Does anyone else get a wierd feeling in their legs. I have been to Gp who said she didn't know what it was. I have had it for a while now it started after a really bad episode of IBS D or it could have been gastroenteritis. It was at the same time a relative was dying in hospital. I never connected it to IBS but I went on Google and it seems so. It is not pain it is like a tightening but not cramp, it feels like i have run a marathon but that will be day with Ibs. Sometimes it can be in my arms too. Just thought I would ask as getting no answers from Gp. Thank you x
Bad legs: Does anyone else get a wierd feeling... - IBS Network
Bad legs

interesting - I get a similar feeling as in feeling shaky in the legs & arms & generally weak. I’ve got a bit of a theory that this could be a combination of the stress of having to keep going to the toilet, plus dehydration. Perhaps there is a imbalance of electrolytes 🤔 think I might try drinking more fluids, some with rehydration sachets.
Best wishes. Ally
Hi Sparrow58, we have spoken before.
Have you ever thought it could be fibromyalgia. I, like you, have had IBS for over 35 years and right from the start I used to get pain in my legs. I run it past the doctor (back then) and she said it was nothing to worry about it was probably rheumatism. At the time there was a thing about being on the pill and pains in legs! Anyway fast forward a few years and the pain got worse, then at some stage I started getting similar pains down my arms. Now I have pain everywhere from the top of my head to my toes. It does seem to be linked to the IBS, if the IBS is bad, then the pain is worse. As I said, I now literally have pain everywhere. It runs down my legs into my toes, down my arms into me fingers and up through my neck into my head, encompassing my mouth and teeth, my nose, my eyes and in my ears. The right ear is particularly annoying as it feel like it goes through my ear and carries on out of my ear!
I am not saying this is what you have and hopefully if it is it won't get as bad as mine has but what you were saying just struck a cord with me!
I always find IBS flares can bring on other things. I get other aches and pains and odd feelings too when my guts play up. I get a strange feeling in my lower back which spreads to my legs too. I can't describe that very well. It's like a'melting away' feeling not exactly a pain, but it sends me off my legs for a few minutes, then legs are fine again after about 5 minutes tops.
I wonder if the stress you went through caused muscle spasms of some kind, via tension? Or if it's the way your body is responding to pure exhaustion?
I don't know. It may be something else. I'm sorry your GP's useless
so strange to read this, as I am lying in bed with the same feeling!
I know that this is a symptom (for me) of my anxiety being sky high. It’s the brain being a d**k, triggering the “fight or flight” response because the fear of pooing myself or other embarrassing things, is perceived as a genuine risk to life and limb. So it’s sending a good amount of adrenaline into our big muscles, ready to run away from the threat.
Anxiety is such fun isn’t it? 😭😅
Not RLS?
strangely enough- lately I’ve been waking up with cramp in my legs and feet…. A new symptom it’s only been happening in the last couple of weeks..Dr Google says it could be any number of things. It strikes me that IBS is actually more of a neurological condition than a digestive issue. I think a malfunction of the nervous system causes all sorts of weird symptoms including disruption to the digestion- which is beyond the current tick box approach of most GP’s so we are all fobbed off with IBS.
i get this too, its basically restless leg syndrome RLS. I wss diagnosed with rls years ago. Its not true thst you only get it in bed, it happens during the day too. In arms and legs and l get it in my lower torso. Can be anything from a weak feeling, to creepy, melting as someone said, or jelly legs. Rls is def common with fibro. Its a neurological thing.
However there are other conditions that can cause weird legs, from electrolyte imbalances to low blood sugar, low blood pressure, anxiety, or neuropathy from the spine.
maybe you should get your bloods checked just in case. My magnesium keeps going low and has to be supplemented by taking magnesium sachets prescribed by gp. Low magnesium can cause leg cramps , pins + needles , fatigue etc. I have bad flare ups of ibsd which in turn for me lowers my electrolyte profile. Worth checking out . I could write a book on this , if you need any more info let me know. Good luck 🤞
Hi Sparrow58, Yes i do also but mine feel like an inner shaky thing and a weakness ,feeling i hve spoken to different health pros but no real help ,but recently someone on here suggested its all connected to the Vagus nerve ,it also sometimes makes me feel light headed especially after a bm,i did read up and yes it seems possible ,hope that helps you too ,keep us posted please ,good luck
interesting....I also tend to think it is linked to general anxiety , that we all get because of and leading onto ibs.
I get another odd thing which I think is also linked to lack of decent amounts of exercise, anxiety, or maybe similar to restless legs which I get occasionally....or when sitting and lying still all tensed up. It's a throbbing in my legs....hips, knees, calves, anywhere there is a pulse I think. GP says my pulse areas are strong and has no explanation. I have generalised anxiety at times and its been happening from when I was about 70. It's not all day or all the time but is annoying trying to find the right position as I go to sleep. Generally not present when I walk for more than an hour and have enough distractions. I just have to keep saying to myself that these things are not life threatening ....just annoying tinnitus which also varies day to day. Maybe I just need a yoga retreat.
has your thiamine or B1 been checked? I have like low normal levels and get many symptoms, but as soon as I take thiamine, they go away (dr approved). One of these symptoms is such horrible numbness nd tingling all I feel is the pulse. Especially having to find the right position to get comfy at night, just told me to say something to you.
It happens during the day too but nights are the worst. Hope it helps maybe you can Dr google it and see if the symptoms fit.
Good Morning Andann, just a thought ,but my father in law suffered from restless legs and his consultant told him to sleep with his legs raised, dad said he found it helpful so you mightvwant to try it , also an old wifes tale maybe but he was told to put a bar of soap at the bottom of his bed at night (inside)this would stop restless legs too ,sounds daft but who knows ??,good luck xx
I to have had the wierd leg pain after a bad bout of IBS ,to me and I know it sounds odd it felt like wind in my legs .Its horrible and it took every ounce of energy to walk anywhere .I just took pain killers and rested .I now have the same feeling in my arm just hoping it goes away .I have been taking milk thistle in the morning and Ashwagandha in the evening and I have felt an improvement with my IBS .
Thank you for your replies I am relieved I am not the only one and others find the feeling hard to describe.
I feel a weird feeling in my arms, almost like a heaviness, but inside the vein (lol I know that makes no sense). This is usually my left arm, and I’m always wondering if it’s a symptom of heart attack. Apparently it isn’t (thank goodness).
Your symptoms could be related to any number of vitamin deficiencies, as well as many of the replies I’ve seen. Someone mentioned the Vargas nerve, this is what I had been thinking all along. I know that I’ve had this weird feeling like I’m going to pass out after having a hard bm or pushing hard. My heart races and there is also a weird, undiscribable feelings in my legs with this as well. I hope you get it figured out for all of us!
good luck!
yes I do especially in a morning, I have a job to walk sometimes, they go so wobbly! Very stressful 😰
Have you been to Gp? I find it hard to describe.Its not pain or cramp. I said to Gp its a wierd feeling inside my legs. She did tell me to buy Movelat gel to rub on which helped a bit but I would not like to keep on using it. Take care x
All the best for Thursday x
sOundle like RLS restless legs syndrome to me. A common problem with IBS and fibromyalgia. Worth a look at.