8days in hospital : I was sent to hospital and... - IBS Network

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8days in hospital

Readmeastory profile image
41 Replies

I was sent to hospital and kept in for 8 days with low blood salts . I told then I have disfunctional bowel . With scar tissue and narrowing . Itake lidocaine and laxido 1sachet . But specialist took me off all my meds but gave me senna and laxido . This didn’t work that well . But he wouldn’t listen . In the 8 days in he never once felt my stomach and when I asked to see a gastro he said get your blood salts up and . Get to your own doctor . No help after 8 he then gave me lactose . But I’ve only taken it for 2 days and I’ve really not been to the toilet . But bloated and in pain . Had enough doctors said try it for abit longer . But asked again to be referred . But she said as I have all the tests before I will have to wait or get refused . But I’m done lactalose isn’t working . Any help would be welcome . I give up .

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41 Replies

Sorry you’ve been in hospital lactulose is rubbish for ibs c I’ve been prescribed it many times caused me more pain wind and bloating ask to be referred to consultant again and also referral to a pain clinic x

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to

It’s horrible as not slept for 3 nights after taking it . Plus bowel movements very little and ended up having piles . No win . But I’ve been referred to pain clinic awhile ago but was only offered strong pain killers that make the constipation worse . Have asked to be referred to gastro specialist but was told because all my test came back clear from anything sister . Just Diverticular and slow track bowel just trial and error to get it right . After 8 days in hospital asking to be referred only to be told we need to get your blood salts up . Deal with your bowel when you get home . So back to square one . But will not take lactalose again 😟

in reply to Readmeastory

It’s frustrating when the meds don’t work really you need to see someone who specialises in ibs . The only thing left is to try holistic methods massage , acupuncture etc . Fingers crossed you will find something that actually works x

JulieB5200 profile image
JulieB5200 in reply to Readmeastory

I know your pain concerning lactulose.A consultant recommended it a few months ago n boy did it make me ill 🙈.Severe wind and cramping and diarrhoea for about 3 days.Never touching that again!I just take laxido now if my constipation gets really bad.Hope you’re feeling better x

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to JulieB5200

I’m the same will never touch it again . Laxido is softer on the stomach .

Rozzy46 profile image
Rozzy46 in reply to Readmeastory

Lactulose is the absolute worst for ibs-c. I'm shocked that at no time did a doctor actually feel your stomach or treat you as a whole person rather than a body part. I expect you've tried everything but I do find (on a good day) deep breathing, belly massage and trying to stretch and loosen up mentally and physically does help. I suffer from hyponatremia (low blood salt) which means muscles don't work quite as they should so it's important you have enough salt in your body as the body can't function without it. This is counter intuitive to most medical messages which say reduce salt! Good luck - I feel for you and all fellow ibs-c sufferers - it's so hard to convey to non sufferers (including doctors) just how debilitating and dispiriting it is to have it.

Tytoalba1 profile image
Tytoalba1 in reply to

Just FYI………in the U.K., lactulose is prescribed to constipated patients….and also as a prophylactic…as a stool softener…..I’m not sure it would be much help in IBS unless you’re unfortunate enough to have the type of IBS that causes constipation . Even then, it doesn’t appear to help much, it certainly didn’t help me when I was prescribed it, though I didn’t have IBS at the time.

in reply to Tytoalba1

Yes you’re right wish I’d known this years ago ! Always caused severe cramps x don’t know why this is underlined either lol x

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Tytoalba1

I do suffer from constipation but to be honest it didn’t help caused me more pain and wind . Will just have a rest from it all and start again.😊

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to

Hi pansy had a really bad few days finally my husband phoned our gp and I had telephone call but I had to let my husband take it as I’m profoundly deaf . Any way got appointment to be seen today . I’m getting referred to gastro clinic and getting a ultra sound as well . My bloods salts still-low but will ge5 tested again in two weeks . But still only given laxido and senna . . So until I get seen no further forward . Just thought I would let you no . And everyone else thanks for the support 😊

in reply to Readmeastory

That’s great that they giving you a scan I really hope they sort you out as what there giving you isn’t working as you ended up in hospital let us know how you get on and good luck 👍x

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to

Will let you know . But I’m going to my daughters in England it’s a 5hour jo and I’m dreading it , as I have not traveled. Since I got diagnosed at start of lockdown . So I’m a bit scared but need to try ad not seen my grand children since Easter . . Just wish they where coming here .Going to babysit for the weekend so it will be ok I hope 🤞🤞

in reply to Readmeastory

You will be fine enjoy your trip and remember your not alone !! X

auntyjean profile image

Can u ask to be sent to a continence advisory clinic. Within that department we have a bladder and bowel team who are very good.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to auntyjean

Seen doctor and getting sent for ultra sound and gastro clinic so will see what happens then . 😊

Bloodysick profile image

Sorry that you’ve had this experience in hospital. I was advised to use linseeds starting with 1 teaspoon a day building up to 2 tablespoons a day for my constipation. You must always follow the linseeds with a 250 ml glass of water. I’m up to 2 teaspoons a day and managing to go to the toilet. Hope this is of help to you. X

