can anyone tell me is a colonoscopy painful?
colonoscopy : can anyone tell me is a... - IBS Network

l am not one to ‘sugar coat things’ so l will be honest and tell you that ‘having a colonoscopy’ is unpleasant and a bit uncomfortable in my experience. You will be sedated so the experience will be easier for you. Take care and best of luck!
I have had more than I can even remember and not one of them was painful I have been sedated for all of them so I don’t remember anything from being sedated to waking up in recovery. The unpleasant part is doing the bowel prep that’s horrible moviprep is the best but there seems to be a shortage In parts of the uk so the last one I had a few months ago was picolax and that was the worst experience of my life. However do not worry about the actual colonoscopy as long as you have sedation it’s fine no worries at all and if people tell you different they either didn’t have sedation or didn’t have enough sedation as you should be out for the count during the procedure. Good luck xx
Well in my case,I obviously didn’t have enough sedation,because I found it very painful.
I think some people take to the sedation better than others because for me every time it’s been like having a general anaesthetic because I am totally out for the count and don’t remember a thing I’ve never had one that I could even remember being in the room for. If you ever need another one tell them that it can take a lot to knock you out as I always say that to be on the safe side. Sorry you had a bad experience xx
Hi Sunhorn23, I will honest with you. I wouldn't say it's painful but it's very uncomfortable, if I was you I would ask to either be put to sleep or be very sedated.Hope you get on ok and all goes well for you.
as others have said they’re not painful. I was offered gas and air or sedation, but I didn’t have anything. They gave me the gas and air to hold but I didn’t find it painful, even when I had biopsies taken. I don’t know if you’re male or female but for me it just felt like a bad period pain and no more painful than the cramps I had been getting anyway. I found the prep disgusting, mixed mine with orange squash
if you want an honest answer, I will never have another one, unless they put me to sleep, mine was stopped due to too much pain, twice . kept telling me they sedated me. When I told them they hadn’t. I have collapsed veins from chemo and I knew they hadn’t found a vein . Had a reaction to Moviprep. But picolax was much better.
I had one without sedation 5 years ago because I didn't bring someone to take me home (since you are drowsy from the sedation); the cramps were horrible and lasted the entire time. I will never go through one without sedation again! I just had another one with sedation this October; I was somewhat aware of what was going on and it was painless.
I've had a number without sedation just gas and air when it got a bit uncomfortable. The prep is worse than the colonoscopy.
I have had two colonoscopies, I have never found them painful just uncomfortable as others have said. I had gas and air plus sedation for both snd I was fine. The only issue I had with my second one which was more uncomfortable is that part of my bowel looped and went into spasm so needed iv buscopan but it wasn’t an issue. I even had several biopsies with both and never felt a thing. I agree with everyone the preparation is worse, I got a slight mild headache when I started the preparation on both occasions but it soon resolved on its own. I hope it all goes well for you and try not to worry to much about it you will be fine. It is quite a routine and regular procedure now a days which they are perfecting all the time. Take care of yourself
The prep beforehand is the awful bit. It will leave you weak and then you have to get to the hospital. Please please take the sedation offered to you, then it will be OK. If you even remember it.
I had to have 2 in a month early 2021 I found the prep stuff that they give you worse than the colonoscopies when you got poop problems as it is as you have to clear yourself so they can get a clear view as to what is going on in there as I felt that things were never going to stop and don't take any "IRON" tablets for at least 8/10 days before you have it done other wise you will get a false reading or test results in my case I had polyps removed both times as I got history with CANCER ( Breast) I also wore paper pants ( TENA ) just in case you know what I am trying to say I also took a extra pair if trousers Well I wish you well OK and take care and things maybe better in 2024 for you and all the other people on this website XXX ( hope that helps!!! )
Tena is the way to go
I have worn nothing else but TENA pants for the last 4 years ever since I had this awful IBS/Diverticular Disease ( SEXY they are not but needs must ) I try and shop online to find the slightly cheapest deals and the get delivered to my door as they vary on price and size I find the high waisted ones better than the low waisted ones as they tend to cut into my tummy where the pain is I bought myself leggings for Xmas as normal trousers useless also well I have now got cataracts and Age Macular Degeneration and constant noises in my head ( TITINUS ) also I think it's all the stress of this bowel bloody stuff going on with me I also got osteoarthritis/osteoperosis ( sorry about my spellings) following my Breast Cancer in 2018 The chemo/radio really messed me up ( Oh well never mind ) OK now fingers crossed as when I was going through that I had watch my eating ETC Sorry 4 going on
I just wish you well 4 The New Year and all the other people on this site Thank you and look after yourself xx
Yes it is uncomfortable even with sedation but not unbearable. This is because the scope has to go round bends and that is when for a short time it is uncomfortable. That said, I have had 3 now over the years and so long as you ensure you have the maximum sedation allowed you will be fine. Remember, the people doing these, perform many hundreds so they are experienced, plus the nurses will put you at ease... for many, the prep is the worst part so make sure you take a 'chaser' drink like Lucozade to have a few mouthfuls of alongside your prep and put ice in the prep and ideally light coloured squash too!
hi Sunhorn, just thought I’d add my experience as I was not prepared for the almost out of body blinding pain I felt! I was not expecting any problems so initially refused pain relief but was advised to at least have a cannulae put in a vein just in case which I agreed to. It started well, no pain I was interested and watching the camera then the technician had difficulty as my colon he found was very long and twisted and I almost lost consciousness! They were fortunately able to administer pain relief and after some time continued. I could then cooperate to turn over on the bed so the endoscope could pass. Anyway i have not written this to frighten you but to be aware that you don’t know what they might encounter and gas and air may not be enough, I was very thankful that I’d agreed to the cannulae insertion so they could use it quickly if necessary. My experience could have been exceptional but better to be prepared.
