Hi I'm the oxygen guy. I work for the NHS and I deal with Patients that have serious Respiratory problems, I've suffered with IBS for many years and I still get the stomach cramps and pain on a daily basis. I try to carry on with what I do with everything but sometimes its a struggle. I take Mebervin and I also take Peppermint oil capsules to help relieve the pain and stress of it all.
The NHS Oxygen Guy with IBS.: Hi I'm the oxygen... - IBS Network
The NHS Oxygen Guy with IBS.

Hi Oxygen_guy and welcome my name is Shaun
I suffer with a Severe IBS and like you get stomach cramps everyday I currently take Mebeverine 135mg but they don’t seem to be doing anything as I still get cramps whilst taking them, I also get bouts of nausea with it too.

Hi I take the same dosage of the Mebervin 135mg Also. Like I have already said to someone earlier you can also take Peppermint oil capsules too. That can help relieve the pains. You can get these from Holland and Barrett. The 200mg in each capsule. At the moment they are on the penny offer. At times I feel the Mebervin isn't working so I basically take other medications to help and the peppermint oil capsules can work,The problem is tho is that you can only take one or two a day.
I've read that tesearchvshows that peppermint actually makes IBS worse. I've had IBS for over 40 yrs and I can't take it. I'm just wondering if Mebeverin would work better on its own. Could you be intolerant to one of the three main IBS culprits.....milk/lactose, yeast or wheat?
Hi Thanks for the comment. Many years ago I was on Buscapan and someone gave me a Colpermin tablet one day and it gave me a how can I put it a minty kind of relief in the stomach. Hard to explain but anyway I asked for old GP if I was allowed these on Prescription. And he said no. I think it is down to cost. So anyway he said there's a peppermint oil capsule that can help relieve the condition of IBS. So since then I have been taking them as another option of relief. As for being Intolerant you've mentioned. I don't really know. I keep trying different things to see what causes the IBS but at times its hard to rule it out.
I also found peppermint made me worse.
Yes, I guess we are all different. Peppermint really disagrees with my stomach. I think many of us have intolerances and multiple intolerances the latter making it very difficult to discover what they are.
Yes we are all different but like I have said I have only been taking these Peppermint oil capsules on advice from my old doctor who left the practice years ago (retired). All because he wouldn't allow me to have the Colpermin tabs.
Do you have IBS C or D
To be honest I don't know what one I have. But what I do know its an absolute pain in the back side because the amount of discomfort and the rest.
Is it diarrhoea or constipation?
It's hard to really say because I can be loose sometimes But then I can be bunged up another time.So its hard to really state.
Hi Oxygen guy. I totally relate to your problem. I have had IBS since my late teens. (I am 65 now.) Mid 2007 I was admitted to hospital and diagnosed with diverticulitis disease. I had a reprieve for some years but in 2018 I was admitted to hospital again with another attack. Since then I have suffered daily with stomach pain and discomfort. It has become part of my life and I have had all the usual suspect tests and examinations. The only thing that may have made a difference in the past year is when I started making sure I drink enough water each day and started taking yakult and alflorex probiotics. I have convinced myself that I have a permanent gut imbalance. Mebeverine just doesn’t seem to have any effect unfortunately. I’m afraid I cannot offer any more insight than the probiotics. Hope you find some relief soon.
I take Mintec on prescription also Mabeverin.
I was given Mintec last month after my medication review and the GP/Pharmacist suggested this. I've only been on them for nearly a month and at the moment they don't seem to of taken effect. Don't know why but I will see over the coming weeks.
Hi, I have found Silicolgel has been really helpful - mainly for IBS D. I just take a tablespoon every other day and it does seem to calm things down. It is quite expensive though but so far am finding it effective hollandandbarrett.com/shop/...
Hi you sound a bit like me i have had problems over 62 years i find that aroma therepy oils lavendar and tea tree mixed with a carrier oil help with the pains and also a hot water bottle I dont like taking to many pain killer tablets
Hi Oxygen_guy
I've had IBS for around 30 years now. I take 20mg of Omerprazole x1 each day. Then X3 peppermint oil capsules a day as well as X2 Macrogol laxatives. I've tried Lansoprazole at 20mg x1 a day as well as the Omerprazole 20mg twice a day and thought my insides were going to rip out of my stomach. My body just won't tolerate anything else or a higher dose of the Omerprazole. I still get the cramps and pains and now have been told I have Diverticulitis which is more painful than the 2 times I gave birth. I also take Gaviscon but find that it is only the Aniseed flavour that my body accepts. To be honest I just don't know what will work after all these years. Before bi became disabled I was obsessed about exercise and always thinking in a few years all these pains will go any day now. How stupid was I? I must've overdone it somehow as I began struggling with the pain and found it difficult to breathe not long after eating, I sweated profusely, couldn't stand as I was mostly doubled over in pain with my fist shoved into my stomach as far as I could get it. I didn't know I had an internal hernia (at size 10( and my bowel was strangling the living daylights out if it. I had to have an emergency operation which actually saved my life. I was so lucky that a locum figured out what was happening and got the paramedics out. Now I have a wire inside my stomach to separate my hernia from my bowels. The hernia has never grown even 1mm in 19 years.
