Is this gastritis???: Hello, I'm new to this... - IBS Network

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Is this gastritis???

Marc787 profile image
17 Replies

Hello, I'm new to this group. I caught (1st time) covid 19 this past Christmas 2023. It took me 3 weeks to recover. On the tail end I notice I pretty much lost my appetite then my symptoms upper middle abdomen area (diaphragm) daily bloating, fullness, dull pain, nausea, no appetite, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, fatigue, dizziness. Being up right, walking, moving around makes my symptoms more & any kind physical lifting makes it more worse to the point, I have to stop & lay down until all symptoms subsides. This has be going for 3 months now since my covid. I even get these mini spasms in my gut area, that causes my heartbeat to do a pause/skip, not a good feeling. This is debilitating that is making me scared. People tell it will probably take months to years to go away. I'm making an appointment with my regular Doctor first, later to my natural functional medicine Doctor. I'm afraid going down that road of doing many tests, specialists, medicines because I did all that with my anxiety. Greatly appreciate any feedback & information. 😪

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Marc787 profile image
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17 Replies
Dh19 profile image

Hi Marc

David here in the UK. From what you describe these symptoms are reflective of gastritis. I have been suffering the same for the last two months, nausea etc, with pain in centre / left upper abdomen into back etc. Had similar three years ago, had all tests CT, Endoscopy, Colonoscopy etc all normal but spotted mild chronic gastritis. I’ve a good GP back here in the UK so just had another CT scan and colonoscopy next week but he has said he isn’t expecting anything serious. I know it’s difficult to deal with and your mind wanders into all sorts of serious condition but in reality it’s probably something which is easily treated. I would always recommend you check things out with your GP but try not to overly worry. I hope this helps you. Best wishes.

Marc787 profile image
Marc787 in reply to Dh19

Thank you for your response 🙏

Marc787 profile image
Marc787 in reply to Dh19

Best wishes to you too🙏

Luisa22 profile image

I had gastritis twice as a teenager -once at age 12, and again age 18. There were no long winded tests in those days. The first time was diagnosed very quickly by our "family doctor" after a half hour consultation (remember such things once upon a time?) and stomach palpation.

I was simply put on a bland diet I had to stick to and which I did religiously. It took a couple of months but I remember being better by Christmas. The second time I had a barium meal test, and that was actually fine and easy to do. My only complaint was I was starving for hours before it.

Diet again, plus some soothing kind of pale brown lozenge-like tablets to suck on which were fairly pleasant tasting. No idea what they were made from but they helped.

But most of your symptoms I do remember from my gastritis. Particularly a low ache and bloated upper stomach feeling and a feeling of fullness. like I'd swallowed a big rock. Sometimes even though I was hungry as normal, the awful ache came on after eating, but usually eased up later.

I don't remember dizziness though. But dizziness and exhaustion can come from simply "getting over Covid". I know, because it took me about 8 weeks or maybe more, to recover in 2012. I felt well, but just wiped out.

I realised Covid needs "convalescence".

Heart skipping beats. I get that, and just learned to live with it. I had a doctor listen to my heart and she said it sounded very good and healthy. She told me also that a 1 or 2 second pause was benign and could be caused by stress, caffeine, tiredness, missing a bit of sleep, umpteen things. It was when the heart paused for longer than 2 seconds, there could be a problem. So check that.

But hey, anyway, don't take what I say for gospel. I think you should get everything checked out well with your doctors.

Marc787 profile image
Marc787 in reply to Luisa22

Thanks for your response. Starting on a bland foods too. 👍

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to Marc787

I hope you will pick up and start to feel a bit better soon.

I remember things about the diet I was on. I just remember I was allowed vegetables and some fruits but was advised that they should all be cooked. No salads. Some vegetables and fruits weren't allowed. I think the very high roughage ones, and the highly acidic ones like oranges, lemons, limes, etc . And no fruit skins or seeds. I think I was allowed bananas and peeled grapes and stewed pears, but I don't think apples (sorry I can't remember that.)

Plain carbs like potatoes boiled or mashed, pasta, rice etc were okay. I do remember I was told to eat white bread or white bread toast rather than wholemeal or grain bread. My mother baked very good healthy white bread though so I didn't eat the "plastic wrapped" breads we get nowadays.

I could have madeira or plain sponge cake, and the plainest boring biscuits! No chocolate.

All meats and fish and eggs were allowed but had to be cooked plain and not roasted and no meat skin (like chicken or turkey skin) I wasn't allowed nuts or anything considered "hard to digest" or rough for the stomach.

So fibre was allowed but not in big amounts.

