Does anyone suffer with Mid back pain with IBS... - IBS Network

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Does anyone suffer with Mid back pain with IBS (D)

3443Ness profile image
52 Replies

I have had middle back pain for afew days now haven't had this before was wondering if anyone else has experience this with ibs any advice would be appreciated

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3443Ness profile image
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52 Replies
tigerjuz86 profile image

Hey yeah I do in flare ups belly bloats and pain goes to left side and pain in shoulder pain area ., wishing fast relief for you :) x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

I'm in a bad flare up at the minute never had 1 this bad before. Hopefully it will settle down soon driving me crazy 🤣 thanks for replying

Rice333 profile image
Rice333 in reply to 3443Ness

The same . Hope it settles down .👍

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to Rice333

Aw hope you feel better soon too 😌 x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to Rice333

Thank you

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to Rice333

Thank you

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

Aw no thats awful to hear , I have to walk around usually in circles when like this don’t know if will work for you but I have acidophilus chewable tablets from Holland and barretts I take 2 when bad or toilet trips become bothersome , can take daily but make sure keep in fridge ,, n not a problem it’s the worse when feel like that , tomorrow a better day hopefully 🤞 x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

Thanks I will go to Holland and barrets and get some I will try anything at the moment hope your feeling ok x

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

Yeah anything worth a try when feel like that I wouldn’t wish on worst enemy’s when bad flares happen ,, plodding on atm but hope u feel better real soon too :) x

Fergie53 profile image
Fergie53 in reply to tigerjuz86

Yes, this is what I get, back pain and bloating and wind!

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to Fergie53

It’s awful ain’t it :( hopefully we all find something that works for us x

Bits1961 profile image
Bits1961 in reply to tigerjuz86

I also have that shoulder pain did not think it was connected till I read your post

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to Bits1961

It’s crazy what it can do ain’t it I’m learning loads on this forum It’s crazy x

Millss profile image

Yes, whenever I flare up my back pain gets sooo bad. I find stretching and some yoga positions to be quite helpful.... along with lots of co codemol🥲 hope you feel better !

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to Millss

I have been doing stretches but it isn't helping I try to keep of the co codemol as it doesn't agree with me and seems to make my stomach cramp more

Rice333 profile image

I have ibs but no back pain , stomach cramps and discomfort.

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to Rice333

This is the first time I have ever had the back pain but always suffer with stomach cramps and pain hope your ok and it ibs is behaving

Lyndad profile image

Yes - I get bad back pain too - I am in the middle of a flare up right now and it's not great...

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to Lyndad

I feel for u as I'm the same at the moment but trying the fodmap diet and it be helping with the diarrhoea but not the stomach cramps

19-43_Old profile image

Hi. Back pain - usually from the lower lumbar / sacroiliac region up to the lower ribs is common in about 60 to 80 percent of IBS sufferers but the pain can be felt in other regions too whether it be D, C, or a mix of the two. There are many 'theories' regarding the back pain/IBS link but (as usual) nobody really has any definitive answer, just plenty of could-be's. It can last between a few days and several months, and again nobody knows why. That's why they say doctors 'practice' I guess :-) Just wish some of them wouldn't practice on us :-)

Lyndad profile image
Lyndad in reply to 19-43_Old

Any info on the theories? I know it's pointless but somehow it keeps my head busy :)

3443Ness profile image

My doctor's have been like that even just getting to see them is a no go at the moment and trying to explain over the phone is no good as I carnt show them where the pain is on a phone call I suffer with ibs d but having test to see if it's IBD

Bits1961 profile image
Bits1961 in reply to 3443Ness

I gave up with my GP he is getting money for nothing but humouring patients. Well those who even bother to phone him any more. This covid virus has been a real bonus fo them workload must have been cut by 60%

