For an extended period, I've been grappling with the challenge of loose stools, often accompanied by substantial bright red bleeding, despite this not meeting the definition of diarrhea. This issue has persisted for several years. However, during a stay in Nepal last year, my home country, I experienced a remarkable disappearance of these problems, despite maintaining a consistent diet inclusive of greens, gluten, dairy, and fast foods.
During my time in Nepal, an intriguing shift occurred in my bowel habits. I noticed a significant change wherein I passed hard, well-formed stools without any accompanying bleeding, a stark contrast to my experiences in the UK. Astonishingly, upon returning to the UK, the problems promptly resurfaced.
This observation solidifies the connection between the bleeding and the loose stools, as I encountered no such issues while in Nepal, my home country. It's worth noting that I underwent an endoscopy in 2017, which returned normal results.
I'm motivated to unravel the underlying differences between the UK and Nepal that seem to trigger these loose stools specifically within the UK setting. I'm considering seeking medical advice to explore whether specific tests, such as blood tests to assess vitamin levels or other diagnostic examinations, could provide insights into the root cause of these gastrointestinal issues.