I experience a bloated feeling after eating, usually later in the day, any advice please
Bloating : I experience a bloated feeling after... - IBS Network

Look at your diet as certain foods tend to bloat eg mushrooms they ferment in the gut. Then consult GP about anti spadmodics not OTC ones.
You could be slightly intolerant to yeast which ferments and causes gas in the gut. Also avoid onions, garlic and beans. If your symptoms get worse then look into going on the low Fodmap diet.

Take a look at our website here theibsnetwork.org/bloating/ information provided by medical experts
For mild bloating, I find that a peppermint tea (peppermint & licorice tea is very tasty) or peppermint oil capsules help (I get extra strength ones from Holland & Barrett).
For prevention though, it might help identify which foods you could cut back on or cut out altogether. Do you keep a food & symptom diary?
The FODMAP diet is a big commitment so if your symptoms are mild, I'd suggest what I did and try testing one food (or food group) at a time.
For example, I eliminated wheat for an entire month. When I had it again after the month, I could immediately feel the fatigue and bloating that had gradually disappeared over the month.
If it helps cutting out a food, you might not need to eliminate it forever, just cut back: so for wheat, only have it at one meal rather than something like - breakfast: toast, lunch: sandwich, dinner: pasta - which can be a typical day for some people.
Other foods are typical triggers that you can test. Starting keeping a food/symptom diary and go from there.
Best of luck!