Hello everyone hope you’re all ok x well we’re do I start . I have had. 2 lots of antibiotics rifamixin for my SIBO x Still having terrible symptoms pain bloated nausea still the same. To be honest I’m taking digestive enzymes and Pepcin which the consultant told to take, I really thought I’d have some improvement. Went to gp out of hours last week and they said I had gastritis which is a raw stomach lining. Anyway at my wits end again just waiting for another appointment for gastroenterologist but don’t know how long. Please any advice I’m on low fod map diet for months now and still terrible symptoms thank you Amber x
My awful SIBO still sick : Hello everyone hope... - IBS Network
My awful SIBO still sick

So sorry to read that Rifaximin didn't help you. Shouldn't you be referred to a hospital so they can take a look in you stomach before a diagnosis is made or will it be done when you have your next appointment with the gastroenterologist? Don't have any advice for the moment but maybe you can find some useful information on the forum.
Nexium for gastritis, and Bimuno to help rebuild colonic bacteria. Do not eat for at least 4 hours between meals. Three meals a day only.
You might want to try Slipper Elm powder which soothes and rebuilds the stomach lining? Also with two lots of anti biotics, a course of probiotics would help.
Can’t give advice. Can understand your at your wits end. I was diagnosed with gastritis after a colonoscopy. I suggest you stay on FODMAP and keep record of symptoms food and emotions particularly. Worry is bound to upset gut and I do know how scary and painful an upset gut lining is, so can become a vicious circle. I can suggest things I’ve found helpful. Eating small regular meals. Getting emotional support ....know that’s not easy. Keeping IBS network diary over a long period to help identify stress and food triggers.I use turmeric and ginger in diet quite a bit, and take supplements of it, as it has been found to help inflammation. I also use asteofida - often suggested in FODMAP as can give a onion taste. I fry a tiny amount in coconut oil, with turmeric and black pepper with small amount of finely diced celery to use in place of onion in pasta sauces etc. Asteofida is also known to help relive stress.
I also take probiotics, but I wouldn’t think it would be helpful whilst taking antibiotics, not sure about that but worth checking with medical professionals. I use oregano a lot in cooking too as know that has helpful properties. (I’ve also used supplements Permatrol by Biocare and Slippery elm plus, (that can help calm inflamed guts) all these things I looked up as much information on as possible as GP and medical professionals have no knowledge of. I’ve been using them for some time and rarely suffer digestive pain and bloating now, as know my triggers and what and how much I can eat. I also don’t drink any alcohol or sugary drinks. Keep sugar to a minimum as rather be well.
I find walking in nature, gardening and yoga help me too. I know it can be overwhelming knowing where to start or get support, it can take time.
Hope you feel better soon. Best wishes R.
Hi I can see one of your replies is from Stuart24 - I followed his advice from a different post he made & I am feeling sooo well - I haven't felt this good since March 2020. I also had SIBO, lost 3 stone, hitting a wall with my GP's & feeling utterly unwell but fortunately for me I've responded well to the antibiotics but I still feel it's down to Stuart24's post that I'm recovering. I take Holland & Barrett multi digestive enzyme with Betaine HCL plus oil of oregano. I also take vitamin d & a slow release iron/b vitamin capsule (Feroglobin) plus I fast for 5 hours between meals. I saw results after a week. Here's hoping you get sorted 😊
hi there, how/where did you get your test for sibo, are u in UK?
Yes in uk - I paid private for a Gastroscopy - as we were in lockdown NHS were not carrying them out - felt so ill just had to move forward. 😊
Don't blame you. I just wondered how to get a sibo test. I've had problems for decades and have had numerous tests but no doctor has offered me a sibo test x
Hello yes I’m in uk . I ended up having to see a private gastroenterologist which costs me a fortune. The test was from the Functional gut clinic in London. Are you in the uk? X
Hi Oscar I'm going through the exact same do you feel well on the antibiotics? Rifaximin can be taken in low dose for a long period of time. Which I think is my next move I've tried out less antibiotics none work apart from strong vancomycin. I really hope you get relief soon it's strange as nausea is my worst symptom.tke care maria
Also maybe try neomycin it's a another antibiotic to treat sibo and works very well in combination with rifaximin.
Thank you for replying. I’ve had 2 lots of rifamixin tablets for hydrogen positive SIBO I thought the other antibiotics are for methane dominant SIBO?
I know it’s a horrible illness. Hope you get better too x amber
There are numerous antibiotics you can try with rifaximin. I would ask for another test I got my test a guys and St Thomas in London I know they are one of the few hospitals offering at the moment. Go back to your GP and ask for a referral and see whether the rifaximin has help bring down the numbers if not I would ask for another round of antibiotics if the levels are still high. My numbers at its highest was 134 so very high and I'm just starting treatment but I know they said about different antibiotics they can use metronidazole plus rifaximin.Just curious is your nausea very severe I have quite bad nausea and excess gas but don't actually vomit