Hello can ibs symptoms change after many years , I use to have persistent IBS D , and cramps in bottom of stomach, over the last six months, I have had bloating, and constipation, and cramps in top of stomach, like a complete reversalThanks
Ibs problem : Hello can ibs symptoms change... - IBS Network
Ibs problem

Yeah, it is possible for IBS symptoms to change over time. There are some people with IBS who have consistent symptoms, and there are others who may experience changes in the type and severity of symptoms over the years.
And it is also possible for someone with IBS-D (diarrhea-predominant IBS) to develop symptoms of IBS-C (constipation-predominant IBS) or vice versa.
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Yes, IBS can change over time. Or you might basically have IBS-a (or "M") The A stands for alternating between constipation and diarrhea, and the M just means mixed.
There is no telling sometimes with that, how much of one thing you'll get, and when it might switch over.
Having been just slightly more inclined to constipation over my whole life, I had to always make sure I ate lots of fibre and healthy foods, to have a good healthy gut and daily good bowel movements. My gut was fine on that regime.
A few years ago it suddenly went haywire and turned to way too soft bowel movements with flare ups. I had to radically change my diet. I was diagnosed with IBS-D predominantly by my GP.
So I learned how to more or less manage it and fortunately that seemed to help a lot of the time. But after a bit of time went by, I had occasional bouts of constipation, fortunately not lasting long each time (2 or 3 days) and pretty easily fixable in my case by upping fibre intake, drinking more water, a bit more coffee in the morning plus brisk walk, and in extremis, using a glycerin suppository/,
So yes, IBS can change,
IBS can cause all sorts of cramps and pains too, which are upsetting because we always think the worst. I'd say def. see your doctor if pain gets weird or won't go away at all. Or just because you need some help.
If you cannot "go" at all for days, laxatives don't work,, and can't even pass wind for more than a day let's say, that could mean an impaction so be careful. You'd need to go to A&E I think if that happened.
Yes, mine has changed 4 times in 40 years, usually after a bowel infection. Does make it very difficult to treat, but it is a dysfunction and therefore not very predictable
Definitely. I used to be IBS-D, but as I have got older, this has switched to IBS-C.
Hey, there is a reason to also collect data on yourself because changing houses, apartments etc. can all bring about a change in habits that you don't realise. My diet has changed unrecognisably over the last year or so, and for some reason now I am in a rut where fresh fruits and vegetables are non-existent. I think a lot of it was getting bargains from toogoodtogo where I would live of bakery food and it really had a negative effect! I am moving house again so soon I will make sure to have my apple and my banana each day!