Hi. I was diagnosed with IBS in my early twenties after a bout of gastroenteritis in Egypt (im now 36). I was also diagnosed with mild chronic gastritis last year in which I take Lansoprazole for.But I'm really struggling at the moment. I feel sick alot after eating and also get palpitations. My stomach makes so much noise as soon as I start eating as well and I get awful wind which sometimes is very foul smelling. I feel so fatigued all the time and even have bad muscle and joint pain. I had blood tests a few months ago which all came back normal which I was so shocked at because of how bad I feel.
Just wondered if anyone else has had similar symptoms and can help me in any way because I feel like all I get from my gp is that it's probably anxiety related. It's definitely not! I feel like the symptoms I have give me some anxiety because I'm worried about what's going on. Should I push for a referral to gastroenterology?