.18 days : Hi everybody, hope your all well or... - IBS Network

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.18 days

mhafin profile image
19 Replies

Hi everybody, hope your all well or as well as IBS allows. I would appreciate a little advice, I've always suffered with IBS-C, good days and bad. Normal for me is 2/3 days. However for the last 18 days I've been suffering with diarrhoea, and an urgent need to go to the toilet first thing in the morning. Some stomach ache too. Spoke to a Dr today who has prescribed codeine for two weeks and a lets see what happens approach. Have any of you suddenly had this happen for no obvious reason. I really value your help and advice. Thanks again

Update- I have had a blood test, stool test and FIT test which have all come back ok. Still have diarrhea, stomach pains and have lost over a stone in weight (didn't weigh myself before all this started so not sure of weight loss time frame). Having spoken to the practice nurse last Tuesday, I was told I've been urgently referred. However I received a letter on Saturday telling me no appointments were available. I rang and was told hopefully i will receive an appointment date within the next few days. My question is has anyone had similar symptoms and results and everything been ok. I am worrying myself silly, which I know won't help. Thanks for any replies.

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mhafin profile image
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19 Replies
Maureen1958 profile image

Just wondering if what you are experiencing is overflow diarrhoea as you say you are normally constipated. I have put a link below explaining this phenomenon.



mhafin profile image
mhafin in reply to Maureen1958

Thanks for your reply Maureen1958.I'll check this out. I go for periods of having "normal bowel movements" every 2-3 days. This is my normal, Just never experienced having this issue for 18 days. Only occasional when I've had a stomach bug etc and then only for 2-3 days. Thanks for your input,

Rice333 profile image

Yes many times in the last 3 year since I've had IBS ......its happens for no rime or reason . I don't think it will ever be sorted out ...hopefully I'm wrong .Good luck

Andy R .

mhafin profile image
mhafin in reply to Rice333

Hi Rice333, thanks for your reply. I can't understand what's going on. Every morning within 10-15 minutes of waking up I need the toilet. This is not the norm for me, which has made me worry, which probably doesn't help and makes it worse. If I discovery a cure!!!! I'll let you know. Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

Daz1113 profile image

Sorry to hear your suffering. IBS is absolutely awful. And the impact it has on your life is terrible. I’d say you’ve picked up a bit of a stomach bug. There is one going round and with having IBS it’ll effect you more then others. I hope you get it sorted. I take codeine for my IBS. People say it’s the worst thing to take. But it’s the only thing that helps. I have tried amitriptyline, mintec, buscopan, Imodium in the past.

mhafin profile image
mhafin in reply to Daz1113

Hi Daz113, IBS is awful and people who don't have it, don't appreciate the way it can affect you in every aspect of your life. The codeine has left me feeling sick, after one tablet. Hopefully your right and its a stomach bug it is exasperated by my IBS. Thanks for your reply and hopefully the codeine continues to work for you.

Kazzacrazy profile image

Hi I had the same issue which started in January I've always been C until then. I'm under a gastroenterologist who thinks my episodes of diarrhoea were due to overflow 😢 I followed the fodmap diet and I'm now on daily laxatives to keep everything moving and so far haven't had anymore episodes of cramps or diarrhoea. Any change of bowel habit should be investigated in my opinion and codeine will only make your constipation worse. I hope it settles for you, but I would get back onto the Dr if not.

mhafin profile image
mhafin in reply to Kazzacrazy

Hi Kazzacrazy, I took one codeine last night which made me feel sick, haven't taken another today. Dr said to try for 2 weeks and then get back to him if no better. The codeine can help with diarrhoea however it can also mask the issue. Trying to see my GP is impossible. I was literally on the phone for 2-3 minutes. Going to have another look at what I'm eating. Thanks for your reply.

Carlettejaque profile image

Are you lactose intolerant? Have you taken all dairy, whey powder and lactose out of your diet?

mhafin profile image
mhafin in reply to Carlettejaque

Hi Carlettejaque. As far as I know I'm not lactose intolerant, however it's worth trying to eliminate these from my diet for a time to see if it helps. Thanks for your reply.

