What’s the longest anyone has had trapped gas? I’ve had really painful gas since last night in my stomach and even in my chest and I can’t seem to get rid of it it’s so painful
Trapped gas : What’s the longest anyone has had... - IBS Network
Trapped gas

Hi try walking around a bit and massaging your tummy. Peppermint tea is good for that too. Or have a boiling water
I have trapped gas frequently , it can last for days . I take Rennie Deflatline which help.
Hi . I sip boiled water and have gaviscon advance liquid. This always gets rid of mine also as Rizo1 says walk around and massage tummy. Hope your pain eases.
I have had trapped gas for up to two weeks and more , frequently x
I’ve had this for months colpermin peppermint oil capsules could help you or try windeze settlers hope it goes soon it’s horrible x
Days to be honest it’s really painful
Like Pansy2 I've started taking peppermint oil capsules, x1 per day. Also taking Yacult. I've been much better lately.
I often feel nauseas which I think is due to gas, for some reason gut issues result in excessive gas, I think there are specific conditions linked to it but often just palmed off as IBS...I can’t remember but think it’s to do with malabsorption so bile issues? ...must ask doc Google, but people in this group are very helpful.
I suffer with trapped gas most days.Mainly when I first get out of bed on a morning but it can come and go throughout the day. I drink very hot water and take rennies or rennies deflating.Definitely massaging your tummy helps and if I kneel down with my chin on the floor,bum in the air that helps release it! I did read about this position for releasing wind and it really does work but best if no ones around!😃 Also adding bicarbonate of soda to hot water is good.
I have it all the time - it gets worse every time I eat. Exercise helps such as walking and also abs exercises as does lying on left side and using a hot water bottle. Activated charcoal tablets may help and wind relief capsules from Superdrug.
Well, I've had IBS for about 40 years with bloating, it's really painful and due in a large part to normal and well-fermented gas trapped in the gut. Does that qualify as a half way to sensible answer I know you were probably referring to normal stomach/intestinal gas.
I’m currently also suffering with trapped gas and it is the worst then everrrrr pain be so bad in my chest that sometimes it hard to breath.
I do deep breathing.In slowly through nose to count of 7 until tummy swells pause then out through small gap in the mouth to count of 10.It can take a while sometimes but then you feel gurgling and wind eases.Walking around also helps.My wind often seems worse in the early hours.