hi all anyone got any tips how to stop feeling so drained after a poop..Had IBS for approx 15 years now ..in the past got the odd time when felt drained after going for poop but now it's most days ..it can be after first time going 2nd or 3rd time it varies ..length of time feeling totally drained is lasting most of day and all I can do is sleep ...Does anyone else have similar and how do they help themselves to stop it happening ? Thanks kitty x
Drained after a poop: hi all anyone got any tips... - IBS Network
Drained after a poop

Hi Kitty. Unfortunately I can't offer any advice on this but I did want to say that I experience this too. It doesn't happen every day for me though, only when I feel like I have a little flare-up. I end up being on the toilet for like half an hour and it feels like it will never end, and it completely drains all my energy.
May be look at trying to replenish your lost energy with a safe energy drink or energy tablet or a little snack.
Yes I need to have a lie down after a BM sometimes, even if it's a normal one. Let yourself rest for 30min with some relaxation breathing exercises
SO sorry me to - i often have the runes after my evening main meal - HORRIBLE!!!
Me too after a bad flare up-but can usually recover within an hour, I also feel empty and hungry
I am really sorry to hear that. Could it be that you are losing some minerals in your body because of it and that is why you feel sleepy and tired. Have you tried replenishing yourself with minerals sachets that are used after long hours on the toilet? Maybe you are dehydrated as well afterwards? Maybe that is something that you could try to see if it makes a different. I also find as silly as it might sound when that happens to me I prepared good chicken broth and drink it. It helps me to feel better.
Hi. IBS is for me extremely draining. No one really understands until they too get it. My life constantly revolves around loo trips. Some days I can cope, but others it's like it takes over my whole life. Had it since my forties, I'm now 72! I have to take imodium if going out, but always relieved when I get home. Don't do town shops anymore, just stick to local shops.x
Sorry to have it so bad ...your right no one can understand how bad and draining it is unless you suffer from it ..people think how can going to the loo an you so much ..I've gone on to imodium now to stop me going as much and have some good days so far a lot better than I was ...hope u improve ...thanks for your reply x