How can I relieve bad constipation with slow tract bowel . So fed up trying laxatives and doctors telling me no cure . Diet and laxatives that’s all they say . I’ve lost 17kilos in 7months
Please help giving up .: How can I relieve bad... - IBS Network
Please help giving up .

That's a pretty big weight loss. It sounds like you need a better doctor, one that is willing to do more investigation. They are out there. Have you changed doctors at all?
asked for second opinon and was told the same . But he suggest castella 290 . Been on it helps a bit for pain but not constipation. Go to doctors and sent to dietian so eating fibre and walking but nothing helps . So just going from day today . Although I'm lost weight I'm still in the ok on the chart . Doctors just haven't a clue .
You could try drinking 1942 glasses of really fizzy cola per day for three days, then every other day for the next ten days. At the same time, drink 2 litres of water every day, and also go for 2 x the minutes brisk walking per day. I would also ask my GI or GP to make sure I wasn't harbouring any thing else, with regard to infections or flares.
What is 1942 fussy cola or would irdenery cola work . I've asked for tests no infection . Been taken to hospital in ambulance 3 did tests no infection . On a drip and sent home . So feel done everything and no help . But I will try the cola . Thank you .
No wonder you are confused, replies like I have posted would confuse the most knowledgeable amongst us. I apologise for my typos. It should be 2x fizzy cola drinks and 2x ten minute brisk walks per day. I'm sorry, I can't remember if you have had a calprotectin test done. If not, then ask your GP to do one and make sure you get the full results, not just "normal".
I left you a link. Ask your doctor about linzez. It will help your intestines contract. If that doesn't work try detoxing your system. This worked for me. It's called internal sweep. You will have to do it for 2 months. Follow directions. You will get a tea to drink at nite. It has parasite killer pill you take in morning and I call it muddy water but it is special herbs powder you mix in water every morning. It is not very good tasting but I've done this internal sweep and my constipation issues are resolved . Trust me I have ibs with constipation and had it for laxatives would work if I used them often. I let it go for years where my intestines dont absorb properly and now I'm always low on iron. I have chronic inflammation in my intestines. But if you want to try that internal sweep I guarentee it will keep you going regular for a long time. But you have to do it faithfully every day for 2 months. I will see if I can find the link. Hope you feel better.
Its alittle price but you will have to buy 2. For 2 months. The probiotics are me when I say it is so worth it. Here is the link to the internal sweep.

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We recommend speaking to your GP and being referred to a dietitian.