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to 3443Ness

I had test for IBD the first one came back abnormal feacal calprotectin but then did 1 2 weeks later and came back saying ibs. I am now getting tested for H pylori but I haven't been seen by a doctor just phone call or emails of them I'm like u carnt show them where the pain is but I have stomach cramp burning sensation in stomach and back pain and haven't been able to eat for a week now so I am also loosing weight hope you get sorted soon

Curly7 profile image

Yes I suffered for years with it , I wasn’t sure whether it was indigestion, acid reflux but if rubbed my stomach I belched even though the paid San in my mid back not my stomach. I finally had a scan and it turned out to be referred gallbladder pain , I have a large gallstone , I would monitor how often you have the pain and how long it lasts and I would refer to your Gp for further tests.

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to Curly7

Thank you the pain is constantly there in mid of back I am waiting on results of a stool sample so after I get them if it's still the same I will make appointment with GP

tigerjuz86 profile image

how are you feeling now ,, im having a bad flare up now and thought of you and if yours has eased really hope so has its being a good few days :) x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

Hi hope ur ok hope your flare up settles down soon it is such a horrible condition. I am ill at the moment haven't eaten anything since last Monday had to do a stool sample for H pylori just waiting on results will let u know what they say take care xx

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

hey still feel awful not sure if weather or new iron tabs , I feel same cannot eat just feel nausea , body just aches not good on top of bad flare up ,, it really is horrible worst is drs dont know why we get it :( ,,

oh no thats not good at all thats all you need really hope you get sorted and its good news either way clear or to get sorted then it make huge sense why you've felt awful ,, you take care too :) x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

Hi was just seeing how you are I got test results back they was normal so GP referring me to gastroenterologist now don't know how long I will be waiting to see them but at least I will soon. Hope your on top of ur recent flare up I'm still having problems but sticking to the fodmap diet and gluten free foods which seem to be helping abit take care xx

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

Hi glad your results came back normal such a yukky job getting the samples but main thing is there clear

Your so lucky I gave up with dr and had to go to a&e pain was so bad and my anxiety so high ,, pain was worser then having my daughter wish I was lying but it was constant couldn’t cope no more and my pain threshold is pretty good

Any news on gastroenterologist hopefully not to long of a wait

Since been on lansprazole still painful but bearable if that makes sense

Was hoping I came and you was okay and eased :(

Glad you are getting some food in you as it burns you out

Try a complan so you get the nutrients in you too what your missing I get mine from Lloyds pharmacy milkshake type 3 pound odd for 4 sachets or they do a soup version

I do mine with water instead of milk still get goodness just less calories and less thicker shake then the milk so it’s not as heavy on my tummy

Please keep in touch and try get a dr call back and ask if could be gastritis or if you can use livi a video call app so can show them where pain is ,, if your on the nhs a lot of surgery’s are using this and can book your own day and time ,, if not on the nhs it’s £29 and they will send all details to your doctor can also refer and prescribe medications

If this is not possible I know you can’t get lansprazole over the counter and prescription only ,, but maybe ask pharmacist or give them a call and mention maybe gastritis and what could you use til see or speak to your gp ,, maybe something like gaviscon or pepto bismol is what I am using amongst the lansprazole while it goes down more

Hope this is of help to you n hope next time you reply it’s good news :) look after yourself x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

Hi sounds like you have had an awful time at least u got seen in a@e and the Lansoprazole are helping. I am still waiting for my appointment to see gastroenterologist but she said it could be awhile but at least I'm on the referral list. I lost 9lb in a week it's good for losing weight this ibs 🤣 I am eating ok now as they also put me in Lansoprazole which is easing my stomach A little bit but my stomach is still swollen I look like I'm due to have a baby anytime soon 🤣 I will try some of the complain. I am still having the dreaded D but not as bad but it's got an horrendous smell like death makes me feel sick 🤢 hope you start feeling alot better soon keep in touch and take care xx

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

Yep could say that can’t wait to feel half myself again

Oh no hopefully not to long as it’s awful not feeling yourself and knowing something up

