Hello everyone just here to ask does can ibs cause nausea and stuff related and i get a feeling of bubble in my throat that constantly feels gaggy dunno if that is related to anxiety to or what im just so confused and tired of having no understanding thanks
General tired of suffering : Hello everyone just... - IBS Network
General tired of suffering

all related I think! when Im not having bm*/cramps I have the other upper tummy stuff haha theres no break! thankfully though Im able to calm myself down a little bit more and if i feel sick i usually know its cos ive eaten something which kicks off acid reflux - you may be experiencing that or heartburn, both of which are very normal especially with anxiety..i reckon nausea is definitely a symptom of ibs!
Hi I also get reflux now aswell 😞 if I have relief with my tummy pains I’m sure to get upper problems instead!!
Hi there; yes that’s me too - well it was. Mine is a bit more under control now.
I think it’s IBS related but it’s basically reflux most likely.
The foods that trigger IBS can also trigger reflux.
Try taking a good quality OTC indigestion/reflux remedy for a few days to help out but you may find you need something prescription strength from your GP.
Then you need to cut certain aggravating food from your diet: coffee, tea, alcohol, chocolate, fried food, chillis/spicy food, onion, garlic, citrus fruits!
Yes, it’s a long an delicious list but if you can remove them for a month, you may be able to introduce a little bit of odd ones back into your diet.
You’ll also probably find that your IBS improves.
Some people also really struggle with dairy and egg yolks (but not the white). Might be a good idea to eliminate those too whilst you’re at it!
Then, keep a food diary for at least 2 if not 4 weeks as you might spot other triggers like tomatoes and peppers.
We’re all so individual about what suits us or not so a food diary is very helpful.
I do hope this helps you; it’s a miserable condition that just can really get you down!
It might be GERD that's making you feel like that which is a common condition to have alongside IBS. Do you find you burp a lot or have pains in the centre under your ribs?
Nausea or vomiting is common though
Hi ! I myself, have experienced all of the same in the decades that I have had this now. At first I thought it was separate from IBs , but the more I read and learned, IBS is just a never ending merry -go- round of related symptoms . There is a lot of reputable info out there . Just stay away from the sites that are trying to sell you something . Its very hard to live with this syndrome. I have had this since 11 yrs old . I am now 64. It makes us feel so different from everyone else and disrupts quality of life so much , it is hard to explain to people. But you are not alone . Talk to us anytime, and take good care of yourself !
I had absolutely terrible nausea for about 6 years until my gastro prescribed me amitriptyline. I haven't had nausea for years, apart from the odd day on the medication. It's a horrible, dirty medication though. I'm crippled for a majority of the day and struggle to walk in a straight line. Beats nausea any day of the week though.