I usually go #2 in the morning about 30 minutes to an hour after getting up. Almost all the time I get the usual urge to go whether my bowel movement is loose, normal or on rarer occasions, a bit constipated. But the urge is still there.
But sometimes there is nothing, no sensation or natural urge. That can happen more often when I have a looser bm.But that happened the last 3 days and my bowel movements were okay and fairly normal, after a sudden single flare of the D on Monday morning.
When there is no urge, I also get other symptoms like heart palpitations and a numbness that comes over the left side of my abdomen very low down, into the groin left side, and down my thigh to my knee. Those symptoms are brief and pass after a bm.
This morning that happened and I was 2 or 3 hours before I could go to the loo. I had a coffee and went for a 1/2mile walk to try to get my gut to respond. But there was no constipation when I went eventually.
But my main query is I am curious about why there is an absence of the natural urge to have a bm sometimes.Does anyone else get that sensation?