Just left my GI doctor and he wont even run any tests on because I havent been doing the full cleansing that he asked me to do. I'm in tears im so upset I'm giving up if I do have cancer its gonna be too late to even treat. I don't know what to do im giving up on life.
Im giving up: Just left my GI doctor and he wont... - IBS Network
Im giving up

The problem is - if you're not cleaned out properly, the tests are no use. After 25 years wondering what I had wrong with me, I decided I had to overcome my fear of finding out what I was convinced was "the worst", and got tested a month ago. The prep is pretty grueling but it is worth it. Did you take all the stuff they gave you and eat the right foods beforehand? Honestly - I am such a wimp - if I can do it, you can.
He didnt even offer the test. He wants me to do a full 6 week cleanse.
Well do the cleanse - if you don't do it you'll be in the same position you are now
If you want the tests the doctor wants to be in the best position to make a diagnosis and he can't if you haven't followed the instructions you were given
Don't despair
Thank you for reporting back after your consultation.
When you read your post again-try doing it out loud- I'm sure you'll recognise how it sounds to others.
"Here is someone," you'll decide, "who is SO determined to be pitied for being mortally ill, she won't co-operate by following the pre-procedure diet."
To some it might sound as though there's perhaps nothing wrong and it's all a hoax.
The gut cleansing. Many celebs pay a load of money to have the same thing: colonic irrigation. (didn't Princess Diana indulge?)
It would be EXTREMELY dangerous to you to be investigated without this preparation. And ask yourself what it would be like for the medical staff dealing with all that gutful of shit!
You are in tears, and I'm not surprised. You are wallowing in self-pity and refusing help. What you need now, rather than wasting precious CI's time...time that we IBS-ers would value--is the assistance of a psychotherapist. (I speak as a retired social worker and councillor here)
Why not ask your GP how to find one, or ring iTalk or Samaritans today and ask how to get some therapy started?
TOUGH LOVE: This seemingly harsh post is because I'm very anxious about you. You need to find out what is behind your refusal to co-operate in the diagnosis of the symptoms you have been describing? Whose symptoms ARE these? Yours or those from the internet?
Best wishes
They are my symptoms.. And i would definitely do the pre procedure diet but making me cleanse myself for 6 weeks and diagnosing me with constipation before doing ANY tests on me makes me worry about what could really be wrong.. My symptoms are very serious blood in stool is never a good sign...
Sorry, I think that's extremely unfair. Proper tests need to be done to rule anything sinister out, if they show nothing, then the 6 week cleanse should be looked at. If someone is extremely worried about their health, and lets be honest, we know our own bodies better than anybody else, then they at least have the right to have their minds put at ease. There is a very low risk of complications from colonoscopy and ultrasounds, and none from stool tests so I really don't understand why these health professionals are so reluctant to be safe rather than sorry and just check! I suffer from chronic constipation that came out of nowhere one day and it is debilitating. My mother died in her early forties of small bowel cancer and my father has a colostomy bag due to severe ulcerative colitis and my gastro didn't want to perform a colonoscopy on me - said I had nothing to be concerned about. This is what I mean, perhaps its nothing sinister, but why not check to make sure before fobbing the patient off and telling them to take laxatives for the rest of their life?
We are not after sympathy or wallowing in self-pit, we want our lives back and want to stop stressing about the worst.
My advice is to do as much research as possible surrounding your issue and opt for all tests that are relevant. Some doctors can be difficult, try not to get upset with them and be diplomatic when discussing your concerns, its better to get them on your side. Do not give up, this is your body and your life and we all have the right to be healthy and happy.
Thank you for your comment... Relief to see that someone knows how I feel. I will not be going back to the gastroenlogist as he is useless.. I am going to the hospital tomorrow with my mom I'm sure I will be admitted I'm terrified of the outcome but there is nothing else for me to do to get help. ;/
All good - don't be scared about the outcome of going to hospital. Regardless of what it is, if something is found to be the cause, in my opinion, that is a good thing. It is not easy going through what we are going through, and people that aren't experiencing it simply do not understand. I would probably be the same if I hadn't experienced it myself. Head up and stay positive.
its so scary I dont know what I will do if I get diagnosed with something life threatening like cancer ;( scared isn't the word to describe how I feel
I went through that stage too and lost sleep worrying about it. Truth is, there are ALOT of other causes for GI problems such as this and unless you have a strong family history of this type of cancer it would be extremely rare, especially if you are young. If its a bad outcome, all you can to is to be strong and deal with it. My fingers are crossed for you, good luck!
P.S if you have blood in your stool I'm extremely surprised the your gastroenterologist doesn't want to do a colonoscopy - that is a total red flag.
Don't assume the worst if it was cancer they would have found increased white sells in your blood. How to u mean by clense
Thats not necessarily true I have read a lot about it because I'm very concerned. I have been constipated for months so he wants me to start taking miralax daily and magnesium citrate and ducalax daily to try to get my movements normal. THEN if that doesnt work then he'll tell me what the next step in diagnosing me is.
I am a retired gastroenterologist and I have just read all the comments. I must admit I do not know why anybody is advocating a six week bowel cleansel A bowel cleanse with picolax or Movicol, Laxido, Moviprep, Kleen-prep, which all contain macrogol, takes a few hours to start working and you should be clean in a few days. Then you can have a colonoscopy. It's not such a big deal, whereas the increased worry about cancer is. Magnesium citrate and dulcolax may treat the constipation but will not clean you out.
I would suggest trying to explain the situation to your GP and perhaps ask him or her to explain or intervene by contacting the consultant. The NHS is meant to be there to help and reassure us.
Okay .. I am worried now. Thank you.
Some good advice for you here, some a bit harsh given your possible state of mind and worries, but well meaning nevertheless.
I don't envy you the cleanse make sure you keep the fluids up (clear ones of course).
Talk to your GP soon, and ensure they see the anguish you are going through. Good luck
Listen to the gastroenterologist. He's right I was given movical before a colonography, which is a virtual colonoscopy followed by a sigmonoscopy nothing sinister found which was a relief. So have some tests. Like u been very anxious and still ups and downs. Don't feel guilty about being worried and anxious. I also paid to see a psychotherapist because wait so long under nags so long
Sorry didn't finish reply meant nhs wait long. Psychotherapist really helped. Hope things start to improve for u soon