Hi I'm moirarichards. I used to take Lansoprazole. but I took myself off them I became short of breath and very wheezy I could only take two three steps and I had to sit down so I'm 3 days after stopping taking them I became ok so went to the nurse l had a intolerance to them so she put me on Omeprazole 5mg but I'm scared in case it happens again. I'm also COPD and that's why I didn't know no what was happening until I took myself off Lansoprazole.
Lansoprazole: Hi I'm moirarichards. I used to... - IBS Network

I would try the Omeprazole, (what dose? Is it 20mg), but keep an eye on the side effects. I have been on Omeprazole ever since they became known by that name, probably 20 years of more now, and have never suffered from any side effects ts, although I know some on this site have.
When I was first prescribed PPIs years ago I think I might have been given Lansoprazole or one of the other ones and it made me very dizzy throughout taking it (2 weeks). I read that esomeprazole (Nexium) had the least side effects, so I was prescribed 20mg of that and was OK on them for the course. It seems Omeprazole and esomeprazole are similar drugs.
Hi, omeprazole and lanzoprazole are only prescribed for acid reflux/ indigestion problems. They are in my opinion horrible drugs. Omeprazole severely affected my IBS and robbed me of my taste. Everything tasted of acid. I took myself off and I got my taste back after about 3 months. In my opinion I can't see why coming off should cause the symptoms you have. I read an article a while ago which suggested that it can contribute to furring of the arteries. I would speak to your doctor about it. Perhaps a less aggressive indigestion remedy.
I have to take Omeprazole just 10mg
For GERD esophagus ive just started to take them but hope to see the doctor soon.
Tried both omeprazole and lanzoprazole and didn't find they helped me with nighttime GERD, but DID give me a rather unpleasant sensation under the left-ish lower rib area, the base of the stomach or possibly pancreas which led me to read about the use of these - and that led me to decide to stop with them and take famotidine and/or Gaviscon at night instead, which both seem to work much better for me at night than the 'prazoles. The 'prazoles are not good things to take over any period more than a couple of weeks and i suggest anyone taking them does some research into the long term effects of these. DGL licorice is good, too...
NO problems after 6 years . Think out of the box for something else - good luck
One of the problems coming off any PPI is that when you withdraw, you can experience what is known as rebound syndrome. The protein pumps in your stomach which were suppressed by the drug can go into overdrive so best to withdraw from them very, very slowly and gradually.
I have been prescribed them as a prophylactic for several drugs I need to take - never used the prescription and got through without problems by adjusting diet and adding kefir and drinking plenty of water.
They were designed as a short term treatment but now seem to be prescribed for anything and everything - whether or not you have GERD or acid reflux. Why???