I have been told for 2 years that I have IBS but I just dont buy it. I have constant 24/7 pain around the belly button and below, especially if I push in my tummy. I dont know that it is relieved when I have a motion or worse when I eat. I have scanned from piller to post for Chrons, UC etc but it is just ever present like my stomach is in constant inflammation. Wears me down, anyone else have constant pain 24/7 rather than the intermittent ones usually associated with IBS..
Constant pain.: I have been told for 2 years... - IBS Network
Constant pain.

You might want to see about having a colonoscopy and also an upper endoscopy in order to be certain it is IBS.
Thanks yes have had all those done. But I think ibs is just a catch all when they don’t know what is causing it. I just don’t buy it.
Hi, IBS is just a name for anything the medical profession can't find an answer for so if you haven't got cancer, IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) or celiac then you are labelled with IBS. I have had IBS for more than 35 years. Daily for the last 30 years. It was more diarrhoea when I was younger but as I have got older it is less runny but still just keeps coming. If I keep going back to the loo, like I used to when I was young, I end up with a vasovagal episode which is absolutely awful. Hence I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. You seem to have tried various things which have cost money and I understand that as I have money now that I could spend on it if I wanted to but basically, in my opinion, there could be a whole host of things it might be but none of which are life threatening, so the NHS will not put money into it as one size does not fit all. Sometimes you just have to accept the cards life deals you.
I am celiac but despite keeping to the gluten free diet religiously I still have lots of issues I am also border line BAM, to name a few yet I am still labelled with IBS. NEVER see a nutritionist they can advise on healthy diet but are not trained to help the sick. For that you need a dietician.
Hi Edgar77, I was just wondering if this comment was meant for me or Ruggerhead?!
Ruggerhead really, but it could apply to anyone. I had a bad experience with nutritionist so maybe biast. She nearly killed me! Following her advice I lost over 2 and half stone I was already little. My Doc intervened and she was struck off. Just after the money. (Some of them)
The point I was originally trying to make was that even though I have been diagnosed with many things, they still try to blame everything on IBS.
I have exctly the same. Pain 24/7, worse around belly button, no pain killers help. I've had ct scans blood tests, bowel transit test. Been told I have divericular disease which I know Ihave had for about 10 years or so, redundant colon and slow bowel transit. Consultant says it may be divericular disease has progressed and that nerve endings in colon are now over sensitive.How so you sleep? Do you take any medication at all?
I have now 2 diverticular, they certainly give different problems but rather like IBS I'm told diverticular also cause spasms, and like you say heighten nerves. I also have the baby nerve effect. This means sometimes after evening meal It will cause me to feel I need loo half an hour after, this is known diagnosis of over stimulated nerves after many years of IBS as well. It's bugger to live a normal life at times, so feel your pain😞
I have the same constant pain and seen numerous specialists for numerous tests all of whom have not offered a solution. Until I visited a chyro who said that I had a hypertensive pelvic floor, ie my pelvic muscles are in a constant state of high alert and never relax. With her help I undertook and looked up various exercises and slowly but surely things have improved.The logic makes sense and hope this is beneficial, but be assured the solution is not a quick fix, after all it has taken years to get you into this position.
Good luck
I had a bit of low level stomach pain which I think was caused by SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) I was going to a functional medicine doctor until I ran out of money. Now I just eat healthy, exercise everyday, keep my stress level down etc. Have you tried changing your diet? Maybe doing an elimination diet to find out if a food if causing it? Going to a functional nutritionist would probably be a good idea if you can afford it. Good luck
Hi. You might have, like me, what they call chronic IBS. I had IBS interminably, before my usual lorazapam I have been on since it came on the market in the seventies. Govt interference with class c drugs, started GP surgeries cutting down benzoz. But failed to understand a benzo baby(not trialed enough for side effects) Hhas much luck than coming off them after 40 years than winning the lottery. The Diazapam I was put on 2010, was vastly inferior as an antispasmodic 5hat controls IBS problems. I'm one with continuous pain in the early mornings with gas, groaning, and trying to go back to sleep with numerous unspecified pains until I been to the loo. There is very little one can do but cut out foods that make it worse, try and keep any stress to a minimum. Ii had horrendous anxiety and panic attacks, until I was referred to a psychologist once a week for 6 months, amazingly he managed to completely clear my years old terror of enclosed places like supermarkets, and awful fear of agragaphobia which ruined my younger days. Hope you find some extra help. And don't be fobbed of by doctors who have hardly any training of the difficulties of managing IBS with associated worry or anxiety States. Best of luck, I can only take paracetamol, I'm not allowed NSAIDS, Especially Ibrofopufen, because of hiatus hernia and 2 divertulosis
Snap I am exactly the same, I have never had a face to face appointment only two quick phone calls from my so called Gastroenterologist she has put my condition down to IBS, I believed her at first but have seen three local doctors who put it down to Diverticulitis or IBD. I feel that unless I am taking the appropriate treatment I will never get better in fact it is getting worse, I am saving so that I can pay private for a consultation with a different Gastroenterologist, IBS is too widely used and people are suffering needlessly for years.