Nightime episodes IBS?: For nearly 3 years I... - IBS Network

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Nightime episodes IBS?

AHG123 profile image
29 Replies

For nearly 3 years I have had an increasing number of nights where I wake about 04.30 with an intense frontal headache, pounding heart, feeling agitated, needing a wee and I am windy.

I was diagnosed with IBS some years ago but during these nighttime episodes I don’t have any other stomach symptoms. I often do a soft motion on getting out of bed about 06.00.

I try to reduce sugar and eliminate gluten but this isn’t always the answer.

I have had lots of blood tests with nothing showing as abnormal.

I am a 63 year old female and don’t take any medication.

Do these sound like IBS symptoms to you?


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AHG123 profile image
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29 Replies
heartmatters1 profile image

The gut & brain are linked through the vagus nerve, so all sorts of symptoms are felt. I have extensive diverticulosis & have been suffering with everything recently. Your headaches could be caused by dehydration. I have to make sure I drink loads of water, which I find difficult. My bowels are in constant turmoil: painful, windy, constipation & diarrhoea, seems to have an effect on my bladder too 😖. My mental health is affected too as, in health anxiety. Have you had any other tests, ie colonoscopy?

AHG123 profile image
AHG123 in reply to heartmatters1

Thank you for your reply.

I drink over 1.5l during the day but few sips in the evening.

Not had a colonoscopy for a number of years. My GP has me down as ‘health anxious’.

heartmatters1 profile image
heartmatters1 in reply to AHG123

Me too all bloods normal except raised calcium which is freaking me out!

Hope things settle down for you soon.

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to heartmatters1

With raised calcium get you doctor to check your parathyroid hormone level vit D and Calcium at the same time. Almost everyone in the North of the world lacks vit d over winter but if calcium and pth are both raised you could have Hyperparathyroidism

heartmatters1 profile image
heartmatters1 in reply to Viklou

Thanks for your response. I do have vit D deficiency & raised calcium levels & I had to ask if they could check thyroid, so i had another blood test & they said all ok 🤷‍♀️.

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to heartmatters1

They need to check your parathyroid not thyroid

AHG123 profile image
AHG123 in reply to Viklou

I will look at that. Thanks

welsh12 profile image

Sounds like stress and anxiety

AHG123 profile image
AHG123 in reply to welsh12

But it’s not.

welsh12 profile image
welsh12 in reply to AHG123

OK best ask your Dr

AHG123 profile image

Have been doing so for 3 years. Blood tests ok so what? It’s not happening? You don’t know?

Gillyflower18 profile image

I used to get these symptoms before they found out I had sleep apnea. Very seldom not that I’m on Cpap.

AHG123 profile image
AHG123 in reply to Gillyflower18

GP did go through sleep apnea questions with me as I know I snore and do wake with a dry mouth but he dismissed it. Thanks for your reply.

Tuscansun profile image

check your bedroom (and your house) for mould - and I mean mould spores in the air. Mould mycotoxins can trigger those symptoms.

AHG123 profile image

heck that’s another angle. I have had rhinitis for years and use a nasal dilator. These issues began in my previous house. I was told years ago I was allergic to mould and dust mites. I bought a new bed when I moved here 18 months ago.

Thanks for your reply.

Carercmb profile image

No they don’t sound like IBS symptoms at all .

Sounds like sinus problems which nearly always give you a headache .

The pounding heart etc sounds like a mild panic attack .

Only elimination from your GP can help you.

buggins55 profile image

I have had similar symptoms in the night over the years turns out (for me) to be the vagus nerve reacting also makes me feel faint even though i am laying down it is sometimes but not always followed by a bm (yes even in the middle of the night) and I go back to sleep and then feel rough when I wake up and for a while during the day fortunately these episodes are rare now I have IBS c hopefully this will pass for you as IBS symptoms are ever changing

AHG123 profile image
AHG123 in reply to buggins55

How was an issue with the vagus nerve diagnosed and what did you do about it?

