I have slow transit bowel since my 20's ( now over 60) with several impactions over the years. Since September I have been to A&E on three occasions and xrays confirmed loaded bowel which I just dont seem to have cleared after various suggested doses of laxido etc.
Laxido actually makes me very ill hate the stuff but last week in so much pain GP advised high dose again to clear my bowel to give me some relief until specialist appointment in March.
I have had 19 satchets over 7 days and yes gone loads , very uncomfortable unable to leave the house ( which hasnt helped as chipped my front tooth and also in pain with this but cant attend a dentist until toilet business subsided ) but have absolutely no idea if I have cleared my bowel or not .
Ive gone through this three times now and at my lowest ebb just dont seem to have a life any more and dont know what to do