Hi all, been on here before but really rock bottom at the moment. 10th Jan had my follow up at gastro consultant and he says part of my probs are ibs-m and self worry, but the pains I'm getting I've to see someone else, I have had daily since ladt August a griping pain in the left upper ribs that moves to the back, only get this pain when I'm turning over in bed, turning my upper body at junctions in the car or just moving the upper body left or right, OK going my walks and climbing stairs, so what can this be? When I turn over in bed it's the initial turning movement that hurts then it's OK, any advise please.
What is this pain. : Hi all, been on here before... - IBS Network
What is this pain.

Hi Calamity 64, this may sound weird & you might think it couldn't be so simple but, I get a lot of pain in my back & shoulders especially when I first get up, I can't bend & it's painful to walk, for me it's trapped wind, so simple but so very painful 👍🤞
Did you see a physio in the end?
Not seen a physio about this pain, not sure if it's gut or gas that causes the upper pain when i move from left or right.
It very well could be muscular. Unless your GP organises an appointment with a physio you won't know and you may not move forward.
Meclizine OTC 25 mg. Relaxes the gut, releases the gas.
If it only hurts when you make certain movements, it could maybe not be to do with IBS (?) and could be muscle sprain, tendon sprain or perhaps costochondritis? (inflamed ligaments and muscle between ribs)
Did the consultant say whom you should see and gave they referred you to another department and specialist. If not , they should have done rather than expecting you to go back to the GP to be referred slowly through the system again.Had you had an ultrasound scan on your right as part of your gastro check up?
Over the last 12 months I've had bloods, 2 ultrasounds and in September I had a ct scan with a contrast but all ok, they said I had a lot of gas too. This pain is on movement from the upper body from left to right in the upper left ribs area that also felt in the leftside of back.
Hard to tell really . If you've already had ultrasound on your left they should have been able to see if you were having obvious issues with your stomach.If it is mainly trapped wind or GERD this can be horribly painful especially when you move. Yet , it can also come and go quickly and won't necessarily show up in tests.
You could of course gave also had some nerve or muscle pain or mild costochondritis ( inflammation in the cartilage of the ribs) that can keep coming back if you get active before it's properly healed.
Have they given you anything for the gas ?
Did they suggest any changes to your diet?
Or exercises to help?
Do you sleep with your upper body raised on supportive, graduating pillows on your back or left side?
This can help reduce gas and GERD symptoms as well as helping night breathing which can improve healing in the upper body and reduce pain.
Hope it improves soon, Bee
Yes, raising the head of your bed if you can might possibly make a difference if it's GERD related. It depends if you share a bed or not. If you don't, then the best way is putting blocks (breeze blocks or even a safe pile of books under the top end) in a couple of places so it's secure, and not relying on pillows, as pillows can be unstable, and you can slip down in the night, or cause you to lie in a weird way. But there are wedges you can buy. That would work better too if you share a bed.
The raise should be at least 6 inches.
In winter 2020/2021, for about 3 months I had some acid reflux or at least a horrible feeling in my lower esophageal sphincter, and was often waking up with a phlegmy feeling in my throat. So I did try raising the top of my bed with old books I never read any more. It really helped. Those symptoms went away and didn't return (hopefully they won't!) By April 2021, I could dare to lie flat again and all was well.
I’m sorry, that sounds like Pancreatitis to me, because I’ve had it myself. A blood test confirmed it. Mine was caused by the medication I was on, for UC, so I stopped it and the pain immediately went away. The pain is unusual, like nothing else, something moving back and forth under the left rib cage, like a pendulum. I pretty much diagnosed it myself, then one of the GP’s did a blood test.
I have the same pains but in day and night and they think I have autoimmune pancreatitis- what medication were you on please which you think may have been aggravating it? I take lanzoprozole and ibs meds ( this only recently) - I tried reducing the Lanzoprozole by one tablet daily and the pain got worse - I get mine both sides of my body in my ribs in my upper abdomen any guidance would be helpful!!
so sorry you’re having all this pain and stress. I was taking a Mesalazine called Salofalk, granules and a foam. I now take a different Mesalazine called Octasa and I’m okay with that.
Sorry to hear this. It could be gas which I experience often or a muscle issue.
Sounds like a muscle problem. Have you tried arnica oil? I would try light stretching every morning, neck, shoulder, arms and ITB wall stretch(YouTube) and see if it improves. If it really worries you, have an ultrasound to rule out gallbladder problems but gallbladder issues have other symptoms. It is not triggered with motion. Hope you feel better soon. Also muscle problems take time to resolve.