Had enough 🤨: I've not posted on here for a... - IBS Network

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Had enough 🤨

Misspomfrey profile image
35 Replies

I've not posted on here for a while but I feel I have to let loose and apologies for ranting.Does anyone get the symptoms that I get and have had for years prior to an IBS flare up?

It can come on 1 to 2 days before the toilet business starts. It starts with not sleeping, headaches but not constantly, sweating, dry mouth and lips, lower back pain, bloating, pain in lower abdomen that moves about, wind, palpitations, depression, tiredness feeling generally rotten. I normally get all of these symptoms or if I get off light, I get just some of them. Then the following day, I'm on the toilet several times a day. Lately though, the last 3 weeks or so, I've been going to the toilet twice a day outside of the flare ups and the BMs start more or less normal, then change to long and narrow and it's as if everything has to clear out before I can feel ok again. I'm used to different shapes but this seems to be a consistent pattern lately.

I'm trying to think what changes I've made while this has been going on. I started to have a teaspoon of flaxseed on my porridge which I thought was doing good, but now not sure. Tomatoes, these seem to kick something off and Im wondering if it's the skins.

I'm really getting sick of it all, and I don't seem to go any length of time where I'm normal lately before it's back again.

I'd appreciate any suggestions or opinions and I know you've all got your own problems, but this is the only chance for me to talk about it. I wonder at times, is this really IBS??? Or is it cancer??? 😩 There's never any blood and I can't bring myself to go for a ton of tests, my nerves just won't stand it. I'm 66 and apart from this, I'm generally fit and healthy.

Take care and thank you for listening.

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Misspomfrey profile image
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35 Replies
winfong profile image

Rant away! If you can't rant here, then where can you?

You mentioned something that almost sounded like an aura before you have a bout of IBS. Couple of questions ... First, are you IBS-C? If so, are you constipated during those "1 to 2 days before the toilet business starts"? If so, this sounds a lot like just the normal crappy feelings that come with constipation.

As for the pattern of normal to ropey, how long does that pattern take? Over a single day, multiple days, longer? If multiple days, I've experienced something like that.

As for what brought it all on, I find it's sometimes so hard to tell. I know there are some definite foods to avoid, I find that stress and anxiety are much better predicters.

As for cancer, that seems to be a worry with a lot of IBS sufferers. And that's why I would recommend at the very least a colonoscopy. They might not be much fun, but they can definitely rule out cancer.

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to winfong

Hell Winfong

I would say normal to ropey is 1 to 2 days. I was always IBS C but over the last year, it seems to have changed to D. I assume it's D because when I get these bouts, I can be on the toilet several times a day before returning to anything like normal. But thinking about it, you could be right and it might be due to constipation building up over a few days. But how can this be if I have BMs every day? I don't understand it really, where does it all come from? 🥴

When I'm not anxious which isn't often, I get things into perspective and I think 🤔 if it were cancer, I wouldn't be still here because this has been going on for 15 years.

heartmatters1 profile image

Join the club 😫. What you describe sounds very much like my symptoms. I have suffered with constipation for most of my life & still do, but as I’ve got older I have started to experience impaction. A couple of years ago I was in so much discomfort, loads of bloating, wind etc. I didn’t think I was constipated, as I was passing watery motion. Turns out it was a blocked bowel & all that I was passing. Loads of laxatives sorted me out. But I now have to take laxatives everyday else I I am unable to go properly. Some days I feel like crap (pun intended!) can’t plan anything as never know when my bowels will respond, & until they do I have all your symptoms. GP put me on mild anxiety medication . It’s so depressing & frustrating. I feel your pain. Diet makes no difference I have tried everything.

I hope you find a solution soon

Best wishes Ally

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to heartmatters1

Thanks Ally, as much as this lot gets me down, I'm determined to find a solution. I know I'll never be normal, whatever normal is, I just want to enjoy my daily life and not be obsessed with toilet stuff all the time and worrying about every morsal I eat. Like you, I keep trying things.I do hope you can find some sort of solution too, take care

heartmatters1 profile image
heartmatters1 in reply to Misspomfrey

I know it takes over your life. I can remember my mother keep going on about her bowels & I told her to stop worrying so much about it - now I know why. She’s probably looking down & saying told you so 😅.

xjrs profile image

Do you keep a food diary? When you make any changes to your normal diet, it's best to do this one thing at a time until you are sure whether or not you can tolerate it. I know tomatoes are no good for me. Everyone's intolerances are different.