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Bloodysick

I take flax’s seed and kiwis this helps . And a laxido at night and one in the morning . But today I’m the opposite I think the lactalose finally kick in and I’ve had the big D . But never took it yestarday . So just letting my bowel settle . And deal with doctors another day as just don’t want to go back in hospital again .and to be honest can’t take much more so will try something more herbal .thanks for the reply everyone x

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Bloodysick

Although I had a hard time the nurses where brilliant and looked after me well . The doctor where also good although he was only interested in getting my bloods salts up . But everyone working there where busy but still spent time making sure you where ok . From the cleaner to the tea lady . So I can’t fault the care just wish they had sen5 for a gast doctor . Still unwell and salts ar3 still low . But hot bloods tomorrow . So will see what happens .

Bloodysick profile image
Bloodysick in reply to Readmeastory

Hopefully your bloods will be improving, hope you start and feel better soon. Xx

jordyn15 profile image

I suffer from from a functional slow transit bowel also diagnosed thru a colonography. After 7 months of suffering I am now coming right by my own research. I take one sachet of laxido daily .In the afternoon I have a teaspoon of slippery elm powder. You must mix this with a tiny amount of water to make a paste and leave for 15 minutes then top up with a full glass of water and drink. At bedtime I have a small glass of warm water and prune juice and a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. Throughout the day I eat two kiwi fruit. My sodium levels were 128 so I was limited to four only cups of fluid a day and they are now normal but everything is working with only manageable bouts of pain. Try It and good luck I am 75. Gabby

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to jordyn15

Two senna and laxido . My specialist said I had redundant bowel with slow track .for got that bit 😊

Readmeastory profile image

Hi thanks for reply .I do eat 2kiwis a day and add flax seed to my cereal . Or porridge I was on lidocaine one tablet in the morning and one laxido at night .it helped relax my bowel but , but doctor took me off this tablet and gave me 2swpenna at night along with a laxido and then ended up taking 2senna and 3 laxido over the day . In hospital but never really helped pain got worse . So I’m home and doing 2laxidi and 2 teaspoons of milk of magnesia . It’s getting my gut sorted . But nothing is taking the pain away . The lidocaine or constella 290 as it was call helped with the pain . So I’ve been back to doctor and waiting on a ultra sound as my pain centres round my right side where scar tissue has formed round my bowel and causing a narrowing . When I asked if the could operate and remove that doctor said no would cause more problems . But specialist afte4 my colonoscopy told me no cancer you’ve got Diverticular and slow bowel with narrowing . His words where diet laxatives and trial and error . Final insult was I don’t have a magic wand to make it better . When I asked what I could take for the pain . So left his office in tears . That was at the start of lockdown . And it’s been hard so to be honest I’ve really just given up . Doctor said let’s see what ultra sound looks like . I’ve asked for a mri but was told the wait would be to long . Rant over . But when I feel a bit stronger I will try the elm 😊

Gardenlover2020 profile image
Gardenlover2020 in reply to Readmeastory

I’m sorry you’re having such a tough time .

Have you tried Macrogol sachets brand names Cosmocol or Movicol for your constipation or better still the prescription medication, Prucalopride, that has been the best thing I have taken for my constipation.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Gardenlover2020

Itake laxido but I’m going to ask about prucalopride . But doctor at hospital at hospital was very dismissive , but lay doctor said see what scan says , but today the tightness around my middle is bad . I can feel it all moving slowly through from my right side to my left .,but wrote thoses names down as will try anything for a pain free day ,😀

Gardenlover2020 profile image
Gardenlover2020 in reply to Readmeastory

Just googled Laxido , it’s pretty similar to Cosmocol / Laxido , but the Prucalopride is different . I was prescribed it by the gastroenterologist who said because the Cosmocol was not really helping , I qualified for being prescribed the newer agents namely Prucalopride or Linaclotide .

Ask your doctor about them as they are newer & you seem to have to really push the doctors to get them , they seem reluctant to give them I don’t know why .

Are you in the UK ?

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Gardenlover2020

I just re read your reply and I was on that tablet and it did help me . But when I went into hospital the specialist took me off it giving me 2senna At night plus a laxido and 2laxido during the day so was in pain . But before I would take my tablet linaclotide in the morning then 1laxido at night . And I would have pain but not as severe as when I stopped taking it . . So do you take linaclotide at night or morning .

Gardenlover2020 profile image
Gardenlover2020 in reply to Readmeastory

I take Prucalopride in the morning & Senna & cosmocol at night , I’ve been trying to get off the Senna but I don’t seem to be having much luck with that .

I tried linaclotide once & I still have some , but it just gave me diarrhoea , it’s the gut motility I seem to have trouble with that’s why the Prucalopride is my best bet so far , to be honest I don’t think there’s anything else to try ?

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Gardenlover2020

I find senna gives me a lot of pain .because I have a narrowing in my bowel it seems to get sticky and takes awhile to pass through I can be in pain all day with it . But will ask the doctor about prucalopride . I had to but in a stool sample before I get to see the gastro. Specialist . I hope. I hear soon . Doctor told me to wait till I’ve had ultra sound and seen gastro . But in the mean time pain is bad . But nothing I can do .

