I have been diagnosed with Gastritis, not sure which kind yet as I have not been tested. I am experiencing my second gastritis flare up and it is by far, worse than the first. I am going to my primary physician this week to see about testing for reasons for my symptoms. I am wondering if anyone on this forum has experienced ringing ears, nausea, heart palpitations, lightheadedness, and occasionally feeling faint, and also great fluctuations in blood pressure. I am taking my blood pressure in the morning and before bed time. It can range from 169/85 to 80/70. I have sent these results to my physician and have not received any real answers, he advises to take Metropolol to lower the high pressure, which I have been on for years and years. Now I am not taking it at all for the past 3 months unless it's over 150. I take occasional meds for nausea and sometimes it just does not help enough. I am really watching my diet. I also have IBD so my fiber intake is limited but I do try. Please comment. Thank you.
Gastritis Symptoms: I have been diagnosed with... - IBS Network
Gastritis Symptoms

Hi there. I suffer from esophagus erosion problems which is due to acid reflux. If the acid comes right up my esophagus it makes me cough with mucus and gives me heart palpitations. In the past I have taken ppi's and H2 blockers to control the acid. You might want to check if you are food intolerant to some foods. Could be wheat, corn, dairy you could keep a food diary to compare different days and what you ate. I would ask the doctor if he could refer you to have a camera down your throat to see what's going on. It sounds scary but do not worry. Its over very quick and I always have a mild sedation with numbing throat spray. Ask for both. They may offer you a ppi. I found for me Lansoprozole was ok but Omeprazole made me ill in other ways. Also I'm better with an h2 blocker but again you might be suited to different makes. I still take them now and then if I've overdone the wheat and get pain in my stomach and reflux. Always wean yourself slowly of the meds when you feel better otherwise it will come back. Gaviscon ADVANCE was and still is a big help too. It can be a long journey to getting better. Anxiety can also play its part and could be making you feel dizzy. Wishing you well soon.
Hello. Thanks for your reply. I am on Protonix right now and was on Pepcid 40mg 2X daily. Not sure which one works better but I only have 2 Protonix left then I guess it's back to the pepcid. I have a blood pressure reading of 89/65 this morning. No one can be stable on their feet with this low reading. I haven't taken blood pressure meds in over 3 months unless it reads high, then I take only one. I used to take 2 kinds of meds twice a day and now none. I have a doctors appt. on Thursday and hope to address these issues. It's not much fun having blood pressure drop this low. It's dangerous and can cause fainting, which I have almost done. And yes, anxiety can be very difficult to manage when health issues plague someone. UGH!
Good morning. Thanks for your reply. My blood pressure reading was 89/65 this morning so I'm certain that I should not take a medication that lowers my blood pressure. This is what was happening before I began to monitor the BP 2X each day. On top of having gastritis, it becomes a bit much to manage but I keep plugging away and trying to find things that work. I have a doctor appt. on Thursday so hopefully I can get tests ordered to get a clearer picture of what is going on with my health issues.
All of the yes. Can be simple gastritis or GERD or a combination. Get it checked out. It all happened to me like that and everyone treated me like I was insane. Thousands of dollars later it just seems like silent GERD for me.
I can only say I believe you as my health is poor and I know that there is very little I can do . I have palpitations gastritis need little amounts of food often regular baths and showers to nasal bathe and wash my mouth out a lot and ai know that this is how it's going to be until forever n re