Also when I trial a new food, I start slow (with 1/4 - 1/3 of a normal portion size) for 2-3 days and then increment by another 1/4-1/3 for another 2-3 days. If not OK I cut back to the prior amount for longer. Sometimes your system can gradually get used to a food.

As you say, you may also be suffering from overflow diarrhoea. It depends on a 'normal' day what your poo is like - for instance small and hard or lumpy? Maybe not enough is getting out causing a degree of impaction?

If you need support with what you are doing, perhaps ask for a dietitian referral?

My condition has been pretty stable lately, but that is because I haven't made any changes to my diet. I do like to eat as many different foods as possible and will try to test new things every now and again. This is with the knowledge that my system can get upset from time to time. However, I'll take this risk to have a wider diet. Doing it in a controlled way by keeping a food diary, I know I can reject a food, stop eating it and my system returns to my normal. This way, you are controlling the IBS rather than it controlling you. I also choose when to do these tests i.e. when I know I haven't got much on. Everything with IBS is trial and error. It's like every day running your own scientific experiment.

GKT1969 profile image


I understand your frustration and anxiety. I suffer with similar symptoms. I feel constipated all of the time but also have close to 15 significant bowel movements a day. Your point about where does it all come from hits home. I say the same thing to my doctor, how can I have so many bowel movements, feel so constipated yet eat very little food, I have found that antidepressants help ease the constant pain but have not helped with the symptoms. I honestly do not know what to do. The GI doctors here in the states follow the same process and testing regime then basically give up. And I have seen over 10 of them. I am working with the IBS treatment center based in Seattle. They do listen and try to customize treatment based on specific symptoms. So far they have not helped but they have given me a glimmer of hope I might one day feel better and have a normal life. I wish you all the best and if I one day find a treatment that eases the constant discomfort I will let you know

Good luck

Fade2Grey profile image

Tinned chopped tomatoes is one of my triggers ruling out anything in a heavily tomato based sauce in particular Bolognaise/Ragu and others. Hope you get some help from the replies.

The flaxseed flagged up to me! Anything with insoluble fibre needs to be introduced slowly, so your body can adjust to it. Your body will use more water to deal with the flaxseed, as an experiment, put a teaspoon of seed into a jug and add some warm water and see what happens-that's what is happening inside!! My sister, during her last visit, made me porridge, and put in 1/2 teaspoon of chia seeds! Same thing as the flax-it took me three weeks to get back to anything like 'normal' for me! As someone else said, a food diary is invaluable when experimenting wit things! Good luck, and yes, you CAN be constipated and still go to the loo!

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to

I was thinking flaxseed too, I've only been having a flat teaspoon on my porridge when they recommend 2 tablespoons 😲 perhaps it's just not for me. Chia seeds however seem to be ok, Ive been using these for years. Well...it's not for the want of trying, I'll keep at it. Thanks

Superzob profile image
Superzob in reply to Misspomfrey

Coincidentally, yesterday someone suggested chia seeds to me as I find other seeds difficult to digest, resulting in urgent BMs. The Zoe programme, which I’m currently on, is very keen on adding seeds to meals in increase microbiome diversity, but it tends to irritate my gut. However, if you had IBS-C then I can see that it might work.

However, what you are describing seems to be more alternating or mixed IBS (IBS-M/A). I developed this after taking Alflorex for IBS-D; I don’t get proper diarrhoea now, but I do get urgency, even though the BMs can be quite hard. I decided that this was probably better than IBS-D, so I’ve continued with Alflorex, but I’m afraid I’ve had no success in finding a solution. The problem with trying to find “triggers” with IBS-M/A is what exactly are you looking to trigger: is it the IBS-D or the IBS-C component? I find the condition so unpredictable that I can’t relate any particular food to a particular bowel response. If there’s anyone out there with a solution, I’d be very pleased to hear it!

