There are some symptoms that completely matches with IBS, like- abdominal pain, extreme flatulence, constipation, stomach noises, always having the urge to move bowels. But doctors never could diagnose anything, told me that the body would cure itself since I'm young. I have done ultrasonography, endoscopy but the reports came up normal. I have been suffering from 5 years, and it's taking a toll on my mental health. I have been diagnosed with severe anxiety about a year ago, and I can barely go out anymore since everytime I go out, it always ends up in an embarrassing situation. I cannot even go to classes anymore. Can someone please give me tips on how to control it? I have seen probiotics might help, but can I take them without a prescription? Does it help? If somebody can share their experiences, it might be helpful for me.
I am not sure if I have IBS?: There are some... - IBS Network
I am not sure if I have IBS?

Same here, undiagnosed
IBS isn't really a "diagnosis".
IBS is what's left when doctors are convinced through tests they run, that there isn't any other thing wrong. So IBS is what's left when nothing else HAS been diagnosed.
If you've had all the tests going, and the doctor can't find anything wrong, there still might be a couple of things they haven't checked. What springs to mind is bile acid malabsorption, and microscopic colitis. Both those ideas might be worth running past your doctor.
Otherwise they say "you've got IBS", but it still isn't possible to literally diagnose IBS as there are no diagnostic markers for it,
And the only way of dealing with it is learning how to manage it. Sometimes IBS can just go away too. Maybe not forever but for a good length of time in some cases.
But management is the way through to a better way of life if possible.
Pro biotic can be bought over the counter. You don't need a prescription. Another thing worth looking into is the fodmap diet.
I had a bad flare up of IBS three years ago that just came out of the blue. After taking some advice off here I take one probiotic each morning along with two peppermint capsules and I have not suffered since. I buy mine from Holland and Barrett and use the Gut powered ultimate. They certainly have helped my gut health. There are many probiotics to choose from. Although expensive worth it. I also did gluten free and fodmap at first but am eating a normal diet again now. I just avoid garlic. I hope you can find a way of controlling your IBS too as I know how scary it can be.
how long did you stay on low fodmap diet? Im interested to hear you can eat fodmaps again.
In the first instance try a good probiotic like Alflorex which has been scientifically studied for IBS. Other people get on with Symprove. These can be bought online.
If you use the Search function to explore, there is so much information on this website you might find helpful, mostly in the form of responses to previous questions, people sharing their own experiences with IBS and how to manage it and in some cases cure it, their experiences iwth various treatments, and their experiences with other conditions that can produce similar symptoms to IBS.
Have considered an intolerance to a certain food? I had similar issues with eggs.
Probiotics seem to help me and also taking magnesium pills.
Have you seen a Doctor about your problem if not I would try and see one otherwise I would hate 2 give you any advice about it and when you try 2 see a Doctor try and write down as much as you can as when I do see a Doctor I am only given a 10 minute appointment and in my view that is sometimes not long enough 2 get things across 2 them so that is all I can offer you 4 now and sorry 4 not replying back 2 you sooner then perhaps you would know a little bit more OK and keep on pestering them if they give you tablets that doesn't help after a few weeks as they may!!! have 2 send you 2 hospital for further investigations??? and I wish you well