I’m sure it will go well, it’s a very good investigation to have to rule out and also see differences ( like mine ) .take biopsies and give factual info to the gastroenterologist. Very best wishes. M
Just out of interest - which country are you in? I hear different stories depending on USA and UK! I’m in the UK and went privately and received IV Midazolam and Fentanyl - however I did wake up during it and felt some severe cramping but nothing terrible. It seems odd to me that often people in the USA are totally sedated for the whole procedure it so why don’t they do this for everyone? I could have done without waking up! I’d be sure to mention this to your provider.
Moviprep wasn’t so bad - my trick is putting it in a cup with a straw like a Stanley cup. This seemed to make it much easier to take!
In the UK they only use minimal sedation (I am UK based too, unless you go private where they will administer more sedation). In the US they administer max sedation so everyone barely knows the procedure is being done. The NHS need to get their act together more on this one!
3 or 4 times. No problems with any of them. I was knocked out though.
No problems with prep either. I actually sort of enjoy getting cleared out (I've got chronic IBS-C). I've actually taken it on its own to clear my bowels.
I have had two and neither of them can I say were painful, or even uncomfortable. It is a means to an end-sorry for the pun, so it is something which is necessary, so with that an any other procedure I have had-(including injections into my eye each month)- it's what the alternative might be without it! You will be offered a mild sedation, and you won't remember a thing. A bit of mindfulness and meditation before and will stand you in good stead too-try and relax, it's over in about 10 minutes or so. Good luck.

I had one several years ago. It was very unpleasant and uncomfortable, I wasn't sedated and completely aware of everything going on at the time. The nurse and a sister were great, but I wouldn't like to go through another one. Good luck with it. I wasn't offered any sedation either.
I started mine without any sedation and it was the sorest thing I’ve ever experienced. They gave me fentanyl and I didn’t feel a thing after that.
Have had a colonoscopy and it wasnt bad. Didnt have sedation and its over in a few minutes. It can be a little uncomfortable but that is about it. On a light hearted side, i was pumped up with air which causes a bit of cramping afterwards - clearly, the nurses wont let you go until that has evacuated so some farting was required. My wife had one also as part of the routine testing and again, she said it was fine.
I found the day before worse than the actual procedure, the emptying meds were terrible. On the day before tablet and two drinks, and I just lay on the bed upstairs near the toilet. The following day I was given pain relief and gas and air. The fact that my colon was empty I think it was less uncomfortable.
For me the worst of it was the prep. I had Moviprep and mixed it with Lucozade and ice. The actual colonoscopy went ok. I had sedation and pain killer and watched it on a screen. Everyone’s pain freshhold is different. It wasn’t painful for me but a little uncomfortable. The bloating afterwards was more painful.
Hi. I'm in the UK and recently had sedation . I'll be honest and say unlike some reports on here being out of it. I was fully aware and awake, I couldn't do the gas n air as I have a partial facial paralysis I had a few rough moments and they topped the meds up for which I was grateful. A previous one I had both sedation and gas n air. The preparation is the worst bit as many will agree . I had kleenvue this time and results were reported as fair whereas picolax reported as good . Just relax best u can its over in about 30 to 40 mins . Good luck
I had two colonoscopy, last one over a year ago, i dont like taking any sort of drugs so both colonoscopy i chose to do them with no drugs, i felt little discomfort and occasional little pain and coped really well. Nothing to be afraid of even without drugs.
I also have some IBS and I want to add that when i get tummy cramps they are worse than a colonoscopy.
I was offered Fentanyl on the NHS (Kingston Hospital) and it was great. There was a bit of shoving around a corner but I was well sedated. I would definitely ask for sedation. The good news is that the colonoscopy itself doesn’t take too long. I found the prep stuff quite painful as it burned. It’s all in a good cause though. Better to know what’s going on. Good luck 🤞
Well, I’ve had one and as others have said, I was ‘out’, didn’t feel a thing… but apparently I was screaming in agony while it was being done. It was affecting my Ibs apparently badly. This I was told by my doctor after the event. He told me the drug they use does put you under but not as under as a full anaesthetic like for a major op. He said they can talk to you and you will answer / respond while ‘under’, it’s like a truth drug.. we had a laugh about that ! So that was me… my wife however, had one and she was fully awake and in agony…. She is actually due another on Thursday and she told them when making the appt that she wouldn’t do it unless she was ‘out’. Because of that they had to rearrange the appt… so… I would suggest you ask first what they are planning. They may well work differently around the country.
I for one wouldn’t have it without the anaesthetic.
I hope it goes ok for you .
I had one recently, which unfortunately could not be completed as it was too painful. I was supposed to be sedated but it did not work. I guess I was just unlucky.