Hi, I have IBS m which is difficult to treat anyway my question is when I go for a bm it's normal but then I get a gurgling noise in my guts and hot and it gets painful until I expel.a large amount of diarrhoea afterwards it hurts and I feel really tired does anyone else have the same problem?
Exploding diarrhoea : Hi, I have IBS m which is... - IBS Network
Exploding diarrhoea

This is what I experience when having a flare up. I go normally once then twice, then the urgency becomes more intense, and cramps turn into pain, I sweat and ryth around until i can pass motion again up to another 5 or 6 times which always ends in diarrhoea. After this I'm usually freezing and exhausted and need around 6 hours in bed. My whole day is wrote off. This has happened at work this year to this level 3 times and I have had to leave and come home. Other times it has been when I have a late shift so I have recovered enough to see the day through on a very basic level.
Yes, similar to you -I have a BM no pain in the morning- then usually in the afternoon I get a pain and need to empty the bowel very quickly the pain only goes when my bowel is empty does takes me a little while to recover.
Have you seen anyone about the management of your IBS? For instance has your GP referred you to a dietitian to take you through the fodmap diet to help you control your symptoms?
Ugh! Your description is my problem as well. I have been taking pepperment oil caps and soluble fiber. Seems to soften the problem, however it does not completely knock it out.
I will say with the pepperment and soluble fiber, I have seem an improvement. Also, I am considering pepperment tea.
Hi, I cant take peppermint capsules they make my gerd worse (acid reflux) I've had gerd since I had my gallbladder removed now that was pain on a different level. I've never ever felt pain like it was worse than giving birth!! I was taking Zentiva Dicycloverine 20 mg tablets but they've put the price up to £200.00 for 48 tablets which is ridiculous!! so now I'm taking Teva Dicycloverine 20 mg which work but not as well and paracetamol . I used to take a different stronger pain killer can't think of the name but they took them off the market. I can't take co codinal I'm allergic to codeine and nurofen is bad for people with IBS.
For people with explosive diarrhoea it would be worth looking into Bile Acid Diarrhoea or Bile Acid Malabsorption Syndrome (they are the same). It is an under diagnosed condition which is easily treated. I had similar symptoms to those described above for over 40 years before I was diagnosed. I have been on a bile acid binder now for 18 months and have not had an episode since.