Hi all, I was off work a few weeks ago for a week as I was sick, had really bad stomach cramps, lack of energy and diaherria. I'd lost quite a bit of weight over a few months and had been feeling fatigued for a while. I went to the doctors and they did blood tests and they came back and everything was fine. I'm now getting stomach cramps again and I have just finished my period, loose bowels and fatigued again. Does this sound like IBS? Thanks
Could it be IBS: Hi all, I was off work a few... - IBS Network
Could it be IBS

I’d think maybe they’d do some more tests? Maybe a colonoscopy or endoscopy? My experience through the years has been that IBS is diagnosed after everything else has been ruled out. It’s frustrating but you may have to push to get more from your dr.
I’m not understanding? I mean she may have to speak up to have more evaluation?
It sounds typical of IBS to me. I get stomach cramps and diarrhea all the time. But I do agree, you should probably visit a gastroenterologist to rule things out. I had a colonoscopy in December and the procedure was very easy! Good luck xx
Stool test to check for H Poli a common problem worth ruling out .Dr told me 50% of population have it but most with no problems .its parasites in small intestines that take over the good bacteria .good luck
Hi, Go and discuss it all with the doctor. Try and get referred to a gastroenterologist. It could be anything but above all don't worry. 😊
You stated that you had just gotten over your “monthly”. I no longer have those but when I did, every month like clockwork I had the same symptoms. Diarrhea, cramps, fatigue, headache and my jaw or at least my gums would hurt? I still get the same symptoms 4 years after periods stopped? Dr says she doesn’t think it is related but I do! I used to avoid pop and chocolate, take ibuprofen, warm baths at night and a heating pad.
Hope you get feeling better soon! Keep me posted