hi there I've suffered from ibs for about 20 years now ( getting worse ) has anyone else anemic and if so what do you take I've tried 3 different iron tablets from the doctor's and there a no no ...so she has gave me liquid iron ..I'm in my 2nd day ? thanks in advance ..
anemic : hi there I've suffered from ibs for... - IBS Network

Have you tried spatone they are liquid sachets and you have them with orange juice to help make sure the iron is absorbed?? I am currently taking iron tablets but they are causing stomach pain but i just have to get on with it cause i know i need them. I have used the liquid and that caused stomach pain too. The best thing to do if you have the iron related anaemia is to up your red meats and green veg if u can thats what ive found to help alot when i cant take the medication.
I had the same issue - I was given ferrous sulphate and that messed up my stomach big time. I was then given the liquid form and told to take as much of the dose as I could. I ended up managing 1ml twice a day instead of 5ml. I ended up taking Spatone which was a lot better - not perfect but an improvement. Ended up taking that every other day. I'm not sure how well my iron level is now - I still get dizzy but not as bad.
aww my god that exactly same as me ..a think I will stick to my spa tone and just have to put up with the dizziness..thanks so much for your feed back sometimes it just good to hear your not the only one that going through the same thing and not feeling like I'm imagining things
I take liquid iron as ferritin low
Hi. I have severe anemia and have been on ferrous gluconate. I only take 1 every other day with vitamin c and this is the best way to take them according to studies. There’s a Facebook group for people with anemia and the links to these studies are on there. Also the iron clinic on Instagram will advise and you can email them for advice x
You don't say if you have ibs-d or ibs-c, if it's ibs-c you should not be taking any iron tablets or liquid. Iron supplements are extremely constipating the only safe options are iron infusions which are done in hospital. I have them every year and they are painless.
ibs d ? never heard ibs .c ? sorry ?
doctors just said I've got ibs ...
Have you recently had a blood test for coeliac disease? I knew someone who had anemia for years until she was diagnosed with coeliac, which can block the absorption of iron.
I took the liquid stuff when I was anemic. It worked. I now cook a lot using a cast iron pan..you get iron in your diet that way. Haven't been anemic in a while. Good luck!
I’m taking ferrous fumarate, meant to be 3x a day, but have only been managing 1. Have had bad cramps etc, definitely feel as though they making my ibs worse. Waiting for blood test results to see if they have actually made a difference after taking them for 2 months. Also waiting on hosp tests to try find out cause of anaemia, Gp did say sometimes they don’t find a cause.?
Hi. Well I was diagnosed borderline anaemic a while back. Ferrous fumurate gave me diarrhoea after a week. I reduced the dose, same thing. I tried Hemaplex which is more bioavailable and yet again my guts played up. I now take spatone, which is gentle and yes I have upped my intake of red meats and green veggies. I have no idea what my iron level is at the moment, covid 19 has made the doctors go into hiding. Trying to see an actual human being now seems nigh on impossible.