Hello, my son (aged 6) has been diagnosed with child variant IBS. He, sporadically, gets stomach cramps, constipation and pain passing solids. It started with cramps that were so severe they would wake him during the night. Now he occassionally gets stomach pains but the biggest problem is when he needs the loo. He is sacred of pooing because it hurts him so much and will be sat on the loo in floods of tears because his stomach has gone into spasm, mainly because he is scared of it hurting and has tensed up his muscles.
We tried going wheat free for a while and it helped a bit and I have said that we will start a food diary, which he understands and is co-operative about. He knows we need to fix this!
I would just like any information or ideas that people could share about particular foods that could trigger this and others that help. Also any information on the functional causes of IBS that I could also address.
Thank you