Aha I know usually I’d be over the moon ive really been pushing hard for 2lbs week then beginning of may it was falling off 5lbs here 7lbs but felt unwell so wasn’t doing my usual thing to try

Oh that’s great I’m glad you are eating and are on lansprazole too ,, I wonder if yours is gastritis too and did it at it worsest give you anxiety that you couldn’t pin point as the dr at a&e asked me I’ve been losing weight without trying or too much ,, does it hurt really bad like right inbetween boobs and above the belly button like more pressurey kinda pain

Lol bless ya I’m surprised your dr didn’t ask you that mine does and like are you sure I’m like nope lol , Yeah mine is the same so bloated and won’t go away like a egg 🥚 I’ve found one day it seems to look like it’s gone down then goes back up I just try to keep on top of ginger tea , I don’t even like it lol but finds it helps ju for a good 20-30 mins

Have u been on them long I thought up to day 5 don’t think it’s working but my anxiety did subside within the 2nd day ,, 6th day started drinking broth n took the veg out now day 10 I’ve managed bit of chicken

And do you know what my toilet times my partner n daughter say it smells like something crawled up n died n I describe it as a poorly poo smell it’s not normal I know that

Me too and same for you keep on healing speedy hopefully as being told if it’s gastritis could take a while

You keep in touch too hopefully in week o few we can both say we are back to normal :) x x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

I didn't even try to lose any weight just kept dropping off my trousers looked like they was falling of me at work 🤣. I may have gastritis too as it sounds very similar to yours yes I have the pain between my boobs and belly button but also I have a really bad pain in my spine in the middle of my back don't know if that is related to my stomach problem or not but it's driving me mad😢.My husband and sons say the same thing about my 💩 they say it's like I've been dead for awhile lol

It's the most horrible smell I have ever known and it's so inbarrasing when u have to run to a public toilets when ur out.

The Lansoprazole started working after about 6 days that's when I started been able to eat again. But still got a swollen stomach especially at the top under my boobs . It still feels bloated all the time and really tight if I haven't heard anything soon I am going to go back see GP as will need more Lansoprazole as he only gave me a 28 days of them .

I really hope you start feeling better soon we both need a break from our guts must be due 1 soon mine has been constant since January now and getting me really depressed 😔 but just having u all to talk to helps ☺️ family and friends r good but u all understand with having the same problem the dreaded IBS.

Take care and keep in touch speak soon xx

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

Aw it’s crazy ain’t it when don’t want to lose it- it falls off lol

Yeah the lansprazole will help if it is and if you find relief in them and it returns when you stop them then know it’s that it can go quick in some people and they find relief in a couple days or can linger which I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be unlucky and be that one lol

My pain is like in the middle of my shoulder blades at the back and it does hurt even paracetamol don’t touch the pain from whatever is going on in there so I understand you there it’s definitely annoying and you just want to wake up without it just for a day ;(

Aha that’s funny I get them tho it really isn’t pleasant that’s for sure 😂

I agree something defo going on the insides what shouldn’t be

And oh I know but it’s gotta be done when I was younger a teen 20 years ago I wouldn’t dare use public toilets or at school I’d wait til home or knew it was completely empty now I just go especially since having the ibs lol

Yeah it really is Similar we could prob guess each other’s next improvement lol

Yeah that’s same as me it sort of eases slightly when I’ve woke up and when I’m laid down I think ooh yay ,, then sit up n think ohhh seriously goes tight and just makes you feel sicky

The worse of it I just thought was my ibs with the bloating and toilet troubles but a bad flare up but my pain sorta started left side under boob and into my blade in may and started concerning me when the bloat just wouldn’t go down and eggy looking like u said like your pregnant and then the pressure pain n thought hell no I don’t like this don’t remember ever havin a bad flare up for this long

Yeah I got a 4 week course just make me real dry and headache on and off but don’t know if that’s part of the healing but if my tummy better then 10 days ago I’m takin it :p