Gardenlover2020 profile image
Gardenlover2020 in reply to Readmeastory

I hope you hear soon so you can get the help you need & relief from the pain . Have you tried Dulcolax? Is that any better than Senna ?

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Gardenlover2020

I’ve just bought some so will try that in a few days . Just going to take laxido for a couple of days the try dulcolax . But yesterday had a better day . So just wait to see what happens .

Gardenlover2020 profile image
Gardenlover2020 in reply to Readmeastory

They do a liquid Dulcolax as well as the tablets , it didn’t suit me but that doesn’t mean it won’t suit you , it was recommended by a gastroenterologist .

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Gardenlover2020

Thanks for all your help and being there to listen .

Feaviour profile image
Feaviour in reply to Gardenlover2020

Linaclotide is very expensive! I have also been discouraged in my enquiries about this by gastro specialist. Movicol no longer very effective after over 20 years of use, and is adding to constant pain.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Feaviour

It was a private gastro doctor who wrote to my doctors and put me on it . But doctor in hospital took me off it but he said it was a new drug to him . But anyway will be asking doctor to go back on it like you pain some days I just want to scream .😫and I’ve only had it for 2years . My poor husband and son are put up with a lot as I’m profoundly deaf and need someone there to do telephone appointments .so very frustrating at times . As lost my hearing after a virus infection 10 years ago . I woke up deaf and now have limited hearing in one ear . But rely on lip reading and facial expressions but with masks Makes that impossible . But doctors sometimes will wear a face shield which helps .

Gardenlover2020 profile image
Gardenlover2020 in reply to Readmeastory

It must be very frustrating for you , the IBS is bad enough on its own , without you having to deal with additional health problems. Mine has only been short term as well , like you & it started about 18 months ago with a bout of constipation, completely out of the blue & has never gone away . It’s life changing, isn’t it , in the worst possible way .

jordyn15 profile image
jordyn15 in reply to Readmeastory

Hi from Gabby. I live in NZ so the sachet is called molaxole. Every other stimulating laxative caused all my pain so now with only the sachet ,,kiwi and prune juice, and flaxseed I can take control of my bowel function. My diet is porridge and three prunes everything morning, I follow the low food app diet and went gluetan and lactose free. Not as complicated as it sounds and to be pain free after 7 months and a 9kg weight loss is oh so worth it. By the way I am only 50 kg and didn’t need the weight loss.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to jordyn15

I live in Scotland near Glasgow . I’ve about giving up I got diagnosed at the beginning of the first lockdown . So after all the tests came back cancer free thank goodness . Was left with diverticulitis and redundant bowel with scar tissue . Anyway I was handed a leaflet . About it . Seen dietian but tried gluten free and dairy free still the same .but not tried food map diet yet. Anyway I eat porridge and prunes as well they do help . But after that stay in hospital I’m slowly reducing my laxatives and using more natural stuff . But I’m convinced where I had a bowel op at 2 years of age 64 years ago that is where I feel the tightness is and also ive had 2 C sections . . So will see what ultra sound says and gastro clinic when I finally come see through . I went from 67 kilos down to 48 in six month as I was scared to eat . I’m now 55 kilos and eat healthy al, home made .fe£ up trying .thanks for the reply 😊

jordyn15 profile image

Sounds so much what I went thru with not eating because of the severe pain. Trial and error taught me that it was the laxatives that were giving me suicidal cramps. They put me on an antidepressant and lorazepam to help control my anxiety and panic attacks. My pain is in the sigmoid colon on the left side where the diverticula disease is hence a redundant or slow transit bowel. Do try the slippery elm powder the way I mentioned which is most important ,and the flax seed and stick with the prunes and kiwi. I have been in Dr!s surgery crying and saying You Are Not Listening To Me ,,to be told that I have to learn to manage it. They are so against surgery but maybe with your extra issues you may have to push and push for it if nothing else works. Otherwise ask to be put into the psych ward for protection as that is what this pain and hopelessness does to you. Try taking a family member with you to plead your case. Good Luck, I so understand . 🌹

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to jordyn15

Thank you for your reply I’ve been there but find that the specialist don’t really listen to you just gave me more laxatives . I’ve looked at slippery elm before and they also do it in capsules . As I. Just fed up trying . And lime you been in tears at the doctors but as they say no cancer showing and virus I’m not a priority . So it’s hard .but weaning myself of laxatives and will try slippery elm . But how I’m feeling at the minute is just surviving. Even writing this is hard as Ijust really can’t take much more . But just have to get on with it . Will let you know 😊

jordyn15 profile image

The capsules are not as good as the powder and it has to mixed the way I mentioned. You will still need to take flax seed and prune juice and kiwi. I have been where you are now but have two wonderful supportive daughters who supported me at my appointments as I had had enough and was about to give up. Please find a friend or family member to go with you and plead your case 🌹

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to jordyn15

I have ordered the slippery elm powder. See how it goes . . 😊

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