Does anyone have upper gastro stomach symptoms? I’m currently going through horrible heartburn, gurgling and nausea. Already take 10mg omeprazole a day and now they’ve upped it to 30mg. Still churning and nauseous! It’s the daily nausea that gets me down the most
upper GI symptoms : Does anyone have upper... - IBS Network
upper GI symptoms

Hi, I’m sorry you are going through this & I know exactly how you feel. I was having the same symptoms I was diagnosed with gastritis and was put on ppis. Have you had a endoscopy? Or any other tests?
Yep! Going through this at the mo. Finished my Omeprazole 3 weeks ago the burning pains has abated but have been replaced by churning tum and I can burp for England, mucus throat. This is going to sound weird to fellow IBS sufferers but I prefer my lower tract probs rather than these upper tract, it's making me feel very insecure and anxious. Pharmacist says go back to GP so that's what I a going to do if I can get an appointment.
Yes, Linley, the devil you know is always better than the devil you don't. Hope you feel better soon.
I 100% get that. I'm used to all the lower ab rubbish but this is scary. I'm complicated in that I had oesophageal thrush 20 years ago diagnosed by gastroscopy - in the 80's and 90's. I was given 13 courses of antibiotics in one year, in the mid 80's by a GP who doled them out like smarties - for irritable bladder, despite no infection ever being found. I swear that allowed the candida to colonise. This time I've been having upper GI problems for 3 months, extreme nausea, sore, hot stomach, churning and burping. GP has double my usual omeprazole dose which hasn't helped much at all. I had amoxicillin in the middle of all this for a sinus infection and since then it's dialled up 100000. Yesterday, my GP added 50mg fluconazole to the 40mg omeprazole based on my past diagnoses of thrush! They will do everything they can not to send me for a scope.
yeh, I have this problem as well. It started soon after I got over COVID last year. Dr. examined me. She could see anything definite. I was put on Lazanpenole (I think) PPI drug. It worked wonder at that time. After course was finished these symptoms cane back. Got a repeat prescription and was fine. Then, I’d take them every other day during the spring (as advised by dr.) all good still. I stopped the meds completely for the summer. After a few weeks symptoms cane back. Started back on in September. I got welcome relief for a while but now, they don’t to be doing any good. On my patient record of when I first reported these symptoms, the doctor wrote “could this be GORD?”
I had an abdominal ultrasound, it didn’t find anything concerning my upper gastric track.
It’s horrible, the nausea feeling, the tightness in my upper track, mild psin from time to time. I’m just monitoring things for now. Not too keen to go back to doctors just so they increase my dosage!
You hav my sympathies and it’s awful you should have to deal with it.
Drink plenty of water.
Yes I have also developed upper tract problems. The Gp told me what food to avoid, I said I already do as it affects my IBS. It just seems unfair, that we have to cope with all this.
The trouble with omeprazole and similar is it lowers the acid in your stomach so food does not get broken down,and might start to ferment, which in itself is part of the issue.
Hi omeprazole stops acid production in the stomach and it can take at least a month on an increased dose to see full results.Do you feel like you have a lump in your throat which won't go away?
Is the nausea all day or just in the morning? Have you had any bloods done or any stool samples sent?
If no stool sent, ask about h.pylori testing which us due to a bacterial infection. Once they've tested that they should be able to refer for a scope. You can ask about the rapid diagnostic service if your symptoms continue despite PPI and tests etc.
Nausea in the morning can be due to diabetes amongst other things. I've noticed with my probable ibs if I have alcohol the night prior (even 1 glass) I feel nauseated in the morning.
The gurgling noises are possibly because your guts overactive or if your bloated out with wind they sound louder as the guts becomes cavernous.
The mucous is probably waterbrash which is gastric secretions.
Are you on peppermint capsules as this can cause heargburn to worsen.
Also, try windeze or windsettlers. Simetocone is the active property in it, it reduces the surface tension of bubbles making the pop more easily reducing gas volume.
Hi, I would think they’d have you on something different than omeprazole for your condition. taking just 10mg made my mouth dry I’m thinking 30 is much but more effective if it’s to work. How’s your diet? Eat alkaline foods. Real fermented kombucha, beet kvass 4-5oz day. Yogurt so long as dairy doesn’t flare it up. Or there’s probiotic vegan yogurt,
I've been on a sub clinical dose of 10mg Losec daily for 20 years and this has kept my heartburn symptoms at bay very well. I've had several Gastroscopies over the years, and twice diagnosed with oesophageal monilia (thrush). No explanation for this - I am other than IBS, healthy. Treated with 14 days of Fluconazole successfully both times. I suspect this is the case this time - I've been increased to 30mg Losec a day now but it's the nausea that's debilitating. I eat Greek yogurt every day and have healthy diet. I'm not vegan and don't eat specific vegan products as many of them are ultra processed. The monilia thing has always been a puzzle except I was put on 13 different courses of antibiotics in one year for cystitis (and no infection ever found - the GP was known for doling them out like smarties) in the mid 80's which I reckon has led to IBS and colonisation of thrush but who knows...