Thank you and same for you and we definitely do need a break and ,, oh no really you poor woman I take my hat off to you that’s so long to feel rubbish ,, mines just beginning of may apart from odd pain off and on upto then but that could be the ibs so unsure and I’ve struggled with it physically and mentally too your not on your own ,, your probably like me and feel your driving your family mad as you just keep worrying and asking why and what is it when’s it gonna go what shall I do what shall I eat your scared ,, I have I never would of thought before tummy troubles could do what it has done to me , you and probably more like us ,, and when you tell people your tummy hurts they like look at you stupid as your just explaining a stomachache or period cramps and think your exaggerating pain - truth be told I really just wish was period cramps o tummy ache it’s worse pain I’ve felt and the extras that come with it horrible feeling

Shame there isn’t a gastritis page on here as they be loads of tips or if they is I haven’t come across it

I know I feel same this forum has definitely kept me sane and not feeling alone and to know I’m not only one going through it because no one can really understand unless they going through it and the advice and well wishes keep you in a positive mindset

You take care too look after yourself & keep yourself hydrated as like I said not sure if it is the lansprazole or the gastritis but makes you feel like it’s dehydrating you :) x speak soon

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

I am finding I am thirsty all the time and wake up with a saw throat sins starting the Lansoprazole so yes I am drinking plenty but the bad part is I'm on loo loads as I'm weeing like mad 😂 I'm off to work now but will text u soon and see how you r take care and remember I'm always here if u need a chat xx

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

Yeah I drink n drink loads of water but still seem dry as hell especially mornings feels I didn’t drink the night before ,, wonder if that’s some sort of acid since been on them as I’ve had some yukky breath not had heartburn or reflux unless I’ve not noticed ,, haha yeah the loo is a favourite spot - have you found some days it burns not like a uti but like ur getting rid of toxins or that just me lol ,, aw glad your back to work that’s a positive that they are helping and got to be something gastro related

How are you feeling lately

I’ve been better then I was just more up then down but some days I think oh no when hurts n inflames n sick of waking up heart racing all time tires me out :(

Take care too and thank you for chatting it really helps

But same for you or anyone always here to chat and try help where I can :) x

3443Ness profile image

Hi was just seeing if ur feeling any better. Hope you are . I'm just the same but hopefully results should be back early this week. Take care xx

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

Hi I found you ive been having bad anxiety so my health panic kicked in and wrote a bunch and didn’t know how get back to you ,,

Anyway back to chat found out I have gastritis which in turn could of caused my low ferritin ,,

I’m currently on 9th day of 4week course of lansprazole and still real tender and tight especially upper abdomen it’s nowhere near as tight as was also found the pain between my shoulder blades have subsided unless it really flares out ,,

my appetite is slowly coming back after 6th day of being on them still not touching 1000 calories but I’m halfway mainly fruit and veg mashed at the min with a complan or 2 throughout day lots of ginger and chamomile tea or coconut water ,, quite glad as I lost 7lb in a week now I love to have done that but not this way ,,

Enough about me but have your dr thought about gastritis I had X-ray and bloods done in a&e ( had to go as the pain was giving me palpitations giving me anxiety put my bp dangerously high 207) thankfully come back down still bit high to what has been but 140 s is highest when in pain ,, and diagnosed off my symptoms

is your tummy solid throughout day like all day and doesn’t go down unlike a ibs flare up eventually gives you relief

Maybe worth asking hate knowing someone else is suffering too really hope you get sorted and bloods let you know something x x

tigerjuz86 profile image

Just checking in hope your on way to healing :) x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

Hi sorry haven't messaged back sooner yes I am starting to feel alot better still not 100% but alot better than I was my main problem at the minute is I still have the pain in middle of back feels like it's in my spine such a wired feeling. How r u doing is the Lansoprazole still working for u I am going to see if the GP will give me some more Lansoprazole as helping with the acid reflux still get it but more manageable. Hope your managing to eat something now. Take care and speak soon x

