I have had IBS for 4 years now and suffer from bloating and pain every time eat is this normal for an IBS sufferer. Anyone know.
I am new in here.: I have had IBS for 4 years... - IBS Network
I am new in here.

Have you tried eliminating certain foods?
I get bloating and pain after eating. Lasts about 2 hours each time. And a lot of gas, I have IBSC . I take gaviscon , buscopan , which helps.
Also IBS C, very severe bloating., mostly look pregnant, it hurts to walk. Am vegetarian, gluten free, low fodmap, eat very small quantities but always in pain after eating. Take all those things and more.. they help slightly but life is a daily battle and medics have run out of ideas though sympathetic.
Ive started following the MM protocol and never felt better. No pain, no flare ups and lots of energy
I’m exactly the same. I’ve tried otc meds to no avail. Watch everything I eat, low Fodmap doesn’t really help. It’s all food in general. The pain and wind in the evenings is awful, wakes me up about 1.30 am every day. Exhausted.
I’ve tried all sorts low Fidmao diet fir 6 months . Did a 6 month course with dietitians to see if i could get rid of bloating too no avail. Apparently it’s called distension not everyone gets it.
I sometimes get distension. With a queer feeling of discomfort like my gut is stretching. It's not really 'pain' though.
It doesn't come on after breakfast. I eat a late breakfast about 11.30 am no matter what time I get up. But it sometimes (not always!) comes on about 4-5 hours after dinner in the evening, which would be about 10...10.30...11 at night. It lasts about an hour then slowly passes off. I eat about 6pm every evening. I imagine that period of time gives my gut a chance to settle down before sleep. I don't go to bed early, maybe 2am, so luckily it doesn't affect sleep.
The only thing I wonder is I eat vegetables in the evening but don't have them at breakfast, so it may be gas created by vegetables digesting because the feeling starts very low down on the left. Either that or it's the colon moving to make room for incoming items.
It doesn't happen all the time. Often I don't get it for ages. I've no idea why.
Distention is a condition of IBS but not everyone gets it. And with me it’s just got worse over time. Mostly i look pregnant and find it hard to get clothes to fit me properly or even look nice. My colon always feels swollen after eating then the bloating starts calms down after a few hours.
Yes, mine swells up too, and it's always in the lower abdomen. I look about 4 months pregnant when it happens. But mine does come and go and isn't every day. I can go ages without it, then it'll start and go on for a couple of weeks, in that sort of pattern. Mine's always after dinner in the evening too, but the discomfort comes on about 4-5 hours after eating, lasts an hour or two then passes off even though there's still distension.
Passing wind doesn't make much difference to the distention but does make me feel slightly better.
I look pregnant all the time it never goes away it’s a nightmare
I feel for you and have the same pretty much every day.With this comes a wave of fatigue. Wipes me out even after sleeping for 2 hours plus during the day.I have tried so many different things to help but no success. I have low confidence as I don't like the way I look with the extreme bloating and distention.
Deerpark1966 Sorry to hear you are having an awful time- i try anti gas pills - ibs relief capsules -to ease off the bloating and gas etc- search them out online or in drug stores-walking it off gently will move it all along - i know its a pain i have trouble like this too , hang in there. chris from uk
Oh, that must be awful, all the time. It's difficult to fit in some clothes. And really uncomfortable for you. I wear trackie bottoms with elasticated waistband which stretches . I even wore pyjama bottoms in the summer for the same reason.
It's also weird when our bodies do things like that, and makes us worry. I know.
with Ibs, anything goes unfortunately. If you have any bowel changes please speak to your gp each and every time.
you say you still drink decaf coffee. May I recommend Clumsy Goat Fairtrade Peruvian coffee beans as they seem to be more gentle on the gut. I use these (one drink a day), no gut ache! Note that the FODMAP diet and other courses of action do not recommend coffee as part of your diet, but if you can’t do without a daily fix, then try above ( the beans are available on Amazon - other retailers exist and may well sell them too) 🙂
Thank you for your advise i will try the coffe e
HI - ibs sufferer--- Sorry to hear you are going through this. a few suggestions .-get your diet onto an alkaline basis,in other words cut out sugar ,its important ,as the sugar is making your tummy inflamed, cut out out any salt too,cut out alcohol chocolate- cows milk wheat as all these are making yr tummy inflamed- ok one more thing ,after you eat....give five ten minutes - stand up-- walk around the block ok,do not eat and sit down and watch tv pc etc ,walk it off. If it gets bad get a hot water bottle to soothe you,some parachetamol will help you if its bad....i have had this for years...however it can years to get the diet right ,as we have sugar habits etc you know what i mean... look up online the low fod map foods that you need to switch to,high fod map foods are bad. low fod map is good generally speaking loook it up online ....i hope you slowly get better. i know its hard ...and not easy for you hang in there...ok.
Hi thanks for your advice i will try the things that you have sujested x