Could this be IBS-C? Or could an anal obstruct... - IBS Network

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Could this be IBS-C? Or could an anal obstruction be the explanation?

fucsia1979 profile image
10 Replies

I am not sure whether or not I have IBS-C. As it is almost unheard of to get sent to a gastro here in Sweden for ‘minor’ complaints such as these, I would be thankful for some input.


I was chronically constipated already as a baby, hard stools all throughout my childhood. Have a history of child abuse and other traumas. Drank loads of mineral oil back then, had suppositories inserted when the oil didn’t work - and more often than not it didn’t - and was often in pain.

However, by the age of 20, my bowels started working flawlessly as soon as I started lifting weights after a long period without any physical activity. I would drink guarana powder and hit the gym first thing in the morning. My bowels were like clockwork: loo time struck precisely at 6.10 whether I was awake or not and it took me no more than 5 minutes to thoroughly empty it out. The stools were sausage-shaped, not smelly at all. I never passed gas, tummy was flat, never ached or anything. Lifting weights made me feel great and I started for the first time in my life feeling somewhat happy. My mind was clear, I could think straight, was creative and libido was high.

This lasted only a year though as I had to stop lifting weights. Went back to full-blown constipation, not going to the toilet every day.

Fast-forward to the present: I am now 41 and struggling with my bowels but things look a little bit different in many ways. I have relocated to another country, gone through years of depression when long-repressed memories surfaced again until I finally got therapy and life got a bit better. I have never been prescribed anti-depressants but I take turmeric + black pepper every day and that has considerably improved my mood. Thankfully I finally also met a kind soul that issued me a prescription for propiomazine to treat my chronic insomnia, which has also been with me for as long as I can remember. For the very first time in my life, I have slept every night of the week. I noticed how much more difficult it was to go to the toilet when I had spent the night awake.

So, my question is:

I go to the loo every day, sometimes as many as 5 times a day during certain periods of the month. The first urge comes when I drink my coffee. The stools are always thinly shaped, no longer sausage-like and the smell is foul, but they come out relatively fast. Then I resume my breakfast and usually get a second urge, but this time, in spite of the urge, it takes me a long time to get it done and it feels incomplete. The stools are very loose but I still have to push them. However, no matter how many times I evacuate it always feels incomplete, some days more than others. Some days I pass so much gas that it is impossible for me to attend any social situation. I have a strong feeling that there is something obstructing the anus. Could it be that I don’t have IBS but actually an obstruction of some sort? If that could be the case, does anyone here have any experience with anal obstruction? Thank you.

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10 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

Well, IBS C is not a "minor complaint." It is ridiculous that the Swedish health system views it that way. I would try to get a referral to a gastroenterologist, even if you have to exaggerate the symptoms a bit. Also, take a look at the FODMAP diet. Ask your doctor about the possibility of an obstruction. I am inclined to think not, but then I am not a doctor.

fucsia1979 profile image
fucsia1979 in reply to b1b1b1

Thanks for your reply. I have tried a couple of times to get a referral to a gastro but all I get to hear from the general clinician is that I should 'eat more fibers' and 'drink plenty of water', when I had already told them that I did enough of both. They assume that I am healthy enough to burden the system with my complaints and I am afraid to pay over 1000 crowns for a private doctor to tell me just the same.

I will take a look at FODMAPS, thanks. Btw, I've noticed that too much fibers is not good for me.

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to fucsia1979

The FODMAP diet does not have too much fiber. There is a difference between soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. I don't remember all the details, but I believe fodmap has mostly soluble fiber. There is more info. on the internet about this. It was invented by Monash University in Australia. Type Monash University fodmap diet into Google. There is a lot of information on their web site.

Meleber profile image
Meleber in reply to fucsia1979

I need to mind insoluble fibres. My GP told me once to eat more fibres (vegetables/fruit) but my body/gut told me that I should be careful.

Beezwax profile image

Hi fucsia1979,I am sorry to hear your story but with regards your issues going to the toilet the first thing I want to say is that bowel habits can definitely change with time/ age and sometimes quite suddenly or drastically. I was also given suppositories as a child, then I was ok for many years until developing problems in my forties. If you are female (as you mention certain times of the month) toilet habits can fluctuate with hormones. The other thing is you could have some type of prolapse from straining in the past, from having children if you are female or from weight lifting. One symptom of prolapse is incomplete evacuation. Or it could be caused by haemorrhoids.I am not an expert on depression or trauma but I have a colorectal nurse atm who says that constipation issues can be a lot about your emotional state.

Btw coffee is a useful laxative and I find it really helpful.

I don’t know anything about Swedish health care but they should do referrals to rule out other health conditions. If you can see a doctor mention the incomplete evacuation rather than just saying you have constipation.

Good luck.

fucsia1979 profile image
fucsia1979 in reply to Beezwax

Thanks for your reply, Beezwax. I'm definitely gonna look into prolapse. I have also thought about whether this could be the result of hemorrhoids. I don't have a bad case of them, but I surely have them, which I have gotten from straining. I don't have children, but you are right, I've also long noticed that my symptoms get worse during the pre-menstrual period.

yogaman profile image

Totally agree with the above comments. I assume that in Sweden it is not easy to see a gastro doctor like in the US. Do what you have to do to get to see one. I would go to the emergency room and let them know you feel you have a bowel obstruction and are in much pain and very worried. Best of luck to you.

Andann profile image

I had those later symptoms as a senior although I always had IBS to a certain extent. I had a colonoscopy 6 months ago, 2 polyps were removed and bowel movements have miraculously improved. Gp and gastroenterologist say that could be just because of the cleanout from laxatives but the gastro who recommended the procedure did so because I reported frequent pencil thin movements with urgency and sloppiness and incomplete evacuation .......I guess there's more than one answer but keep persisting for help.

fucsia1979 profile image
fucsia1979 in reply to Andann

Oh, thanks Andann! That's exactly how it is for me: pencil thin movements with urge and sloppiness and incomplete evacuation.

So let me get this right: you had this problem because you had two polyps, right? I'm glad to read about this as it could be an indication of what I have. If I am going to see a general practitioner again it is very important to me that I know what I am talking about and your reply will definitely help. I will look into polyps.

Andann profile image
Andann in reply to fucsia1979

GP and gastro say it improved probably because of cleanout and reset with the right bacteria but I cant help wondering what kind of obstruction the polyps were causing.

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