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

Hi it’s not a problem just got a bit worried for you ,,, oh that’s great that it’s getting better ,, aw no could be the reflux ,, I’m better then was still bloating n tender but I can breathe went back to drs got chronic gastritis changed my 15mg a day to 30mg x twice a day makes me feel bit funny but better then pain at the min lol ,, hopefully he give you more until your fully healed when saw dr he said my other pains and sleep are related the vagus nerve number 10 so with you having problems in gastro it travels through nerves ,, I just can’t believe I thought was ibs or woulda come sooner n eating bit better just tryin to introduce foods that won’t upset it gradually ,, how’s your eating found my pain subsides up to bedtime then in morning it’s back with vengeance but managing to sleep bit better so can’t grumble lol

Thank you for getting back in touch wish you full healing real soon :) x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

Hi sorry to hear your still having stomach trouble. Hope the higher dose of Lansoprazole starts to work better for you and the funny feeling settles soon. I'm like you still bloated and tender but the pain is manageable at the moment. I'm abit constapated at the minute that's unusual for me as I've always suffered with he diarrhoea but it's making me nervous as I now it will go back to diarrhoea just hoping I get some sign it's coming as don't want to be out and it suddenly happens 💩. I didn't realize the gastro affected the nerves maybe that's why I'm getting the middle spine pain it's constantly there it's such a wired feeling sometimes it feels like something is moving around if it continues I will have to go back to see GP but I'm sure thére fed up of seeing me lol 🤣 hope you start to be able to eat better soon and start to feel alot better too. Take care of yourself and keep in touch xx

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

Hey yeah it’s really getting to me now as it’s everyday ,, takes the edge off and pain in my back just comes now and then but still a struggle

Aw no I’m sorry to hear it’s horrible isn’t it do you find it’s worse in morning and still so dry even tho drinking loads day befor me

I have the off days few days constipated which makes the tummy tighter then after couple days it normal again but if you can’t go after couple days through diet maybe ask dr a bit of help It’s a weird one as you don’t know if it’s the lansprazole or the condition and I understand the toilet nearby especially as ibs it’s a fast sign so don’t have lot time the joys lol

Yeah I didn’t realise neither until dr said t affects a lot but I’d definitely go back I wish I kept pushing then woulda found this earlier but I get the fed up of you feeling but you just want to know as you know something just not right lol

Are you still on the 15mg dose maybe ask if could be a chance of gastritis or just ask for it to be adjusted and see if pain eases please don’t leave to long as this is one worse things I’ve had deal with I wish I was exaggerating too lol

Thank you me too and you too take care and keep in touch ;) x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

Hi sorry to here ur still not feeling good it's so horrible what u r going through your really having it bad at the moment and I feel for you.

I'm.the same as you constapated afew days then back to the dreaded diarrhoea 💩 my back pain has been bad especially in the middle of back and on my right side but yesterday I went for a wee and there was little black bits in it so don't know if I have kidney stones as my back has eased off a little bit now if it comes back bad I will make appointment with GP. Mine is all day the pain in middle of back hopefully one day it will stop.

I am still taking the Lansoprazole which seem to be helping alot with the acid reflux I have just ordered some more of the doctors as haven't many of mine left I didn't take them for 1 day and my stomach was in so much pain I won't make that mistake again.

I really hope you start feeling better soon as I know what a bad time u have already had and u deserve a break from ur tummy troubles. Take care of yourself and sending gentle hugs 🤗 x

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

I know I was hoping it be a good week or two not months lol

You just don’t know what to do when like that do you like eat more fibre or dont ?

