Same pain every day: Has anyone else out there... - IBS Network

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Same pain every day

Calamity64 profile image
17 Replies

Has anyone else out there had ibs, or that's what they say it is, every day in the same place, leftside abdomen area, from when I get up in the morning to going back to bed in the evening, a griping pain that makes me so miserable, depressed, stressed and with loads of anxiety thinking can this be really something else? Throughout the ladt year I've had bloods done, 2 ultrasounds scans and recently a ct scan with contrast, I burp so much during the day too, when I had the ultrasounds done they said I had lots of gas in there, can this be the real issue.

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Calamity64 profile image
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17 Replies
Macca1utd profile image

Hi calamity64,

I can relate to you're post very much so, I have exactly the same pain but on the right side. I've have been having this issue for the past 4 months constantly, from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to bed I'm constantly in pain. I am in a constant state of anxiety which im sure isnt helping also. My symptoms are lower right side abdo pain/cramps, loose stools, changed bowel habits, lower and upper back pain, heartburn. I've had alot of tests ( endoscopy, nasal endoscopy, colonoscopy, ct scan, xray, ultrasound, numerous blood tests, stool tests, fit tests) all the tests I've had have come back clear, the only thing that has shown up abnormal was a hiatus hernia on my endoscopy and my recent stool tests. My calprotectin was high, 1st tests was at 185 and my second test was at 131, so I now have to see a specialist, which I am still waiting for a month down the line. Considering we have both had a lot of tests and they have come back clear from anything sinister, I suppose we should be able to stop worrying but it's easier said than done isn't it. I just have to keep telling myself that "I have had all the test and they havnt found anything, so I must be ok" but then the anxiety kicks in, then round and round we go. It's exhausting! I think if we have had the tests and nothing was found, then we need to trust out doctors, which I know is hard.

I hope you get to the bottom of you're problems soon and start to feel better.

Fergie53 profile image
Fergie53 in reply to Macca1utd

Hiya, yes I’ve had the same, right sided ache below or around my ribs but I know I have gallstones which I think is causing the ache, I have a consultation with my GP this week

I’ve had both endoscopy an colonoscopy in the past but I hate having the endoscopy so won’t have another one!

I believe I may have the hiatus hernia so may ask for further tests. It is all a worry!

Dollymae06 profile image
Dollymae06 in reply to Fergie53

Hi did you have sedation for the Endoscopy it is fine that way but I would never try without sedation.

Fergie53 profile image
Fergie53 in reply to Dollymae06

Yes I’ve had sedation both times, doesn’t work for me, still totally aware of everything an gagging on the tube down your throat, so no it’s not fine for me!

SingC profile image

Hey, Calamity!

Yes, genuinely, wind can cause these terrible problems. I had cognitive issues - just exhaustion causing an inability to concentrate on anything complicated, and a constant left-sided pain. The symptoms do cause the doctors to run lots of tests, and if they found nothing more sinister and did remark on the amount of gas, that’s looking like your answer.

I found low fodmap diet absolutely transformative. The constant pain went away and became an occasional pain if I ate something that’s a trigger or if I was very stressed. Increased exercise also helped me, as did drinking more fluids and using peppermint oil capsules. But the absolute biggest thing for me was cutting out the lactose. Who knew??

Anyway, try a few things out. You may be able to improve your situation immensely. And keep asking questions and finding community here. Wishing you luck with it!

xjrs profile image

If you try wind products (such as Rennie Deflatine - though I know this is hard to get hold of at the moment), does this alleviate the pain? If it does, this proves that this is due to a build up of gas.

If related to gas, this could be due to:

- food intolerances. You could use a food diary to figure out what that is/these are (and/or try Alflorex probiotic which may help with food intolerances).

- stress, which can cause the mechanism that handles the elimination of gas to not work properly so it builds up (the Nerva gut directed hypnotherapy app may help with that)

- visceral hypersensitivity (functional abdominal pain) - there is info about it here:

It is where the brain interprets the normal activity of the bowel as pain (or a normal or elevated amount of gas in the system as pain) - this is due to a wearing down of neurons in pain control centres of the brain which can be caused by PTSD, neglect or abuse in childhood, extreme stressful events etc. The first line treatment is nerve pain agents such as low dose amitriptyline. There is a theory that being on something like amitriptyline for 6-12 months can help the pain control centre neurons to regenerate. Note that amitriptyline can cause constipation, but this can be helpful in people who are diarrhea dominant. Unfortunately I couldn't tolerate these. Linaclotide (for IBS-C only) & Alflorex have helped me with this intestinal pain.

