Can anybody explain why I would get stomach cramps and bad diarrhoea from a gluten free angel slice and a yoghurt I am at my wits end
Ibs : Can anybody explain why I would get... - IBS Network
Could it be the sugar ?
thanks for your reply can sugar give you the runs I have it in my tea ?
I have a very sweet tooth but it does go through you if you have too much! Everything in moderation!
Thanks Maureen I only had one little cake though but like you say maybe too much sugar you think you’re safe with these gluten free alternatives but they’re probably just as bad for you
It is a myth that gluten free products are good for you. Most gluten free products tast yuk. That is why they are full of sugar. They are only ment to be for those of us who have no choice, like me as I have coeliac disease. I limit my gluten free treats as too much upsets me too.
It could be, it’s a case of trial and error. Sometimes I can tolerate small amount of something where a larger amount upsets me. Good luck.
I don't think GF is enough. Eve eating GF cakes around lunch time/afternoon starts my gas up, yuk.
My husband bought me some lemon fudge cakes but I am cutting them into 4, so it's more the size of a chocolate, my tummy seems to be able to cope with that. The first time I had a whole one I had to wait hours for it to settle! But I'm lucky because I can seem to eat choc ices!
I can't eat yoghurt though!
Aah I did have a strawberry yoghurt with the cake maybe that’s what’s done it
It's a minefield isn't it!
Oh well, I have it everyday, so I don't have that! Kind of a cockeyed way of looking at things but sometimes you have to, to get through it! 😊
Is the yoghurt a milk or soya?
It was milk I tried soya and that didn’t agree with me it is one of the ones recommended in the fodmap booklet
Just remember that fodmap isn’t the rules. It doesn’t work for everyone. I had to make sure I picked a soya yoghurt that didn’t have cultures.
Ok thanks I suppose it’s just trial and error
I’m afraid it is. It’s just understanding your own body. I love a steak, but it’s like Russian roulette. I’ll be fine several times, then next day I feel like I’ve been poisoned.
I did Symprove for over a year which evened thing out dramatically. But it’s not the easiest thing to take away, and expensive, so now take Alflorex and my Imodium intake is reduced greatly.
Good luck.
That's about 30g of sugar in total, and that would be enough to set me off, without the sugar in your tea. I try to stick to 12g of sugar or below because otherwise I get bad d. Have you considered lactose intolerance? In theory, there shouldn't be much in yogurt, but they do vary. Lactose is of course another sugar. I overdosed on some rum and raisin chocolate on Saturday night, and knew about it later.
Thanks for your reply I had no idea sugar was that bad for you seems to be that ibs stops you eating all the food stuff
Yes, you could be dairy/lactose intolerant. Or you could be intolerant to one simple ingredient. For example, I can't tolerate sunflower oil or cornflower.
Hi I got so fed up of one day something was ok to eat & the next I felt like I'd been poisoned by it, so I've gone dairy free & it seems to be working for me!! I also drink at least 2litres of water per day & no alcohol, as this was the first intolerance I suffered 🥴. I don't have caffeine either & have found red bush (rooiboos) tea is lovely & naturally decaff so it's not processed Cos processed foods are also full of sugar/salt & lots of stuff IBS does not like. I use maple syrup instead of sugar & oat based biscuits/cereals. I use the FODMAP diet as a guide as it is the sugars in foods that cause the problems. Hope this helps it's taken me two years & 3 stone of weight loss to get as sorted as I am now. Luckily I had a lovely GP who helped & a fab Gastro at Hull hospital who explained everything fully & has made me realise I will never eat properly ever & to read food labels for hidden nasties. Luckily I love veg & salad - weirdo I know!!😁