ibs at the age of 57: Is there anyone in this... - IBS Network

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ibs at the age of 57

Calamity64 profile image
17 Replies

Is there anyone in this group who has started with ibs or of similar symptoms started later at the age of 57? Im wondering if the damage ive had in my house with water and then issues with my insurance had caused all of this.

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Calamity64 profile image
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17 Replies
Luisa22 profile image

I think IBS can start at any age. It sounds like you've had a really rough time with stress, and stress can definitely bring it on.

My first bout of IBS was spring 2018 when I was 64. I had been feeling rotten as well with other strange symptoms for 3 weeks just before. I know now in hindsight it was the IBS, but then just thought I had a badly upset gut, probably some kind of bug. Although I'd only ever had one 24 hour tummy bug in my whole life!

It lasted a week then disappeared. The doctor couldn't find anything wrong with me!

But it came back in spring 2020 and has been on and off since. I am now 69.

I'd never had gut problems before. My gut had always been strong and I could eat anything.

But I'd had on-going stresses and a lot of grieving for some years before it started.

I don't know if that's what triggered it for me, but I used to feel the grief right deep down in my body when it hit me. Like I sensed it was more than my body could take.

Yes, it's possible your problems have triggered it. Have you been to the doctor?

Pollyboo profile image

Hi Calamity64, my IBS started when I was 50, looking back now wonder whether sometimes it is menopausal as I at the time had no other menopausal symptoms only the lack of confidence caused by the IBS . Still looking for answers 20 yrs later. They say stress can bring on IBS and I feel this is so. Try to find ways to stay positive easier said than done sometimes. Hope you get your problems with your house sorted and then you may feel a little bit calmer. Take care Pollyboo

Pruney profile image

I’ve had it for years, but definitely got a lot worse now I’m 57, wear and tear in my stomach over the years I guess. It affects my life more and getting stressed is even worse, awful thing ibs no known cure or remedy really just trying different remedies 🤷‍♀️

flanimals123 profile image

Hi calamityMy IBS started about 2 yrs before I was diagnosed with uterine/womb cancer. I'm certainly not writing this to cause panic but just be aware of your body as there are very few symptoms. One of the most mis-diagnosis of Uterine cancer is IBS. It is one of the symptoms along with bloating. I was 57 yrs old when I was diagnosed. Unfortunately cancer is gone but IBS stayed with me. Swine to live with but feel very lucky to have survived. There are so many of us suffering from IBS I cannot understand the lack of research and any real achievements in dealing with it .

leslyp profile image

Yep stress brings it on, I am now 66 going on67 been to the doctors again but the best they can do is check it is nothing else ,then look at the fod map diet ,it has helped me , it is not easy ,but it does work , it is for IBS. My life is controlled by my ibs ,but I am learning to control it with the help of this diet ,it is a game changer.

SueCats profile image

I was 65 when my IBS started in 2017. Over the next year, it gradually got a lot worse, with lots of bloating and multiple toilet visits. It's manageable with diet now, but gets worse when I am stressed.

wb54 profile image

Mine started 3 months ago and I am 67. Totally out of the blue, no change in domestic situation, no financial worries or diet changes. My food consumption has been to ward off cholecystitis which started 5 years ago. I have never had digestive issues and could eat spicy foods with immunity, etc. Though obviously, I gave up that sort of food and anything with a high-fat content because of the damn cholecystitis. I have always thought that stress plays a far bigger role in our well-being than the medical profession cares to admit and if they do they don't actively help with advice, etc. The very best of luck to you.

Paul1066 profile image

I haven't been diagnosed with IBS (yet) but I starting showing the occasional symptoms when I was about 54 and since then they became more frequent, probably appearing for a week or so every couple of months, but for the last year I'd say I have symptoms all the time (I'm 57 now) not necessary debilitating me but I know they're there. I probably have a bad flare up a couple of times a year at present. Finally having a CT scan at some point to rule out any nasties and if that shows up nothing I'll probably be diagnosed with IBS. I know stress is a common trigger for a lot of people but I'd say I don't have a stressful life

Gorgeousreader profile image

I think IBS can start at any age, I think a lot of the time it is associated with a stressful time in a persons life or after a bad bout of Gastroenteritis.. I started suffering 10 years ago at the age of 57, it came on after the death of my Father and for a long time caused me a lot of issues.I’m now 67 and still have it although it’s less frequent but anything stressful will certainly kick it off. I’ve learnt how to manage it as best I can, helped by taking Amitriptyline 10mg once a day. It can still catch me by surprise normally at the most in opportune moment which is why this condition is so difficult..