Have you tried the Omerprazole, laxatives and Aniseed flavour Gaviscon? Nothing will stop the cramps, pain, diarrhea and constipation forever. There are some lucky enough to get up to a few years break. I've never had that and would cherish that break as I feel it helps confidence and mental health. My GP has refused my request to go on the Fodmap diet as he says people can work out what the individual issues are, resume their diet without the issues, only to find that mixing certain food stuffs brings them back to square one. Great ! All the best😍
Hi in response to your very long story.lol. I can say that I have been taking Omerperzole as on the odd occasion I do get acid reflux. Sometimes I get like burning sensation in the throat as if my food is coming back up. I do have laxido but the problems I have is if I have been constipated and I take say 3 sachets a day for so many days then I have to be very careful . You see I work for the NHS and I drive for my work and if I'm out and about seeing patients and then all of sudden it hits you. You think oh sugar. So I have to be careful how I use it. I've never been given the chance of the gaviscon I know you can buy it anywhere but never really took it. If I do have heartburn then I do on the odd occasion buy a cheap version or the tablets. But I don't get heartburn much. Just this stomach cramps and either D or C of the IBS. Alot of people on here that the peppermint oil capsule makes their IBS worse. How does it make you feel? And do you get yours from Holland and Barrett especially when it is on offer. I get on occasions a aching sensation in the lower ribs at times too.
I’ve never tried the peppermint oil capsules, as they’re not vegetarian. Therefore I apply the peppermint oil dissolved in hot water, directly on to the stomach.
I suffer from IBS C & D, have haemorrhoids and diverticula (which has been snipped off during minor surgery) but need surgery for the haemorrhoids and still waiting for that. It’s been delayed a lot, due to current pandemic.
I’ve had so many invasive tests, operations etc over the years to diagnose the excruciating stomach and lower back pain, and they can’t still diagnose what it could be!
I do find that the IBS and internal pain is getting very bad over the past months, especially in the last couple of years. If I’m also around my monthly cycle, just noticed it’s a lot worse.
I’ve been prescribed strong painkillers by GP: Co-codamol, to use as and when I need them. The long term IBS has had a detrimental effect on my mental health as well, and I also take prescribed Propranolol as and when I need them. Apparently they’re meant to also help for IBS effects.
I’ve tried different things, FODMAP, eliminating foods, vitamins, probiotics etc and they’re hit and miss, nothing really helps I’ve found. Sometimes I think it’s more a placebo, just cos I’m taking them, feel like they’re making a difference.
The only way I seem to get some comfort is with a hot water bottle, even on warm summer days.
Oxygen_guy, the first link is a clinical trial with Mebeverine 135 mg and vitaminD3. The second although highlighting SIBO includes IBS and has a useful graphic of the vagus nerve and the effects of a thiamine deficiency. Searching on "IBS thiamine" will focus on IBS. The remaining links are about anti thiamine factors. Thiamine requires magnesium to become bio active so a magnesium deficiency needs fixing. In addition to thiamine in foods and B complex are three forms, TTFD, benfotiamine and sulbutiamine, normally not found elsewhere but offer greater absorption and other benefits throughout the body and brain. The B vitamins work better together so take time to become familiar with the team. Always consult with your health care professional before using any supplement.
Oxygen Guy -- do you have a page or column somewhere that deals with people who use oxygen on a daily basis

I actually work for the NHS that deals with oxygen on a daily basis. I deliver, install oxygen everyday. What do you want to know? I think there's a website that deals with Respiratory problems.
Thank you. I've been on o2 at 2L daily for 2.5 years as well as sleeping under non-invasive ventilator at 4L. Just wondered if there were more like me, so will google Respiratory problems. Thank you.
Hi, Yes I do have patients like yourself that are on 02 so you are not alone. I deal with Respiratory patients with all kinds of problems like COPD etc everyday. So don't feel like your the only one whoes on 02. When someone goes to their GP or a hospital appointment and they get assessed for their breathing and they find out they need more 02 then probably like yourself its a big shock. You think what? But I deal with 1000s of patients every year and I have come across the same question every time. Are there any other people on 02 and if I had a pound every time someone asked me that I would be a millionaire. I also have patients like you that have as I call them Nibbies or Nebbies. So your not alone. Who is your Provider? Also what equipment do you use to get the 02? Just for curiousity.