Thank you for your help.

buggins55 profile image
buggins55 in reply to AHG123

The vagus nerve thing is diagnosed by the symptoms and ruling out other things as with IBS I discovered mine when I experienced a strong response to a badly carried out mammogram which over stimulated the vagus nerve and made me quite ill with the same effects as i get in the middle of the night and during the day with IBS 'spasms' the doctor explained that the colon cramps affect this main nerve in the body which can in turn affect blood pressure momentarily causing the faintness and raise anxiety in the process the sudden waking may have something to do with this as well I also wake with headaches but I think that's because I sometimes snore and get dehydrated! as with most of these symptoms there is no magic bullet but bear in mind that anxiety and health anxiety often go hand in hand with IBS and it's not unknown to wake suddenly in the night with a panic attack seemingly out of nowhere I find that doing relaxation and meditation help when I have issues in the night and i'll distract myself with a book or something until symptoms settle and try not to worry (I know easier to say than do )

Frasina profile image

I heed what others have said; it does not sound like IBS....however, your doctors assumption of health anxiety could be correct. Something is triggering this response and the more that you are not finding the reason behind it, the more the response occurs. Perhaps it is worth addressing some of the symptoms rather than searching for the cause as that in itself is stressful and could be exacerbating your symptoms. There are various things you could try; peppermint capsules for wind, a paracetamol for headache... a sympathetic GP may even short term give you a beta blocker such as propranolol to help with symptoms. I am speaking from experience here as asides my IBS/IBD I also have a type of migraine and propranolol helps a lot.

AMH123 profile image

HelloI too have frequent awakenings during the night with an awful headache. It sometimes lasts the day. I've never related it to IBS but I read about Hypnic Headaches. This could be what you are experiencing.

AHG123 profile image
AHG123 in reply to AMH123

Yes recently read about that. I have a heavy heat pad which I put on my forehead and this helps somewhat.

Thank you for your reply.

xjrs profile image

I'm wondering if your reduction in water in the evening is making you dehydrated overnight. I used to wake up every night with a pounding heart which settled when I took a drink of water which I used to have by my bedside. I suppose you could test this by drinking water as soon as it happens. I now drink more water in the evening and these episodes stopped. Perhaps it's trying to find the right balance for what your body needs and not needing to get up for a pee in the night. Though would getting up for a pee in the night be less bothersome than these symptoms (if that is the cause)? They say that 2 litres of water a day is the requirement.

In terms of the potential for mould, I have rhinitis too and I found mould in my bedroom due to poor ventilation in an ensuite bathroom, which was ultimately fixed. I used to run an air purifier for an hour or so before bedtime which helped. I also now religiously open the bedroom window prior to bedtime to air the room, which helps with overnight breathing/rhinitis. I need to use a Nozavent too.

Edgar77 profile image

It's worth keeping an eye on your blood pressure. It may be the cause of head ache and the pounding in your head.

JumpJiving profile image

It could be all sorts of things. If you find yourself fatigued and/or dizzy and/or shaky during the day, get a 9AM cortisol test done to rule out adrenal insufficiency (cortisol levels naturally drop overnight but should rise before waking - if they get too low you can end up with symptoms as you describe)

welsh12 profile image
welsh12 in reply to JumpJiving

What's a cortisol test?

JumpJiving profile image
JumpJiving in reply to welsh12

It’s a simple blood test, but wants to be done at 9am

Poppyseed8 profile image

when you say you drink 1.5 litres is that water or just the amount of fluid a day because if you have IBS loose stools you loose lots of fluid that way so I think you cold be dehydrated I suffered from hormonal migraines and they all started around 4 am I always have 1.5 litres of water a day then always drink a glass before I go to bed but have several cups of tea throughout the day as well so I have around 2.5 litres of fluid

AHG123 profile image

I probably manage 2l of fluid in total. No loose stools. Have needed to get up once a night to pee for years so don’t drink after 6pm. Yes I will have more than a sip when I get up at 02.00

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