets four times a day but more than the 1 tablet 3 times a day and I’ve realised this week that it has all settled down. Hope you feel better soon. It’s no joke!

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toFruitandnutcase

I absolutely know what you mean! My stomach feels awful and constantly in pain and spend most days in bed because I can barely walk because of the pain!

I find buscopan helps but not for long periods unfortunately!

Thank you for sharing your experience

Mazer profile image

Are you taking any ppi anti acid meds? Also if you're throwing up domperidone is usually prescribed which helps the stomach empty quicker.

CJ21 profile image

I’m taking Metaclopromide, Colofac and various supplements.

I used to be on domperidone but they won’t perscribe me it!

Kk1987 profile image

I’ve had ibs for 13 years. Are you male or female? (Can’t see on here) I have just had a horrible case the same as yours for 14days. Some of the pain was only in my right side and I am having further tests for ovarian cysts and for IBD. Have you changed your diet or got more stressed recently? My anxiety gets bad when my ibs flares so I really feel for you!!

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toKk1987

Hello and happy holidays!

I am female, oh bless you, it’s horrible isn’t it?! I just don’t feel like myself at all and with the sickness every day it’s even more challenging.

Have you had any results back at all?

I haven’t changed a thing and it’s just gotten worse and worse, I’ve been being sick every day for about 6 months and my gp isn’t that interested.

Thank you

Kk1987 profile image
Kk1987 in reply toCJ21

Is there no blood in your sick? Vomiting for more that two weeks they should be investigating! Can you not go private? Have you done an allergy test? Groupon have them, you never know may be something that’s just come on. Mine was triggered by tomato’s after eating them normally just changed one day! Where are you based?

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toKk1987

There is blood in my sick sometimes but it’s dry.

Had an allergy test and I am allergic to wheat and dairy which I cut out straight away but still haven’t improved very much.

I’m booked in for an endoscopy and a colonoscopy but it’s just taking so long.

Wow tomato! How strange! Did it ease your symptoms after you stopped eating them?

I’m in the UK :).

Kk1987 profile image
Kk1987 in reply toCJ21

Hello, I went private for my colonoscopy and scans (not that the times made much difference as they close for Christmas) but if you can do both. I was able to see a gastroenterologist in two days. The app Babylon is gps on video appointments. It’s costs £25 but they sent me a referal letter within 10minutes.

Tomato’s have strong acid in them like onions so I cute them out and it seems to have worked. Saying that though I’ve been up this morning with a bad tummy.

Is there an even smaller ingredient you’re allergic too like a sugar?

I know it sucks so much having ibs. But I find talking helps as sometimes you feel like no one gets it. My dads always said it just a belly ache 😖....erm no!!

Let me know how you’re feeling today!

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toKk1987

Oh wow that’s interesting to know! I’m just trying to get through to my GP now!

I’ve ordered something called a York test so I’m going to do that and see if any other allergies come up on the list!

Sorry to hear you have had a bad tummy this morning, I too have been up for a while being in real pain around my stomach ( it feels like my insides are going to fall out) and I was sick multiple times yesterday!

I hope you feel a bit better later on!

Benno85 profile image

Iv had ibs for many years now so no that when its bad it can steal parts of ur daily life but keep trying to find the triggers. For me any spice or high fibre food triggers my ibs, as well as alchol and high amounts of caffeine. Buscopan is brilliant for releaving spasms and can be given in strong doses through your gp. I also take 20 imodium a day to control my toilet issues but i STRONGLY RECOMMEND you dont start on a high dose of immodium. For me the immodium gave me my life back, i now work for hours on end in open enviroments with no toilet worries but now have to deal with opioid withdrawal when i stop taking the tablets which is HELL ON EARTH. Gps dont realise that high doses of immodium can cause you to have major withdrawal sysptoms. Similar to pain killer addiction so please be careful. On a more bright note my cousin has got rid of her ibs completely through an american docotor. She like myself got ibs from high levels of antibiotics to cure food poisoning. The funny thing is this is also part of her cure. Her treatment was a 3 month course of very strong antibiotics to remove all bacteria from her stomach and at the same time she started a very high level of good stomach bacteria tablets that she taken for 12 months. After this NO more ibs!!!! I am not saying it can work for everyone but i am currently in the process of trying to this on the nhs for myself to see if it can fix my ibs. This is something that may be an option for yourself if nothing else works. For me it makes sense that re balancing your stomachs bacteria levels can improve or even remove ibs so good luck and i hope this info at least one person :) if it works for me i will definitely post the results :)

CJ21 profile image
CJ21 in reply toBenno85

Thank you! Worth a go! Best of luck to you!

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