I have IBS D which is kept under control with FODMAP diet. I am now getting a pain in the "pit" of my stomach immediately after eating. Can anyone tell me know what is the problem? thanks
pain on eating: I have IBS D which is kept under... - IBS Network
pain on eating

It is probably best to seek advice from your doctor if you have any change in symptoms. They may want to carry out some further tests or suggest medication that might assist. If all is clear I have heard that enteric coated peppermint might help with IBS pain from meals.

Hi there,
We suggest speaking to your GP.
Are you doing the low FODMAP diet under the supervision of a registered dietitian?
Hi No, I follow the FODMAP way of eating from Shepherd's book. It worked very well for 2 years then has gone back to the way it was! It really is so disappointing. The specialists here (Eastbourne) do not know anything about the gut. I know more than they do. I am going back to square one and eliminating most sugars from the diet. thanks for caring.
You're welcome. Sorry to hear you're struggling.
We recommend working with the support of a registered dietitian. Have you asked your GP for a referral?