Do you soak the chia seeds first? Maybe try soaking the flax first as then the extra moisture will already be in place and won't deplete the fluid in your body-unless you compensate and drink lots of water with it! Otherwise if the chia seeds work , stick to what you know!

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to

No, I don't soak the Chia seeds but I do make the porridge with mostly water and skimmed milk and always have a glass of water after, I drink lots of water anyway. I was thinking of trying Psyllium Husk, ever tried it? It's soluble Fibre.

in reply to Misspomfrey

yes, they are all pretty much similar in effect, but always start sparingly! If your normal diet. contains fruit, pulses and veg, though, you may not need 'help' in that area very much! I always take a probiotic as well. I had a colonoscopy 18 months ago because of bloating and pain, and it was clear apart from diverticulosis, which is why I try and keep my fibre levels up and like you drink mainly water.

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to

Yes, I take a probiotic, couldn't be without it. I can eat 4 or 5 different fruits which I do each day but beans, pulses, lentils and all brassica vegetables are out. There's really only peas that I can get away with. Cheese is ok sparingly if it's lactose free. Fortunately, I can eat some seeds which is great. I'm glad your colonoscopys were clear, thanks for your replies x

DG1960 profile image

I am 63 and have had IBSD for at least 20 years. I have had 2 colonoscopies over the years and it was a relief when they came back clear. I also spoke to a dietician who suggested I didn't eat anything raw, so unfortunately no salad for me. I have also checked out low fodmap food. I kept a food diary for a long time which helped me to work out my food triggers. Over the years I have become sensitive to lactose so I don't have much dairy. If you haven't had any tests I would suggest you look into them, it may help.

I now take a digestive enzyme and probiotic in tablet form. It's not gone and I have flare ups when I'm stressed or eat the wrong thing and it does get me down at times. I hope some of my suggestions may help you and also perhaps to know that you are not alone. Sorry, long read, I know. I hope things improve.

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to DG1960

Thanks. I have learned most of my food triggers over these 15 or so years but still get caught out. It can eat food that I would normally eat, suddenly makes me ill. I have to be feeling ok in myself to eat some foods, its no good if I'm feeling anxious, you sort of get to know don't you. I always ate salad at one time, with most meals, now though I have to choose when to eat it carefully. Even then it's only a bit. We just have to keep trying I think x

DG1960 profile image

I never eat salad and would love to. Perhaps I shall eat it at home, so I'm close to the loo, haha. The digestive enzyme really helped me a lot, so perhaps you could try that. I really hope it settles down for you. I know how awful it can make you feel. Let me know if you find something that works for you, as I will try anything. Take care

FrostGyre profile image

Porridge isn't food. :) Seeds are not food. (Why do you say it's great that you can eat seeds?)

Do you want the simplest, but not the easiest, solution?

You won't like it. :)

Eat food. Cereal is not food. Bread is not food. Grains are not (human) food. Vegetables and fruit are barely food.

8 months ago you wrote: "I am fit for my age and do a lot of physical outdoor exercise. I haven't eaten meat for 40 years. I just feel these symptoms are coming on more regularly"

To me it's blindingly obvious. We are what we eat. You've not eaten meat for 40 years. You should be made out of (superior) meat, but you're made out of (inferior) "food". You've been stressing your body and denying what it needs to be healthy for 4 decades.

Eat meat (beef!), animal fat, salt. Drink water. You'll have to go through a transition period while your body makes the biological machinery to handle what you're designed to eat. It knows how to do it even after 40 years. We are made out of (complete-)amino acids (protein), fat and water. Not incomplete proteins; not sugar; not carbohydrates; not seeds. :)

That's it.

I'm doubting you will start eating meat, but if you do, the changes will be dramatic. If your body could cry, it would be soaked from head to toe with tears of joy and gratitude from the first bite of meaty goodness.

[And to all the vegans and vegetarians out there: no, it's not cruel to eat animals; it's only cruel if they're raised in factory farms]

Oh, and yes, take a magnesium supplement. Better to take it than not. Then you can stop with the seeds. :)

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to FrostGyre

Thank you for your comments.I've not eaten meat for over 40 years, that's correct, and my digestive problems only started 15 years ago I've no intentions of eating animals, I wouldn't eat my cat or dog!