I was allowed milk and yogurt but no cheese, I recall. I drank milk quite a lot in my teens.

I can't remember how my bowels acted at that time. Normal-ish I think. I never thought about bowel movements in those days!

Marc787 profile image
Marc787 in reply to Luisa22

Luisa22,thank you for sharing your lists of diet of foods. Yesterday I ate a salad then 2 hours later, I felt the most bloating pains ever in my upper abdomen in my life. These past months I was not seriously watching my diet. I agree, I'm only eating light foods white bread, plain crackers, bananas, cooked meat, fish, chicken, carrots, potatoes, warm tea. No mid to hard physical activities (lifting) at work. I just bought over the counter capsules omeprazole to see if it will lessen the acid in my stomach, mostly try to think more happy thoughts &not stress out to much. 😀👍

JulieB5200 profile image
JulieB5200 in reply to Marc787

Hi Marc, I suffer with gastritis which feels just horrible and uncomfortable.Like a knawing pain under my left ribs and so much bloating and discomfort like Luisa said feels like I have swallowed a rock! I also get a lot of burning sensation across my upper abdomen. I have been prescribed omeprazole to reduce the acid which does work.However because I have ibs constipation too,these pill’s definitely seem to worsen that problem 🙈.So atm I’m trying to cope without them and take antacids to cope with the symptoms.Anxiety and stress 💯 make these symptoms worse though. I have to stick to a very bland diet and can only tolerate bananas and blueberries regards to eating fruit.As for having covid I’m no expert on that. I had it for 17 days back in January this year and it did take me a good few weeks to feel better.So try not to panic,I’m sure you’ll be fine. I think just knowing what is causing our symptoms helps to ease them once the fear has gone.Hope you feel better soon x

Marc787 profile image
Marc787 in reply to JulieB5200

Hi JulieB5200, Yes, same here anxiety & stress makes it definitely worst & I deal with that daily at work, home etc. Hope we all get through this. 👍

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to Marc787

Sorry you got the worst bloating and stomach ache after that salad.

Yes, it might be best to stay away from salads or undercooked veggies until your stomach starts to heal. You could steam veg. I just do mine in a pan with very little water, and then very low simmer. I cut the veg small, sprinkle a little bit of salt and done that way it's tender and ready in 5-10 minutes.

You can steam watercress, which I sometimes do just for the last 4 minutes on top of other veg, and I have heard of people cooking lettuce! But I never tried that. I never cooked cucumber either.

Tried steamed radishes once. They tasted nice but upset my gut the next morning.

Other things which can help soothe the stomach are: Slippery Elm, Marshmallow root tea, Gentian, steamed nettle tops are gentle on tummies if you can find them where no one walks doggies who might pee on them, and the field hasn't been sprayed. Wash well, goes without saying.

xjrs profile image

You might want to see if there are any Long COVID clinics in your area and get a referral. Hopefully, they'll have specialists in different areas, who might be able to help with your various symptoms, since the knowledge in this area is increasing.

Marc787 profile image
Marc787 in reply to xjrs

Thanks, I will probably go see my natural functional medicine Dr. I'm so over seeing my regular internal medicine Dr. 💊 👎

xjrs profile image
xjrs in reply to Marc787

That's up to you. However, I had a very poor experience of functional medicine practitioners. You may find this an interesting read:

Cavalierrubie profile image

They are the symptoms of gastritis. It could be after effects of Covid, but l have been the same since my booster vaccination in November 23. I am waiting to see Gastroenterologist. I just wondered if there is a connection here. Did you have your vaccination before Covid? I take Omeprazole, so you are correct in that, as l have hiatus hernia. Gastritis can take a few weeks to go away. Your diet is good but have rye or brown bread. No salad.

Marc787 profile image
Marc787 in reply to Cavalierrubie

Yes, I only got 2 vaccinated shots back in Aug. of 2020 not by my choice, it was mandated by work. It put me in a crazy tailspin. I remember 4 days later I had vestibular issues for 6 months. I'm not taking any shot ever again. I believe I'm those people that got post symptoms after those shot & getting covid 19, because I've never experienced vestibular issues or gastritis like this ever in my life. Thank you for your responds. 👍

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Marc787

Yes, l agree with you. I am not ever having anymore of Covid vaccines. I have been ill for months and back and forwards to AE. The previous vaccine May 23. I had ear ache and ear problems all summer. I think this is Covid related with you too. They would never admit it, but we know our own bodies. There is such a thing as long Covid vaccine syndrome. Hope you soon be better.

LFHell profile image

Covid can cause gut issues ..

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