Hi there!
I've recently been diagnosed with functional dyspepsia since all tests came back clear. It started with bad heartburn and stomach pains. Dr tested me for H Pylori, negative. Put me on pantoprazole (2x40 a day) for a month. The symptoms reduced quite a lot, but when I reduced ppi to one pill a day it all came back again. So I started taking ppi again. I requested an endoscopy because the pain didn't go away the second time I started taking the pills. I stopped my ppi 10 days beforehand and endoscopy was completely clear. Nothing to be found. Not even irritation.
Since they can't find any reason for my discomfort, they just told me to keep on taking the pills if they work. By now I'm worried the 3 months of taking pantoprazole before my endoscopy cleared up/masked any scary stuff like cancer or ulcers, only for them to return now. Or would my stomach still show signs of an ulcer if it had healed?