There's absolutely nothing wrong with eating seeds, they are a very nutritious 'food' yes 'food', packed with iron, protein, magnesium, omega oils and more and humans would have eaten all these things long before they became carnivores.

Cereals, grains, oats are all good for us. Our system needs fruit and vegetables. Eating beef and other red meats can be a cause of bowel cancer. Whatever I've eaten or not eaten over the last 40 years couldn't have been that bad. I walk 20 + miles a week, climb mountains, cycle and swim, never been overweight and take no prescribed medications.

Anyone can get IBS no matter how they eat, it's just one of those things. Are you trying to tell me that some people who gnaw away at meat don't get it?

You enjoy your diet and Good Luck with it.😣

bungi1961 profile image

If you are worried that it could be Cancer has the Doctor offered you a FIT test? If not it would be worth asking for 1 I just did one and it came back OK and if you are able to get a Doctor's appointment that would be the 1st port of call to do and try to write as much as you can before you go about your problems as in my case I did try to do so as when your tummy is really bad it can be Mission Impossible to even try to go to the Doc's as you never really know what is going to come out of our bums and even though I wear paper pants every day (Tena ) it's still not very nice to be like this at all!!! Well I hope you can get some help with your Tummy problems ASAP So take care OK

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to bungi1961

Yes, I've recently had a FIT test which was clear as several others have been over the years along with blood tests, all normal. I'm sure it will settle down, it's always the same when it flares up, I start thinking it's something sinister.

Take care and I hope things improve for you x

binks profile image

One of the tricks of IBS is the way it changes symptoms. I swear it's just to worry us even more! I am 64 and will do anything to avoid tests - the thought makes me physically ill and the anxiety is unbearable. I'm getting a lot of what I can only describe as churning in my abdomen - usually at night. It's as though there's a small animal in there moving around. It makes me feel sick, and stops me sleeping. This started a couple of years ago - had IBS for 30 years but not like this! This week, I'm having issues with swallowing - because I'm thinking about it every time I eat. Honestly, I feel so annoyed with myself but symptom shifting seems to be a condition in itself. It goes happily in hand with IBS xx

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to binks

Aww, I really do feel for you. I'm like you, I'll do anything, to avoid preps, colonoscopy, and goodness knows what else, I just couldn't cope with it. The doctors over the years that is, have asked me if I want to go for a colonoscopy and I turn white! The thought of it makes me feel ill and I have a terrible phobia about being sick. Just waiting for the appointment and knowing it is looming would create all kinds of problems for me. I never sleep right at the best of times and if something like this is on my mind, my nerves just wouldn't stand it. I have to refuse point blank and I'm never offered an alternative, they just say colonoscopy is the only answer to find out if anything is amiss, which I find hard to believe this day and age. They can send men into space but they can't come up with a none invasive treatment to look inside the bowel, if there were such a test I would gladly have it done. I believe even with CT scans , the same prep procedure has to be undertaken 😔.I know this is easier said than done, but do try to think of other things that interest you so your mind is on something else. I keep busy all the time and walk whenever I can, bowels allowing that is, it really does help to have a nice walk in the fresh air. Take care in the knowledge that people on here are thinking of you, me included 🙂

binks profile image
binks in reply to Misspomfrey

Thank you. I had a colon scan 12 years ago which was nothing like as bad as I expected, and I've had gastroscopies in the past. My anxiety about tests has got worse as I've got older. Distraction is definitely the way to deal with this. I am much better when I'm at work than at home. x

Evonne02 profile image

Hi Misspomfrey, Unfortunately what you're going through is absolutely normal pre flare ups. You can look for and download the Ibs diet or speak to your Gp and request one. Almost anything is possible with Ibs, but you must report any changes to your Gp as soon as possible. One thing I do know is that the side effects of eating Flaxseed are bloating, wind and feeling sick. If you really like it, try incorporating a little into things like flapjacks, rather than adding it on its own to something. Please try not to get anxious and go to see your Gp or attend a walk in centre for help abd guidance. All the best 😍

sandybeach12066 profile image

I do get those sympoms yet my DRs are not really helping me . It takes so long to see a DR its maddening. I hope you get answers .

