I have been diagnosed with slow colonic transit after having all the usual bowel investigations. I have been suffering suffering from chronic constipation for several years. I have been taking Prucalopride for almost a month but unfortunately it has made no difference. My consultant has recommended I try Biofeedback therapy. I'm not sure exactly what this procedure entails. Has anyone been had this treatment if so would be grateful for any advise on what it actually means.
Slow colonic transit : I have been diagnosed... - IBS Network
Slow colonic transit

I have been on the biofeedback route. I had a meeting to discuss various strategies such as sitting on the loo twenty minutes after breakfast as thats the natural time to go. Do not strain as that was counterproductive. That didn't make any difference whatsoever. I was given diet advice but my diet was already as they suggested. Advised to eat two kiwi fruits every day. Suggested how to sit on the loo with raised legs so as to squat. Suggested using suppositories. Get plenty of exercise. Drink plenty of water which I do anyway.
I was beyond disappointed. She made me feel like a half wit and spoke to me as though I was a child. The person running the one to one session was very young and totally inexperienced. She opened the discussion by suggesting I should consider going straight to having a colostomy bag or colonic irrigation daily. Listed all the different types of laxatives which I knew about anyway.
She gave me leaflets and followed up with me six weeks later and said there is no more they can do and is referring me back to the bowel surgeon and consider colonic irrigation sessions with nurse specialist. I suggested bowel manometry to check on my bowel motility or lack of it but she didnt follow up on that. Didnt seem to know what that was. I knew more about it then she did. I now await seeing bowel surgeon again.
Beyond upset with it and no further forward. My GP was discussed at it all. Hope you have a better outcome. Worth a try it might work for you. Best wishes.
Many thanks for your very informative reply. Unfortunately I had a feeling it would be exactly like you described it. I like you already have tried most of the suggestions they gave you so am not holding out much hope for any great improvement with my problem. I shall go for the first consultation (when I eventually get an appointment) just to see what their approach would be and if it is worth the effort. Many thanks meadfoot
Hi there is linaclotide - for constipation too. I didn’t have a good experience on it but others said it was good
I also use the coloplast irrigation system - get it on prescription but that only gets things out of its it’s low enough.
Also have they tested T3 thyroid? Please ask them to test it! T4 thyroid can be normal and t3 can be low. I was undiagnosed for years and years with thyroid issues t3 was so low!! But t4 was high and tsh was low so no one checked.
GP can test it or Gastro but they never do. It’s worth knowing.
good luck
I am sorry you had a nasty time and that was very naughty 2 treat you like a child well I had the same sort of problem ( I had a history of Breast Cancer ) mine started at the middle of lock down blood when wiping myself after pooping 1st FIT test came back clear then at the start of 2021 still not right so colonoscopy number 1 and had 6/7 polyps removed then the consultant said 2 the nurses around oh she will have 2 come back 2 have 3/4 more removed in 2 weeks time so not much time 2 repair myself before each one had 2 have covid tests yes I know they had 2 be careful but I was indoors 4 all 2020 only out 4 medical stuff then they told me no cancer but Diverticular Disease & IBS then I thought a few tablets and all would be well Oh how wrong was I!!! well last year still having bowel problems trying 2 see a Doc was mission impossible as I could be on the phone 4 anything up 2 an hour still having blood when wiping myself another FIT test OK no Cancer again thank you so early this year yet another colon scan ( prep 4 all 3 things that left me having no bowel control at all we were going 2 have new carpets but will leave that 4 a while 2 come as I am forever wearing paper pants ( tena ) like a baby ) like you I have had dietitians over the phone a trainee and someone " supervisor " in the background Oh I thought more tablets and I would be sorted out again I am still unable 2 eat/drink I've tried this tried that ETC and just given LOW FODMAPS every time pushed out the door of the Hospital and more or less get on with it myself as if I was the expert on things and when they tell you what's wrong there was no follow up well not in my hospital well that's Swindon 4 you after I am a 62 year old person and not a child and I am still trying 2 try different things as I am in chronic pain ( co-codamols and they make me constipated so it's a nasty circle get pain take tablets get bunged up then afraid 2 go as that can UNBLOCK my bowel 2 that watery stuff I can't control sometimes I can mess myself and that is bad enough when indoors let alone trying 2 go out!!! ) well I have got 2 the point I don't bother I feel like a prisoner/ hostage 2 the toilet and house 365 days a year now I even had 2 miss my Mum's funeral at least I was able 2 watch it online as she lived 150 miles away we got no car or vehicle as my hubby retired so not even a company van and we have 2 hire a car and I wouldn't like 2 mess myself in that as it would be bad enough in our own car!!! so yes I really do understand more or less how you feel OK well I hope you feel better soon and take care ( Husbands or spouses ETC that don't have this don't understand well there is nothing that they can do!!! is there?) and I am SORRY 4 writing an essay about it and hope it makes sense and sorry 4 any spelling mistakes OK
have you tried Mag 07 tablets I swear by them for slow transit I just use them for my constipation No pain or anything What a relief ! They r a colon cleanser I’ve used them for years
Morning ArlenCan you buy theses over the counter
Warmest wishes
Never heard of them. Can you tell where to get these tablets. Will try anything that may help.
I’m in UK got them online Finchley Clinic do them as do a couple of others Google will tell you they do not give cramping pains as mostYou can adjust the dose to suit I started on 5 to give a clear out Now I just take 2 capsules on empty stomach 1 hr before food Sometimes it doesn’t work same day but the next due to slow transit I took 2 yesterday morning and didn’t go till this morning Felt marvellous ! Hope you can get hold of some I recommend them to all my friends and family They r not cheap around £40 for about 120 They r so worth it honestly !
Biofeedback, which I notice now has the word therapy attached to it, goes back at least to the 1960s and was part of the growing early self-help health movement. It creates a stronger beneficial connection between mind and body that enables us to make interventions ourselves, say to take deeper breaths, slow our heart rate, bring down blood pressure, relax our digestive system. It can be used for any bodily process. In essence, it is a meditational technique.