Hi just asking anybody seen a bowel specialist I'm quiet scared tbh as couldn't that mean cancer idk I'm only 30
Bowel specialist : Hi just asking anybody seen a... - IBS Network
Bowel specialist

Hi Ella
No it dosnt mean your have cancer, they just want to get to the bottom of the cause of your symptoms. I have to see a GI specialist myself because of my symptoms and raised inflammation in my stool sample. Can I ask why you have to see a specialist if you don't mind me asking? What are you're symptoms?
Hi so doctor refferd me to gynaecologist as I had scan July I have cyst of my overrias sorry I can't spell and I went today 5o see gynaecologist but she said cyst is small she will check up on me 5 6months times but said I need to be refered to bowel specialist as I have change bowel habits inchty bottom comes and goes
The reason for the bowel check will probably just be to check your your symptoms as you have mentioned. Have you had any other tests? I.e blood tests, stool samples?
An itchy bottom can come from any number of things, the large majority of them totally harmless. The bowel specialist will figure out what that might be, as well as how to take care of it. They should be able to take care of your problem and put your mind at ease. Probably more something to look forward to rather than dread. Good luck! Let us know how you get on.
Hey Ella, I agree with Winfong and Macca1utd. Try to turn it around - it's better that they are ruling out everything, to be sure. Imagine if they said, 'Oh it is just stress' and do nothing. If they did nothing, you would probably be even more worried, constantly. I do understand. Years and years ago, I had unexplained gastro issues - I begged to have a colonoscopy because it was one test they had not done. I was terrified, not just because of the procedure, but because of what if the worst case scenario was the real scenario. Luckily, no bad result. I hope it all works out well for you Ella. x
It sounds as though the doctor is just being thorough. Pleased your cyst has been investigated. I have had lots of interaction with bowel specialists and they will take good care of you. Try not to be too concerned they will sort you out it doesnt mean you have anything nasty. Best wishes.
have you seen an endometriosis specialist? Just I had endo on my bowels and that did have a massive impact but took over 7 years to diagnose I was fobbed off for ye at a but the gyne was amazing and I worked with a co rectal surgeon. I found them nicer than gastros. Where abouts are you in the country?
Hi no haven't seen endo I saw gynaecologist that's who referred me to bowel specialist my gp keeps fobbing me off I'm in Rotherham South Yorkshire
it was just where you mentioned cysts that made me think that you could also have endo but I’m no doctor. Maybe you could ask your gp or gyne about endo but the only real way to know is via laparoscopy that’s how mine was diagnosed then I was referred to an endo specialist. Your gp would be your best bet and have a lot at endometriosis online see if you have any of the symptoms and if they link up to your cycle. Just a thought xx
yes good point I was just about to raise this. I had endo very bad wrapped around bowels and cysts size of grapefruits. Thankfully resolved with full hysterectomy at age 36 post child birth. But I wouldn’t change a thing endo was painful as hell. IBS I have now was equally annoying. Least that is thankfully gaining control with low FODMAP. Wishing you all success in treatment plans. Get every test going to rule out everything.
I’m glad yours was resolved by surgery….mine wasn’t I had many excision surgeries and total hysterectomy with everything removed but I’m still broken in the same pain so it doesn’t fix everyone I’m 36 too xx
dear I’m 57 now. Had the hysterectomy at 36. X
well I’m glad you had relief for all of those years from 36. My issues are very complex as I also have sphincter of oddi dysfunction, endometriosis, osteoporosis, previous gallbladder disease and removal, history of Crohn’s disease, nerve damage, adhesions, scar tissue damage, multiple fractured ribs and chronic bowel issues and pain. So that’s why removing endo and the hysterectomy didn’t solve my problems but I know it does for a lot of people and I’m glad you are one of those lucky few even having your bowels well managed now too xx
Just update nothing from bowel specialist yet iv been able to go toliet ok how ever had very large poo then suddenly today conspatied again but forgot to take my 2 tablets last night before bed.im hoping I get to see them just after Christmas but with backlogs could be waiting ages as it's not a life taken conspation tablets surley for rest of your life xx
I beg to differ. I'm taking a cap of Miralax, a probiotic & 4 tabs of methylcellulose every day, and will probably do so for the rest of my life. To me, it's no different than taking vitamins. Well worth it for what it's preventing - not just IBS, but diverticular disease as well. I feel rather lucky, to be honest.