has anyone found after having a general anaesthetic that their IBS is a lot worse? I had a kidney stone removed last Friday and the last three days have been terrible with diarrhoea.
general anaesthetic : has anyone found after... - IBS Network
general anaesthetic

The last time I had an anaesthetic it was abdominal surgery for a solid ovarian cyst. That was 25 years ago/
I was pretty fit generally and didn't have IBS. I usually had a healthy bm once a day. But after the anaesthetic my gut played a merry dance! I felt really well in myself and had a good appetite even for hospital food which I actually liked. BUT I could NOT poop! No pains or discomfort or obvious constipation, I just never felt the urge to poop at all.
My nurse got worried about that even though I (airhead!!) didn't care at all. She told me about all the food I'd eaten in 5 days and that something needed to come out. They wouldn't let me home until I did one.
On the 5th evening she gave me a laxative, which worked next morning. I took a copy of Hello! magazine into the loo and read it from cover to cover, I was in there so long. Then I could go home!
The nurse told me that the bowel gets disturbed with any abdominal surgery. It's handled...moved out of the way, etc, and all that can affect the nerve impulses, peristalsis and a lot of things. She said the bowel can be very sensitive to any interference like that.
I guess that might be what's happened with you. As laxatives were my answer, maybe some dose of Immodium or the like might slow you down a little bit?
I don't know, but best to phone the doctor (GP), or your consultant's secretary or something and ask the question.
thank you for reply, with me they went in through wee hole up into kidney
Hi Yes I always get a bad stomach after anaesthetic, even from the dentist. Not sure if it a reaction to nerves or the anaesthetic. Sometimes they give you pain meds before you come round so you are not in pain when you wake up. Surgery can be a bit of a trauma to our bodies and it just needs time to repair. Look after yourself rest and hopefully it will settle. I would not take immodium without asking the Dr. as it maybe your body getting rid of the anaesthetic etc. All the best and I really hope you feel better soon. x
I have managed to stop the diarrhoea all I have eaten for three days is plain white free from bread and plain mashed potatoe the diarrhoea caused my piles to bleed this time, in the 30 plus years I have had IBS this was one of the worse bouts of diarrhoea so far, I have got to have the catheter and stent taken out next Thursday so I will be able to get about better then, I gave bloods yesterday my GP can book me in for a colonoscopy. It gets to the stage I hope they just take colon out jump on it a few times then put it in a bin. I was talking to a lady in hospital who had a bag fitted 20 years ago she said it gave her back her life.
Glad your diarrhoea has stopped. All the best next Thursday. Hope bloods come back ok.
My IBS was surprisingly good after a breast op earlier this year. No upset stomach during recovery. I had dreaded that happening in the hospital. Even the bum discomfort went away but unfortunately that does return from time to time. I'm still looking for a remedy. I wish I knew why the IBS didnt flare up when the body was being battered and bruised but so lucky it didnt.