I have ibs for over 20 years. Mainly C but in recent years its alternating between C and D. I sometimes get an overwhelming tiredness out of the blue which is very awkward. I just have to lie down wherever i happen to be. It usually happens when im constipated. Has anyone else experienced this? I've had every 'oscopy' possible done through the years and all ok. This tiredness does'nt happen often but its soo horrible. Any help would be much appreciated x
Overwhelming tiredness!!: I have ibs for over 2... - IBS Network
Overwhelming tiredness!!

I get the fatigue too, but usually after a bowel movement (I have IBS-C). I've heard that explained as having something to do with the vagus nerve.
My tiredness somehow appears to get better after a bowel movement, strange how this condition varies in everyone. It is very life altering and so unpredictable. At this stage, im used to it but no day is ever really the same as we all know. Many thanks for your reply Winfong
My fatigue is constant to a point I can fall asleep while talking on the phone to someone. Bowel movements and going to bed don't resolve the issue sadly but it's something I just live with xx
If my tummy is not good (50% of the time) I feel very fatigued. My gut seems to rule my life.
I have issues with the vagus nerve during flare ups and in between, I sometimes wake up in the night feeling faint and nauseous like a wave coming over me (happens occasionally during the day as well)and the exhaustion is real I sleep a lot when i have a flare up
Out of interest have you been checked for thyroid issues?
Im the same, I get the overwhelming tiredness a day or so before the flare up starts, also the dry mouth and lips in spite of drinking water. Once the flare up is over, can be 1, 2 days or more, the tiredness goes. Also lower backache comes with it and terrible anxiety and depression, I'm sick of it all but have to live with it, there seems no other option but to just do your best.
It might be good to go for a blood test and get your iron levels checked?
I can also get a lot of tiredness with my IBS. That comes and goes. But sometimes I have days when I do feel good energy throughout the day.
Another thing I do often get though is an uncontrollable desire to sleep a couple of hours after dinner. I don't go to bed, as it's way too early and I don't want to get in bed still full of dinner. But it can feel like I've been drugged. If I'm watching a film or something I almost always lose about 40 minutes of it and have to rewind. That can come and go too. Weirdly I feel better energy when I am slightly constipated, and more tired when looser.
I had my blood checked a few times and it's always normal for everything including blood glucose.
My lower back aches and I often feel weary on a walk nowadays too, after the first mile. I never got that all my life.
But yes, I often feel "old" and tired relating to IBS.
I don't know what it is. Maybe the body desires more rest because all isn't well with the way the body (gut) is working? Anything that goes even a bit wrong with the body seems to take a lot of energy away.
Hi Luisa,I have two monthly vitamin B12 injections n my bloods are checked regularly. Im on meds for blood pressure due to heart attack 3 yrs ago. But these tiredness issues started way back when i developed ibs so not new to me. Like you i get days with great energy and then im back down again. Ive also started getting back and knee pain on and off. I will be 70 in a couple of months and ive always been active so im guessing its possibly an age thing, im loathe to say!! I try n keep a positve mental attitude but sometimes its not that easy when ibs strikes, i just stay indoors n rest, knowing it will pass, but it does have a horrible effect on all our lives. Wishing you the very best Luisa n many thanks for your input. Great to have people who understands our plight.
I see, so your blood is monitored well, so it's hardly going to be B12 deficiency or anemia! Or anything else, as they'll check everything I imagine.
But yes, I started to feel more tired when the IBS came. I am still doing quite well for just over 70, and like you I am an active person too. So I am better than some people of 50!
But I know the weariness I feel sometimes is connected with IBS.
I have wondered it it's dehydration? Technically I am not dehydrated as I have plenty of fluids per day, but it could be related to electrolytes perhaps? I drink mineral water, eat foods with just a small amount of salt, and the foods I eat have a lot of potassium and other nutrients. But once I did have a blood test which showed some electrolyte imbalance which is something that can happen with IBS (especially IBS D I think.) That was just after a flare up which lasted 2 or 3 days and many foods I hadn't been able to eat, though I still drank the mineral water.