Gardenlover2020 profile image

Hi , Yes it started a couple of years ago noticeably , when I was 55 . I’d had a few niggles over the previous few years , but I had a bout of constipation in March 2020 & it just never went away , other symptoms came along soon after , cramps , bloating etc . I also started the menopause around this time , I think that had something to do with it too

Arpin profile image

Me I started at 67 Nothing I could say was definite stress or anything major I just had a really severe pain in my collar bone and dramatic weight loss I went to my GP and that’s where all tests started and unfortunately for me I was misdiagnosed with pancreatic cancer (all down to GP not reading my results from gastroscopy I was convinced I didn’t need a colonoscopy but was told it was a precaution It was while this procedure was underway I experienced a really excruciating pain I swear that is when all this started The gastroscopy showed gastritis and it was decided I have IBS So like everyone IBS comes at any age

Stay as well as it allows you but keep determined that it won’t win

Positive Attitude is really important although extremely hard when your doubled up or attached to your loo but when I felt really sorry for myself the pains and symptoms would increase dramatically I now talk to my tum when it’s in action I thank it for 67 years of hard and overwork given it by me and remind it that there really is no need to remind me by stabbing me severely and grumbling so loud it’s taken on it’s own personality

Good luck stay positive


Mine started when I was 58. I was prescribed a course of Omeprazole, and had some bloods. The bloods were clear, and the Omeprazole seemed to work. This year, aged 59, it came back again with a vengeance. This time it has stayed, and have now had a formal diagnosis after the usual range of tests. So it can certainly start in this age group. Look after yourself. You deserve it!

MrsP70 profile image

Yes me at 70 but seems to be mostly to do with anxiety and certain foods

Cotsall profile image

Hi Calamity

I developed IBS/slow transit/visceral hypersensitivity at the age of 64, after a very stressful period when trying to move house just as Covid was beginning (we actually exchanged contracts on the day when Boris announced the first lockdown later that evening!). On top of that I had three courses of antibiotics over several months for an ongoing urine infection, and my existing acid reflux worsened so they doubled my dose of Omeprazole. I now think these three factors combined affected my gut microbiome and caused all my stomach/bowel problems. I had all the usual tests to rule out various cancers (gastroscopy, U/S scans, CT scans, colonoscopy) which led to my diagnosis. After several very uncomfortable months, I have developed a regime - a combination of prebiotics and probiotics, flaxseed and kiwi fruits, and docusate, which together make my symptoms more manageable. I still suffer with bloating and stomach ache most evenings, and have had to strain every time I go to the loo for the past two years, but it is liveable with. So I think you can develop it at any age, and I think stress has a large part to play in causing a gut imbalance. Hope your stress issues reduce and you find something which helps you get your symptoms under control.

Pte82 profile image

Calamity64, the extended stress from dealing with the damage to your home and the insurance company may have been enough to trigger IBS. Stress causes loss of magnesium and thiamine (vitamin B1) requires adequate magnesium to become bioactive. Then again you may have also been deficient in thiamine caused by anti thiamine factors that diminish or destroy thiamine. So what does all this have to do with IBS? The brain, vagus nerve and gut rely heavily on activated thiamine for proper function, as the following links will bring out, and has the potential for causing your IBS. Always consult your health care professional before using any supplement.





Arkus profile image

Depression and stress for years triggered IBS at age 50 for me, and now I’m 78. I’ve managed it one way or another with more or less success. IBS sufferers know what I mean. I am lactose intolerant and was also wheat intolerant for years. I had an endoscopy for celiac disease which was negative.

My next doctor just said that it’s most likely IBS and didn’t order tests or enquire further how I was doing over the years. I got the message from her that it’s a chronic problem doctors don’t know how to deal with and don’t want you in the office telling them about it.

I didn’t try the FODMAP diet mainly because I try to hide my problem from the family and need to cook a regular diet for them. I didn’t want to remind them every day I have a health problem.

I manage my issues with a psyllium-based supplement called IBsolution from the USA, probiotics, and avoiding dairy and other foods that cause dietary issues like onion and brussel sprouts. Occasionally I take Imodium which can be a life saver when travelling or when you need a break from constantly worrying about where the next bathroom is.

With the stressful lives we lead today and the longer we live I believe IBS sufferers will increase, and then maybe it will get medical attention and research to understand and alleviate or cure the problem.

Everyone has to figure out ways of coping and take the measures which gives one the best quality of life. It’s by trial and error for each person.

I wish you well.

Joey01 profile image

Mine started when I was 62. Started off by losing control of my bowels when I was out for a walk. Quite spectacular ie poo down to my socks. It's got worse over the last 6 yrs but I'm more aware of my insides now and just live with it. A colonoscopy showed nothing. The only I do differently now is have lactose free milk and I've cut out apples.

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