Hi all , justvwant reassureance before i start bothering the gps, i usually have IBS d , and a flair might last a few days or so ,but this time its C and quite painful it started last Saturday , and on Sunday i took a Dulalux ,which helped , but its now Wednesday ,and i still feel sore and still havnt been naturally,i took another Dulalux last nightvwhich again gave me a bm, but still feel washed out and have a sore tummy ,as insaid i dont normally have C so thought i would ask if this sounds about right to those who do , Thanks Fernsmum xxx
Does this sound right ?: Hi all , justvwant... - IBS Network
Does this sound right ?

That sounds pretty normal to me. BTW, there is a form of IBS that alternates between C and D. Used to have, but I'm just C these days.
IBS can change. It can go away for a while, change from C to D and vice versa. It's worse than the bloody weather.
You could have IBS-M (or "A") IBS mixed or alternating. I have a mild version of it too. I usually have a bit of a thing with too-soft stool (not always diarrhea), which can suddenly shift to absolute normal for ages, then come back again for no obvious reason. But occasionally I get constipation. I'm lucky because it only lasts a couple of days. Mine is usually sorted with some of my favourite foods which lessens the horribleness of the C as it's a treat for me to be able to eat those. (veggies, lentils, chickpeas, things with skins on for once, etc)
And sometimes a glycerin suppository. I haven't yet had to go as far as taking a laxative so mine must be mild.
But what I'm saying is it's common for one kind of IBS to change into another, and alternate.
A sore feeling is kind of par for the course I think with the C, and everything going with it. But if there's bad pain, really bad, get in touch if you can with the doc or 111 etc.
Hi Luisa 22, Thanks for your yeah I've now got a semblance of normal and just a sort of general sore tummy sofingers crossed
This is one of the ways in which IBS causes so much anxiety - suddenly getting new symptoms to panic us! I hate it! I have IBS C and then out of the blue I will have a terrible bout of D which leaves me drained. The symptoms change often and that convinces me I have something awful! I take a sachet of Movicol every night - no matter what dietary/exercise changes I make, nothing else works. It never used to be as bad as it is now.
Hello again, I think your right about the changes , for me mines got worse as I've aged I'm 69 now ,and it seems in general everyone says the same thing ,oh well grin and bear it ,or as my mum used to say all these things are sent to try us , but she never said what for !!!lol , anyway wish you well take care
HI Fernsmum,
I hope you're feeling a little better now. With Ibs anything can happen at any time. You can't be complacent and think this is my type of Ibs, or even 2 types. It can change or develop into something else. Or you can acquire another bowel related issue in addition to Ibs. You can't guarantee that you'll have a certain type of bowel movement on a certain day at a certain time after a certain meal either. This blasted illness has driven me crazy for decades and there's no point trying to analyse it because even consultants get it wrong. Almost everything affects the damned thing. You can't try to fool yourself that you're not stressed, upset or angry. Just be open and honest with your gp and always tell them about bowel changes. Sorry to sound like a misery guts but im just being honest. Please let us know how you get on. All the best 😍
Hi Evonne 02,Thanks for your reply , I know your right in all you say ,which is why I annoying myself when I all but panic ,but as you rightly say we can't change it so best put a brave face on and get on with it ,I will keep you posted ,but at the moment things don't seem too bad ,but I am going to speak to my gp on Monday, so I'll post and let you know what happens ,take care
I beg to differ. There's a lot we can do, whether through diet, exercise, meds, therapy ... What exactly that will constitute is pretty specific to each individual. I would recommend trying as many things as you can to find something that will work for you.
Now, it is important to realize that things may change, and that fortitude is a pretty important part of the equation as well. But I wouldn't recommend coping with just a stiff upper lip. Finally, there's nothing wrong with a good winge as well.