Aww I can’t believe yours still hurts mine eased after the lansprazole not fully it’s still there like niggling so that sucks it’s still hurting you

Ouch had them before they really hurt plenty of fluids but may need X-ray or ct scan to make sure not to big

Oh my god thats not good all day pain mine worse in morning eases around tea time

And I know it just wears u out don’t it when it’s constant and you just don’t get why

Yeah I find helps me a lot and you really do feel it if you do ever come off ppi always ween off n get gaviscon advance as has rebound but i feel I need them more then I do not at moment till I’m healed a bit

I know me too but same for you hopefully you’ve had a breakthrough if not good luck on healing , sending cyber hugs back ;) x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

Hi tigerjuz86 was just seeing how u r doing hope you are well. I got a letter of the gastroenterologist they said I am.on the list but it could be awhile before I can get an appointment so will just have to wait now. My ibs d has settled down now since be on the low fodmap foods I seem to be more constipated now and bloated alot I'm also suffering from heart burn and acid reflux but still on the Lansoprazole which afew hours take care of yourself and speak soon xx

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

Hi not good at moment in constant pressure pain again giving me anxiety got phone appointment 28th hopefully look more into it as I would thought 60mg lansprazole a day would ease it by now :( ,,

aw great glad you are on the list hopefully it isnt to long of a wait

For you

glad it’s settled down and aw you just can’t win can you with stomach issues and not tried the low FODMAP just be careful as if you have acid n heartburn there’s some acidic foods on the list try always go ph above 5 foods ,,

it’s the bloating that gets me especially waking up seems the worst ,, are you constantly bloated or on off and when are you at your worst ?

Aw no , i still don’t know if I have acid or it’s the gastritis I get a weird taste and sensation in throat and the pressure but no burping or anything I don’t think , gaviscon did help slightly but it throws my blood pressure up so it’s a lose situation so do without

Glad they kept you on the lansprazole and yeah I get what you mean few hours

You take care soon and yeah speak soon thank you for getting back in touch ;) x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

Sorry to hear your still not well hope you had ur phone appointment and u got sorted it's horrible been in constant pain. Yes I am constantly bloated and still constapated I have never been constapated before always been IBS D this is a new one on me.

Let us know how u r and sending gentle hugs 🤗 will text u soon to see how ur getting on take care speak soon xx

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

I know I was hoping to feel better by now at least ,, been referred to gastroenterologist 12 august I should hear back so hopefully can find out what going on ,, it really is horrible especially when doesn’t give u a day off to reenergise and stuff especially on lack of sleep ,, aww I’m so sorry to hear that it’s horrible especially coz sorta puts pressure across chest and back ,, it must be horrible for you as you sorta know u would go now a struggle n can’t really eat constipated foods to help as might trigger reflux and cause discomfort so hard what to do isn’t it plus sorta makes you feel sick n uncomfortable ,, I’m doin a tad better gone from a 10 plus to a 7 n unless flare day n go to a 9 ,, thank you and keep me updated to so know ur okay too sending healing hugs back :) x

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to tigerjuz86

Glad u have been referred hope u get to see them soon I am still waiting for appointment but the last letter said it could be awhile so don't know how long I will be. Well finally went back to D this morning so I will c how I go but it feels good to get rid of some 💩 lol but I think I'm nervous as I start jury service today so think that's why my stomach is playing up hopefully settle soon as have had to take Imodium to help. Take care and let me know how u get on xx

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to 3443Ness

Yeah me too usually wouldn’t go to drs at all and try deal with it but it seems to drag and exhausts me probably same for u and others too , oh I’m hoping it’s not to long for you it be the backlog won’t it bet there’s thousands who need seeing to from last year who had cancelled 😞,, oh I bet it really makes ya cramp and feel ill glad you found bit relief :) ,, oh you can’t even turn it down you got do if called ain’t you hopefully nothing to unsettling ,, when ya have ibs Imodium are life savers especially if have to go out lol ,, I will do thank you just started a spoon o 2 of Manuka honey whilst in Holland and Barrett lady said it good for reflux so give it a try hope it works it’s expensive £26 and on half price sale at the minute , if eases in next week I will be getting a couple on the sale lol ,, take care and hope your day go okay x

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