Let me tell you what i have been through since 2014 ... colonoscopy, endo scope x2 each. CTscans, about 50 drs all telling me I have the same thing ibs/ acid reflex! Medicines on top of medicines . Gallbladder removal, total hysterectomy and it turned out IM LACTOSE INTOLERANT!? why don't drs care, why wasn't that the first thing they checked, instead they still haven't checked it! I'm on 0 medication. 0 pain! 0 explosive diarrhea at the oddest of times! Been to 3 different gastro drs and numerous others. The medical care in America has fallen to 💩they just do not care about their patients. Through all that I spent numerous days in the hospital even. Smh
Drs NEVER CHECKED the simplest of things! LACT... - IBS Network
Drs NEVER CHECKED the simplest of things! LACTOSE intolerant!

I am also in the US, but my lactose intolerance was diagnosed at the first visit to a gastro and without any tests. He just said to try lactose free milk and see if the problem went away. It did. Sorry you had to go through so much.
So very sorry to hear all that you have gone through! Drs treating the body’s illnesses reminds me of a mechanic troubleshooting a broken used car. Certain things they know & can see, but others they just try changing stuff out, by hearing about the symptoms. I went a great number of years before being correctly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Over the years &the dawning the internet, I was able to help them by being able to better describe my symptoms & found possible answers with WebMD. I found that dietary changes vastly improved many of the conditions I have or used to have. Before then though, I also was given an unnecessary complete hysterectomy, which I had complications from. I'm so glad you found out about the lactose intolerance. I hope your poor body & digestive tract gets some rest & peace! Big hug, Terry
I agree it should be on the checklist of Dr’s but isn’t I suffered badly with acid reflux & was given all the anti acid drugs available, all which I had a bad reaction . By accident I was advised to try a Gluton/ Lactose free diet, as a result my problem improved by 90% If I deviate from this regime, the problem comes back. My Dr who I hold in high regard sadly doesn’t seem interested in this
I am sorry you have been through all that, If it's any consilation they are the same here in the UK. I don't waste my time consulting them over anything - they just can't be bothered