So - I developed a very unnecessary phobia throughout my teens of throwing up and peaked age 22 when I dropped from 56kg to 44kg within two months nearly leaving me on a drip. I'm 27 now and though I havent been sick since 2002, I often try figure where my stomach truly lost it and most of my issues started since the phobia worsened . I remember starving myself as not to feel sick and became very constipated but rather enjoyed it as Id associate d* with bugs etc. The phobia got slightly better when I hit 23 and I nearly threw up that year without too much of an anxiety attack. I'm wondering whether there are other emetophobes who have IBS and if my emetophobia was the reason (I still get horribly panicky, depressed and anxious for days if I ever feel sick)
IBS & Emetophobia : So - I developed a very... - IBS Network
IBS & Emetophobia

Yes understand this, with me when I was 8 was very sick and from that day forward used to question everything my mum gave me to eat and when at kids parties used to come home and list what I'd eaten and if it would make me sick. Her reassurance eased my anxiety. This lasted a few years, mum went to see our GP and he more or less said I would grow out of it(a common diagnosis in the 60's)and I did. Whether it was a precursor of the IBS years to come I don't know, I always believed it was because we didn't have a bathroom or indoor toilet so I used to hold on until I gat to school.
hi!! i’m going through the exact same thing. i have terrible emetophobia and currently going through lots of IBS flare-ups too the flare-ups cause nausea and that triggers my emetophobia, it feels like the cycle is never ending. i’m 18 and have been dealing with IBS for about 3 years now. I used to get sick as a child a lot (maybe early signs of IBS?) so i think that caused me to develop emetophobia in the first place. I hope things get better for you
Hi lm now 64 an have had emetaphobia all my adult life l avoid alcohol lots of foods I'm a bit ocd cleaning for fear of germs causing sickness if someone says they have bellyache lm gone incase it's catching can't look after grandchildren if there poorly! Hate the word norovirus . I buy antiemetic on line so doc don't know how many l take. The ibs causes me to feel bit bloated sick oh the lust goes on an on! I've tried hypnotist didn't work lve tried therapy helped a little. I go to bed at night fearful of anyone being sick in the night god help me if l hear it! Sorry lm no help but it is a very common phobia
My life haha, thankfully Im never around children but dread my brother having kids as hes close to marriage now and Ive never took care of a child. Also aware that pregnancy will be a mountain as im already underweight. Im like you, my ibs sometimes kicks off nausea but thankfully i barely get it (probably why im scared). What antiemetic do you use? Im desperate to try one
Can only get it on persription so when l go on line it has to be agreed by a online gp it's domperidom.
I have also had emetophobia my entire life since I was a very young child and had a horrific bout of food poisoning. Developing severe IBS-D as an adult feels like a constant torture chamber! I too live with the fear, have never touched a drop of alcohol (don't like the taste anyway), avoid foods that can go bad, avoid people sick and children during norovirus/flu season etc. I could never have children but also would have avoided it with the pregnancy vomiting etc
It has waned slightly as I get older where I do take a chance eating out here and there but I research the restaurant for complaints etc. It also helps knowing that I have RARELY vomited in my adult life so knowing it usually does not happen definately helps with the fear. Having a lot of nausea with my IBS-D however has certainly been a cruel trick giving me panic disorder as well. I do take anti-nausea meds and klonopin very sparingly. I can relate with everyone here, wish I had the magic answer.
It is an anti-anxiety like Xanax, Ativan etc
Also suffer here too and since a child. Suffered with IBD-D since I was a teen. As others have said it’s very common and more prevalent in women. I also get a prescription for domperidone for nausea related to IBS and it does help ease my panic when I feel sick. I’ve been pregnant twice and as is common with emetephobics-I wasn’t sick once although felt mildly queasy in the beginning with my son. It is hard with kids and I’m definitely better than I was at dealing with them but still leave my husband to deal with stomach bugs! Cognitive behavioural therapy can be very effective but like many phobias you have to consciously work at it, it won’t just disappear.