Equally, the pain could be due to a combination of everything mentioned above. It's a case of being a detective by trying different things. Your GP should be supporting you in this.

Ezhadders profile image

Hi Calamity,

Yes - I get a pain on my left side just in my rib cage as well as the burps and a frog noise in my throat/stomach when I’m really stressed because I tend to swallow a lot of air (it took me a while to realise!!) I’ve had all the tests too and everything is all clear from what they can see.

I’ve found what helps with my pains are

- yoga (the frog position and cat really help with trapped wind)

- drinking 2L of water a day

- cutting out gluten, dairy and caffeine - chamomile tea is a life saver!

- hot water bottles

- journaling before bed

- eating 3 meals a day

For me, it really is down to diet and managing my lifestyle. I find that even if I skip one of these, or even if I skip a meal! the wind is back very painfully.

hope this helps 😊

Chad01 profile image

I’ve had something similar for the past 6 years. It initially started as the feeling of very localised pressure in my epigastrum when I woke up and gradually became a constant left sided pain similar to what you’ve described.

Long story short, it became constant and more severe, accompanied by night sweats, cognitive issues, exhaustion etc etc. Went through a ton of tests, had several working diagnoses - including chronic pancreatitis - which were all eventually discounted.

I still wake up with it every morning, but it generally goes by the time I wake up and start moving around, and I’ve just become used to it now. Alcohol and food seem to effect it but I’ve never found a definite trigger - because it’s somewhat variable.

Have been on a whole bunch of meds - from amitrypyline and pregabylin to esomeprazole - but am currently trying to come off everything

I’m on an NHS waiting to see another gastro - which I’ve been on for the last couple of years. I’m really hoping that someone will be able to give me a definite dx at some point.

Anyway, I thought the responses on here were really interesting.

Hope you find something that works.

Trenholm profile image

Try taking Buscopan before every meal.

missymo profile image

I,m the same🤢 I have 2 stomas & I can’t eat through wind pain& stomach cramps, I’ve got buscopan but not really any good 😰

Linley profile image

Yes, it could be wind and I can relate to what Ezhadders says regards eating regularly. My pain is the right side, ascending colon. I have enough wind inside of me to start my own power station. If I go too long without food I get a pain, so then when I eat I can get another pain after, when you burp you tend to swallow so you are putting back more air into the gut. I take a Mebevine to ease the spasms, and Gavison tab to ease the burping, and I do find keeping my mind occupied helps me to forget my probs

JulieJ33 profile image

I've had similar. It's settled with some prescribed medication for wind after a few days. It was also semmed to be linked to being perimenopausal.

Codfather profile image

Yep. I have left side pain. Just below ribs. It's IBS colon pain. Unfortunately time or lifestyle management is the only treatment ! I just live with mine !

Sofaqueen21 profile image

Hi . Has anyone checked for diverticular disease ? that radiates pain on lower left side. Colonoscopy or CT would confirm. Also inflammatory marker blood test .

I have lived with it over 10 years and know the key symptoms all to well now. Just wish my GP would take my observations on board instead of letting me end up as emergency hospital admission.

Wishing you all the best. Good luck. Take care xx

301246 profile image

Ye s I have the same symptoms, it's so painful and prevents me going out. Have had IBSs-c for 5 years. Tried about 40 different supplements none of which have helped me. Recently tried YSL3 recommended by Gastro! It made me so bloated so I packed in after 5days. Tried 12 sessions of gut directed hypnotherapy, that didn't work. At my white end as I have severe anxiety. I don't think there is a way out of this awful condition which disbelieve was caused by food poisoning at the age of 70. I sincerely hope you find some relief. X

Respo profile image

I have diverticular disease and what your describing fits my symptoms .I have had some tests I was was under a gastro consultant but haven't been physically seen by him in nearly 4 years .hot water bottle to bed and occasional paracetamol and regular I.b.s. symptoms but as yet undiagnosed good days and bad days but not alot I can do but get on with it .I find exercise helps but they put me on some meds for borderline diabetic and the weight fell off me down from 38 to 34 waist but bp is regularly 118 /75 which is good but when the guts start up lower diastolicTends to go up so I know I have to do something .but had not alot of help but it only gets you down if you let it .apart improvise and overcome .and get a decent consultant

niksa36365 profile image

Try taking zeolite, it helped me a lot with IBS-D and symptoms like pain, gas, bloating and other GI issues.

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