Karenjaninaz profile image

Have you had your thyroid checked? The symptoms you describe are not just IBS. It might be a glandular issue with you manifested with bowel problems or aggravating bowel problems . Retired nurse anesthetist.

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to Karenjaninaz

Thank you for your comments.Yes, I've had my thyroid checked many times along with other bloods, the last time being end june this year. I had quite a lot of bloods done and all were normal apart from Iron levels, which were within the normal range but steering towards the low end. Doctor said to try and get it up towards the higher end rather than the lower but still ok nevertheless.

pinosolady profile image

Hello, we all need a rant sometimes! I have found that I need to be very careful with tomatoes, if I leave the pips and liquid in the middle I always react badly. I think this is because it is acidic. I rarely eat fruit for the same reason and because I also have to limit fibre or I get terrible wind an cramps.

A thorough check up would be a good idea though, if only to put your mind at rest.

fodder4me profile image

I have flax seed meal on my porridge it may be more digestible. Tomatoes can be an irritant for some. Few years ago I had to cut them out as they really set me off. However I can now have possibly 3 thin slices in a sandwich. I cannot overdo tomato based pasta sauces either. Think too acidic, but who knows I get a bit overwhelmed by overthinking. Just try to stay calm and eat healthy simple meals. Good Luck Its really annoying when people do not understand what you are going through.

bungi1961 profile image

I am in the same boat as you as I have only had this problem for the last 3/4 years and think who am I to moan about it but now it's got to the stage that I dread even to try and go out even Doctors if I can see one!!! is Mission Impossible after waiting in a cue on the phone and trying to tell the receptionist about things as best as I can so I just stay indoors Prisoner/Hostage to the house/toilet as well as being in pain is CRAP all the time just thankful for online shopping and A Husband to go and get the few bits that I can't find online I had 2 colonoscopies in a month and polyps removed ( No Cancer ) that was after the 1st lock down then early this year had colon scan nothing showed up on them other than IBS/Diverticular Disease given diet sheet shoved out the door from the hospital and more or less get on with it!!! The same with Doc's give you tablets and the same get on with it They think that we got a degree in science about it all ourselves if we did we would not be like this well that's my rant about things SORRY as I know you have your own problems!!! take care x

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to bungi1961

You've been through a lot and it must be exhausting. It's awful trying to seek medical advise now so I don't bother, I try to keep away if I can. The way everything is now, it's more aggravation and causes more stress, I'm best dealing with things myself. Wishing you well.

DizzyDoll36 profile image
DizzyDoll36 in reply to Misspomfrey

Hi, I’ve been reading your posts and I do understand what you describe, my problems are similar. I don’t want any tests I hate the thought of them! I don’t eat meat but my family give me chicken sometimes when they cook for me but I’m not keen. I think my diet is good and varied so I’m fed up trying to figure out why I have Bowel problems! On top of that I get UTI’s often. Tried to get a GP appointment today but gave up while waiting in a queue on line to be told there was a high number of calls and they would ring me back - of course they didn’t! It would help if I could just have a physical examination but they just want to prescribe pills! Last visit I was given Lactulose but made no difference! I’m just going to stay in and count my blessings! 😂

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to DizzyDoll36

It's really frustrating isn't it? I know how you feel. For the last 3 or 4 days, I've been ok but I'm afraid to speak too soon. For a few weeks ive been adding a flat teaspoon of ground golden flaxseed to my porridge each morning and I think this could have been upsetting my bowels. Then a nice lady on here Evonne02 suggested I add it to Flapjacks instead, so it's not in its raw form. Well, I don't eat cakes or biscuits but I do bake my own bread, so I'm adding it to that along with a flat teaspoon of Psyllium Husk and a few other seeds I regularly add. So far, I've been feeling fine and having proper BMs. Just once a day instead of multiple times and not the same urgency. My guts feel a lot more settled. Time will tell, I will update after I've given it a reasonable length of time.

Take care and I hope you'll be feeling better soon.

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