Can anyone help Me please I've had 4 ish approx flare ups within a matter of months its making me bed bound when it flares up is their anything procedure wise what can stop these flare ups I'm on mebeverine for spasms and cramps in my stomach which helps with cramp and that but not the flare ups any suggestions would be appreciated the doctor has referred me to gastric consultant
Ibs flare ups: Can anyone help Me please I've... - IBS Network
Ibs flare ups

When you say you have flare ups do you mean you have diarrhoea or just stomach cramps? I had month and months of diarrhoea which made me bedbound as I was so weak. I started taking probiotics every day and Boots Ibs tablets also eating yogurt daily to try and settle things down. When the flare up were chronic I took antibiotics for a very long time to settle things down. It was a nightmare I thought would never end. I have to be careful with my diet even now and only eat very plain food. Nothing spicy. Just chicken, salmon, potatoes, chicken soup, very few vegetables, eggs and bread. I hope you soon get some help.
Hi im the wife of brendan and i have had ibs for 2 years . I had colonscopy and scans on lower addomen and upper abdomen and the technician who scanned me said my colon was in spasms and suggested food allergy could be reason consequently i went gluten free,i did not test as coeliac when dr ran test but apparently you can be wheat intolerant, the change in 3 weeks of being gluten free was vast ,i also eat bio live yoghurt which i find calms my bowel if i get signs of flare up. I suggest you keep a food diary and see if you can find a trigger. I find if i eat too many vegetables and fruit its not good which is a shame as i love fruit and veg. I hope your test results are clear and you can manage with diet adjustment i know only too well how restrictive this can be.
Jenny legood
I had whole milk yesterday from costa and since then its flared up again
Could be that you are lactose intolerant so try cutting out lactose and see how it goes i think there are so many people on here who really strugglefor answers and you have to rule out one kind of food at a time and usually for a few weeks before you get a result if it is intolerance. I sympathise with you as i know you are restricted from social life sometimes.
In my opinion Mebeverine every day is far too much
Have you kept a food diary.probably linked to a onions,shrimps,sultanas,curry.u was in mebeverine for on here one day how made sone prople worse.u stopped n improved.have u tried buscapan.?
Yoga, Pilates walking all can help.
Gassy drinks and fruit skin peel can slso be a trigger.
Have u had sny tests like gor dairy inyoletance or coloniscopy to ruke out anything other than ibs.
Hope gastro doctor can help.
Usually its. A case of managing rather than a cure though dome people do get completely free of it.
Hi Rhino. So sorry you have so much trouble recently. Have you had stress situations which have triggered it or may there is something such as alcohol which might not agree with the drug you are taking? I had this condition but was only told I had a bowel bladder problem . I was on the same meds as you but found fibre gel flavoured sachets helped to make the condition manageable. Instead of a shooting bowel I could have a comfortable day. Since then found out I had multigrain ,egg ànd some dairy intolerance from a test. Removing intolerances helped within days. If you have IBD then then the runs predominate. If it is IBD then constipation is the main frequent symptom.
Saw the reaction to milk. Guess dairy might be a difficulty but sometimes going lactase free can help. If your allergic to the milk protein casein, then then drinking milk might be difficult. As I am multi grain oat wheat and rye, there are other substances in them other than gluten which can upset you. Barley is used to make beer, malt products in sweets and confectionery and malt whisky and marmite possibly. Fish paste ,sausages, and processed foods often have cereal added. Corn syrup in sorbitol and in food can also affect you made from maize flour. Fruit can also be a potential allergen. You may be fine on some but might have intolerance to grapefruit orange juice which is not the same as fructose fruit sugar intolerance. No one wants to go for invasive tests before trying to remove certain foods. A bad bout can be helped with co- codamol the full dose and may help relieve the pain and other symptoms. This was recommended by my pharmacist and is over the counter here.
Agree with much of this. Have a bit of read about fodmap and getting a gauge on the food groups you are sensiitive to. That will help you make progress. Probiotics also great for the microbiome and having a calm happy gut.
I bought some acidophilus priobotics from holland and barrett so hopefull they suit and work for me the assistant said to keep in the fridge is that correct