Flare Ups exacerbate Haemorrhoids? : Just... - IBS Network

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Flare Ups exacerbate Haemorrhoids?

MrXile profile image
7 Replies

Just curious if anyone else here has ‘piles’, and they’re effected a lot with flare ups?

Im okay until a flare up makes me visit the toilet 4-5 times a day, and then usually on the third day of excessive pooping my piles start to bleed a lot.

As I’m also on blood thinners, so it tends to bleed a lot into the bowl at every subsequent visit and this lasts a few days.

Anyone else in the same boat?

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MrXile profile image
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7 Replies
CalRW profile image

Yes I know what you mean, I get the same especially as I have IBSC! I can’t take ibuprofen as I too get the excess bleeding if I do. Very scary and dramatic when it first happens but my GP has assured me nothing to worry about. It is only if it’s sustained bleeding lasting weeks that would be a cause for concern.

MrXile profile image
MrXile in reply to CalRW

I think that was my experience: scared. Good to know it’s nothing to overtly worry about. Thank you.

MatthewU profile image

Get your pile tied off in an outpatients appointment

Will1234 profile image

Hi MrXile,I also have piles , caused I think by IBS D ,they bleed a little most times after D and worse, if it is a flare up . I saw a consultant and had them banded. Basically that did not really cure the issue . He wanted to do another procedure but I declined this after research . Piles tend to just return .

I can say that in my case the problem was and is , very much improved by using Alum crystals in a mixture .

You can buy Alum powder , or pebbles on line . Mix around one part crystals to 4/5 parts warm water . Soak a cotton ball in mixture and apply to area in question . Piles shrink and bleeding stops . You can in the meantime try same method with Witch Hazel , easily obtained from a Pharmacy.

Might not be a total cure but certainly stops bleeding and shrinks any pile , especially if it protrudes when IBS flares up.

Hope this helps .


MrXile profile image
MrXile in reply to Will1234

Hi Will,

Thank you for the response, lots of good information and helpful advice which I’ll take.

I’ll find some alum crystals and be prepared for my next bout!

Can I also ask, after a bad flare up, including bleeding for a few days, does it usually take you 7-14 days for your anus to feel ‘normal’ again? It does with me. I always feel ‘edgy’ down below, always feels like there is more waste to come out if you know what I mean.

But man this IBS D and piles is a nightmare.

Currently four weeks in to a low fodmap plan, trying to ascertain triggers - a slow process to hopefully resetting my gut biome at the same time, so possible a win win.

Cheers again for the helpful advice. Much appreciated.

Will1234 profile image
Will1234 in reply to MrXile

Hi MrXile,'re your question about your anus not feeling normal . Not entirely sure about that . However , if I assume , the this uncomfortable feeling is due to a pile coming out possibly after a toilet visit then I would say yes very uncomfortable until it shrinks back . These things are basically varicose veins and they descend and swell.

Hopefully, with using the alum crystals mixture you will find the shrinking takes place straight away . You can also gently 're insert the swollen pile with some suitable otc ointment . Ice wrapped in a thin cloth or even loo paper applied to the area can also help if really bad .

In my experience , they don't entirely heal because when you have a flare up straining even with diarrhoea brings it on again. The good news is, that with the Crystal mixture to help it can be resolved right away . Lastly , you might have to play around with the mixture strength to get best results and it helps to use hot water to crystals.

Hope this helps , these things are really not nice and last thing you need when suffering with an IBS flare up.



SteveR12 profile image

The only reason I believe I now suffer with stage 3 haemorrhoids is because nobody told me when they first started coming outside my anus, was that the only thing that mattered was getting them back inside it IMMEDIATELY. It takes about two or three minutes, that's it! Done!, just unbelievably simple!! I just get a square of kitchen paper towel, fold it in four so it is thick, squeeze it several times under the cold tap, then a final hard squeeze to get rid of excess water, then I gently put it on my outside piles and push fairly gently with my fingers, and keep that pressure applied. You will think nothing is happening, but it is, the fluid is draining back out of the piles are shrinking, then suddenly you will realise they are “much deflated”, keep adjusting your pushing slightly and they will slide back in - Huge relief!, and instantly you have no problems at all, literally solved instantly, no pain, nothing! I have to do this now every time I have a bowel movement, and they also sometimes slowly work their way out if I walk or stand for too long. I believe the fact nobody told me this really, really simple and totally effective solution you should do when they first "came outside" my anus, meant they were left being constantly stretched outside, and you should never ever leave them outside and they therefore suffered possibly irreversible trauma because they were left out and stretching for so long. I was putting Preparation H, etc, etc on them and actually thinking that would shrink them and make them go back in on their own, LOL!! - so please learn the horrible lesson I have learned, and don't worry about putting ice/ Preparation H/Anusol/Witch Hazel on them and hoping they will go back in, just push them back in instantly as above whenever they come out. If I occasionally have a very rare problem getting the last one back in, i just use a bit of lubricant of whatever kind to help them slide back in.

I am currently trying to regress their size and trying to get back to stage 2 haemorrhoids by restricting my diet so that I have bowel movements less than daily, as bowel movements are what pushes them out and causes the repeated daily trauma to them keeping them large, so i will see how this works, did a fast for a few days last week and worked really well - obviously don't do any fasting without speaking to a doctor first. Best of luck one and all!

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