I was recently diagnosed with IBS , although looking back I think I have had symptoms ever since I can remember and family members likewise.
I have always dreaded flying as my stomach balloons up with the change in cabin pressure. It caused terrible wind and a constant feeling I needed the toilet, and actually needing the toilet . Added to that the general stress of travel I am always in a state !
Having had a diagnosis of IBS i changed my diet and avoid gluten and dairy as much as possible. The doctor prescribed Mebervine so I take that 3 times a day . This has helped me at least get into a pattern with my BMs, but my body still keeps me guessing.
So, to the flying.I booked flights at a time I know my stomache will be at its emptiest.For me this is after breakfast when I go at least 3 times! I booked seats as near to the toilets as I could so that I wouldn’t worry about reaching the toilet or worry about walking past so many people to get there. Who else is weird like me and think people are noticing how many times I go to the bathroom ! Im sure people have better things to do , but it’s part of my mindset!! I chose a destination that was between 2.5 and 3 hours away in order to be less anxious about the whole thing. Now for the pièce de résistance. I bought myself a pair of Shreddies underpants so that if I did suffer from wind I would feel safe to pass any as the pants contain charcoal which absorbs any smell ! These gave me extra confidence and I highly recommend.
I only had a light meal the night before, no alcohol, no gluten or dairy . I had a very small portion of scrambled egg the morning of the flight. I drank lots of mint tea and black tea. I ate nothing on the flight , just sipped water. I took mint oil capsules too.
If I started to feel anxious I’d do some deep breathing and say to myself ‘ I’m taking it a minute at a time and every minute I’ve got through is a positive minute ‘
The change in pressure did still affect my stomache but the effects were nowhere as bad as previously. I still felt windy and did get up to the toilet twice but there was very little to pass through !
I think I have come to some acceptance that this is me , this is my body , and I have to put in place whatever necessary to be able to carry on travelling.
I hope some of these tips may help some other wary plane travellers . IBS can be so debilitating. Wishing everyone all the best in finding ways forward x