Does anyone's pain get worse after a bowel movement? Meaning dull aches and pain in lower abdomen..
If so, have you been given answers why?
Is this common with ibs?
Many thanks.
Does anyone's pain get worse after a bowel movement? Meaning dull aches and pain in lower abdomen..
If so, have you been given answers why?
Is this common with ibs?
Many thanks.
Have you looked into bowel endometriosis? Is your BM pain worse before, during or after your period?
Yes I get this with IBS and am too old for it to be period connected.It is like a constant dragging and aching in my lower abdomen and is horrible.Have not found an answer to it sadly but would love to if anyone else has.
I’m a male but had a dragging and gripping feeling in my belly. It was caused by h pylori infection
Yes it's a horrible dull ache even after I've had a motion I took ibrufen it seemed to help .🌻
Yes every time I go even if I don’t pass anything . Left with pain and feel exhausted . Not been able to get any help with it .
I’m the samesometimes I can’t sit with it either need to walk about the house . Doctor blamed it on piles but it’s a different pain to piles.. but I find that at a warm bath helps with some Epsom salts in it doesn’t take it away but it helps a bit . But like you start thinking all sorts is wrong with you . It’s hard as it gets you down being in pain . But I hope you find something that helps .
Yes, I have this. I usually get a burning feeling on the lower right side after a BM but I don't know why.
I suffer severe cramping and nausea for abou an hour after each bowel movement
Just looking at your old post; you you still get his pain after BM?