Hi mhafin I agree with Maureen does sound like overflow I presume the codeine is too slow the bowel down ? Just be careful with it you will be back to constipation again x

mhafin profile image
mhafin in reply to

Hi Pansy2, Totally agree with you, the codeine will slow/stop the diarrhoea, but what happens when i stop taking them. I've only taken one and its made me feel sick so don't really want to take any more. May have a word with the pharmacist and see if I could try something else. I appreciate your time in reply to me. Thanks again.

in reply to mhafin

Your welcome I hope you feel better soon xx

mhafin profile image
mhafin in reply to

Thanks Pansy2, hopefully get back to having more good days then bad😱x

Hi Mhafin, I can totally empathise and in many ways your experience seems to mirror mine…

…I started with IBS (C) for many years - but recently after a bacterial infection in my bowel, antibiotics, a virus, low blood count and a lot of family stress with a sick parent my constipation - overnight - changed to diarrhoea! 7 weeks in I’m now learning to live with it! I had 5 weeks off work (due to the pain and continuous diarrhoea) but am now back doing my regular 12½ hour shifts!

This site is proving to be a godsend for information and support from others… it really helps me very much! I certainly feel less alone with my IBS and I feel understood - which is half the battle in many ways!

Anyway - I am adapting and things are certainly improving… maybe some of this will help you:

- I had a ‘colonoscopy’ to check there was nothing more sinister going on - so perhaps ask GP for this…

- I am waiting to see a dietitian for food advice - I’m predominantly vegan but I do eat fish… hope they may have some tips…

- I have significantly reduced the stress in my life… and making a point of embracing‘relaxation’ techniques.

- No hot drinks (especially coffee/caffeine based) first thing in the morning or last thing at night.

- Drinking plenty of water (especially another large glass after diarrhoea episode)

- Taking Dioralyte after diarrhoea to replace water and essential salts (see packet dose directions).

- Always check out where your nearest toilet access is - then you can relax more!

- Reading people’s comments on this site and trying their advice… talking to others I know with IBS for info, support and advice (amazing how many IBS experiencers there are!!)

It’s a fairly confusing and bumpy path to walk in the beginning but there is masses of help, support and advice on this site - so keep looking and asking questions!! Each day I’m managing better and things are improving… I really hope you find answers and help too!

Take care, kindest regards - Lorna the Crazy Penguin Lady x

mhafin profile image
mhafin in reply to

Hi CrazyPenguinLady. I was invited to a bowel check when I turned 55 ( 2 years ago)which was fine. I doubt very much my Dr will send me for a colonoscopy. Getting to even speak to let alone see a Dr is difficult. I appreciate all your advice and recommendations which I will definitely look into. I agree with you about this site and the support and advice from other people living with IBS has been so reassuring and informative to me on several occasions. I’m so glad life for you is getting better day by day, hopefully things will start to improve for me too soon. 🤞

in reply to mhafin

Hi… I do wish you the best of luck … please can I offer further encouragement to you and others… since Lockdown I have been very ill - first with pneumonia and later with my bowels and subsequent IBS (D) diagnosis - I have not seen a GP face to face once but requesting a ‘telephone consultation’ then through candid, clear and honest conversations with the dr who called including agreeing to communicate with the same GP throughout each episode (different GP for each episode) I have received all advice and treatments needed - all required referrals have been made by my GP and hospital based clinic appointments have happened face to face (eg colonoscopy) in a very timely manner, also when I needed hospitalisation this was arranged immediately purely based on a phone consultation - once discharged 10 days later the GP spoke with me weekly to review my progress and support my recovery needs. I agree that not seeing a GP feels totally alien and not great BUT what about current times doesn’t feel that way???

I hope my experience encourages you and that you’re able to connect with a good GP to get the help you need.

Kindest regards - Lorna the CPL x

Feaviour profile image

My recent experience also. After about 45 years of IBS(c) I suddenly developed diarrhoea for about three weeks. Totally unpredictable, night or day, and really unbearable pain. Then alternating - again totally unpredictable - and changing from hour to hour. Had lots of blood tests, no cause found. Now still totally unpredictable, and pain really intense. Seems to be no answer. Just had 90th birthday, and am not living my life but just existing. I used to be very active, going out every day, but this combined with lockdown has left me broken.

mhafin profile image
mhafin in reply to Feaviour

I'm so sorry to hear how awful you feel Feaviour, IBS is a horrible condition that even suffers can be left wondering what is going on. Like you I have no idea what has caused this change. Its been 19 days now and I am exhausted with it all. I worry its something more and tried to see a Dr, the only response was a 2-3 minute call back offering me codeine, whih has left me feeling sick after taking one tablet. Codeine does not agree with me. I hope your 90th year improves and you can start to enjoy life again soon. Happy belated birthday wishes and thank you for taking the time to reply.

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